Forensic without kites

Chapter 342 The code is treacherous

Chapter 342 The code is treacherous (11)

"The day after tomorrow... the day after tomorrow? The day after tomorrow!" She finally remembered that the day after tomorrow was her menstrual period.

Maybe it was because of some karma she had done in her previous life, and every time she had her menstrual period, she had to be in so much pain that she would die before she would give up.The last time she had her menstrual period, Gu Jingnian boiled all kinds of traditional Chinese medicine for her. She cried and refused to drink, so he coaxed her in a low voice and took care of her for seven whole days.

"Remember now?" Gu Jingnian said coldly.

"Hmm..." She said shyly, hanging her head on his hot chest, her face was flushed red.

"Now that you remember, go over there and sleep for me!" He tipped down the chair next to him and put her on it.

At this time, Wuyuan realized that he had taken off his wet coat at some point.

Men are born hangers, with an excellent golden ratio, and their body management is against the sky.

Wuyuan's face burned with a bang.

Even though I have seen his powerful body many times, but those are ridiculous moments when I am unconscious or when the sky is dark, which is not at all different from the pure silence at this moment.

"Squeamish, it's not like I haven't seen it."

He pierced through her small thoughts with a single word, his tone was cold and gloomy.

After all, she knew whether it was her fault tonight, so she closed her eyes and turned to the car window, curled up and said nothing.

She remembered the words of the old Chinese doctor with white hair who was taken to the villa by Gu Jingnian in the middle of the night to relieve her pain.He said that this little girl got such a problem at such a young age, I am afraid that the palace is very cold, recuperation is inevitable, do not touch the water, otherwise all previous efforts will be in vain.Don't be afraid, he was still nagging before he left.

My heart is very uncomfortable.

Gu Jingnian was probably going to explode in anger, she was squandering his favor like this.

Suddenly, his cell phone rang.He picked it up, said "um", and then hung up quickly.

Wuyuan heard him push open the car door.

In the torrential rain, Aobai, who was delivering the ginger soup, opened his mouth to wipe some of the rain from his eyes, and saw Wu Yuan lying sideways on the downturned car chair, her long black hair curled into a ball of waterfall and slightly hanging under the chair, Dui Gu was caught The rain-soaked coat was draped casually on the back of the chair, and a cool dampness rushed over his face.

He suddenly felt very embarrassed, and blushed a little, "Captain...captain, sister-in-law... is sister-in-law alright?"

He didn't know when he started to learn such a trick, and he was called Wuyuan's sister-in-law.

She was lying on her side, her heart beating violently.

It has an inexplicably sweet smell.

She was embarrassed to make a sound.

Gu Jingnian smiled, and glanced at the woman pretending to be an ostrich, "No big problem."

But Wu Yuan felt that the smile that seemed to emanate from the depths of his chest was precisely because of Ao Bai's sister-in-law, and she felt that he was much happier in an instant.

"Did the DNA test result come out?" He took Jiang Tang and asked.

"It's coming soon, Jiang He is rushing." Ao Bai said.

Aubai returned after delivering the ginger soup.

After closing the car door, Gu Jingnian said to the silent woman, "Get up, drink the ginger soup."

There was still a hint of a smile in his tone.

Wuyuan got up, took his bowl, and drank the ginger soup in one gulp.

A pungent smell entered the stomach along the throat, and felt the heat spread all over the body in an instant, Wu Yuan still felt a little proud.

You must know that she doesn't even like to touch such things at ordinary times, so she has to use all kinds of severe punishments.

With a slight smile in Gu Jingnian's dark eyes, he touched her forehead and said to her, "Go to sleep, it's almost dawn."

Yes, it is almost dawn.

Another unknown person is dying.

He sent Obai a dry overcoat to cover her.

Eyelids drooping gradually, Wuyuan looked at him like a star, his eyebrows were illuminated by the light of the computer, his stern cheekbones were faintly radiating coldness.His sword eyebrows were all wrinkled.

She was thinking, at such a moment, how much she loves this man in front of her.

So much so that she wondered if she wasn't just a forensic doctor.She can also be an excellent criminal police officer, so that when he is tired and hit a bottleneck, she can confidently tell him about the years. I think this case should be like this...

(End of this chapter)

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