Forensic without kites

Chapter 334 The code is treacherous

Chapter 334 The code is treacherous (2)

The alley is so narrow.

In the space as long as a tunnel, only one person and one car can pass by, and there is no half light.The top of the wall made of green bricks was already covered with moss, every time she passed by, Yang Mei always had to be careful not to rub the wall and stain her clothes.But tonight, she completely forgot about this, and pushed the cart, walking fast, so that her left elbow rubbed against the wall. In such a humid rainy night, her sleeves were quickly stained.

But she didn't notice it at all.

Because, just by smelling the smell of blood in the air, she obviously concluded that someone's dog was accidentally run over by a car traveling at night.

The desire to wrap her belly made her feel happy.

The electric car stuck to a corner of the wall and was pushed, like a donkey with iron hooves stepping on the green bricks, making a rattling sound.From the end of the alley to the end of the alley, the sound became more and more dull.

Suddenly something soft was kicked under his feet.

Her heart moved, "Ouch!" cried out.

It's very dark, you can't see light, you can't see anything at all.

Strangely, there must have been a drowsy street lamp hanging at Boss Wang's house at the end of the alley, but it was out at this time.

She didn't think much of it, and quickly leaned the car against the wall, and took out her hand to turn on the light.

"Ouch! No electricity!"

"What are you going to do? It's dark, you can't see the work at all? There's no other way, let's check it out!"

She really crouched down.

Unexpectedly, the bloody dog ​​was crushed to death by the night train. Her fingers touched a pack of plastic bags. She rubbed it hard through the plastic bag and barked again: "Ouch!"

Who is so rich!Whose slaughtered pig will not be picked up even if it falls to the ground!
It turned out that there was a slaughterhouse nearby. Midnight to 4am happened to be the busiest time for the butcher. Stalls from various night markets bought meat from here and transported it back to the store to make delicious delicacies to welcome customers.

Yang Mei guessed that this bag of meat should have fallen from a night stall, and the meat was quite firm when touched by hand, so it should be pork.

"Get rich! Get rich!"

Fumbling to untie the bag, the water droplets falling from the sky stained her temples, and she smelled a strong smell of blood, which was very fresh, and the pig should have been slaughtered not long ago.

But on rainy days, the meat is cold and cold.

She couldn't control it anymore, she grabbed the pocket tightly, and the old waist exhausted all her strength before she lifted it up and put it in the basket of the car. Even though the hands that touched the meat were covered in blood, she seemed very happy. "Ouch, ouch, Daliang has meat to eat, Daliang has meat to eat. He said a few days ago that he felt weak all over, and today he picked up meat just to nourish him. His body is weak, too weak..."

Yang Mei clung to the handlebar tightly, facing the needle-like rain curtain, stepping on the puddles with one foot deep and one foot shallow, and disappeared into the long black alley.

Behind her, drops of reddish-brown blood dripped from the basket of the car and landed in puddles of puddles of puddles of water.

The son went to bed early, and those medicines made him groggy all day long.

Yang Mei called her wife and prepared to salt all the meat so that it would not spoil if it was eaten too much.

"Why do you buy so much meat? Only our son eats meat at home. I don't eat it, and you don't. My son likes fresh vegetables. If you buy so much at once, how can he finish it?" Already refunded Hugh, Huang Yao, who now relies on picking up junk to maintain his family, is known as the old man Huang staring at the big bag of meat on the stove and complaining a little.

"Hehe, don't worry, don't worry, I picked it up on the road! It doesn't cost a single penny!" Yang Meile laughed.

"Picked up? So much pork?" Old Man Huang was also happy.

"Now my son has meat to eat! His nutrition can keep up! Hey, he is sick, he has to eat well, sleep well, and have nothing to worry about to heal quickly. It's all our fault..." She secretly wiped tear up.

Old man Huang seemed to be touched by the sad thing, he lowered his head and remained silent.

"Hey, old man, take care of it, wash it, put more salt! I'll go see if my son is asleep!" As he said, he strode out with red eyes.

The house was small, and her son's bedroom was next to the dilapidated kitchen. As soon as Yang Mei gently opened the door of the bedroom, there was a terrified scream from the kitchen.

"Foot! Feet!"

(End of this chapter)

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