Chapter 318

It was cold and windy on the way back.

A young couple passed by her.

The man reached out to hold the girl in his arms, and put the untied coat on the girl.

Wuyuan didn't hear what the boy whispered in the girl's ear, but judging from the girl's blushing face, she should be both shy and sweet.

The couple hugged each other and went away.

Wu Yuan felt extremely sad in her heart.

Never once have I felt so lonely in my life - when I open the address book, the friend column is blank, and there are very few people I know, most of whom are colleagues.Her life is as monotonous as the drifting snowflakes of this city, with no beginning and no end.Not knowing where to go, where to end up.The explosion of the earth is nothing but melting.

In the past three years, she lived really cleanly.

So clean that it has no connection with anyone.

But why is this heart so uncomfortable...

She lowered her head, recalling the scene she saw in the QHD study while faltering.

The woman in the photo had a smile on her face... Who is she to him, and why did he leave such sentimental words on the back of the paper.On whose side are people.On whose side are people.How anxious and thoughtful he must be to make such a melancholy cry.Tonight, Yuqing sleeps without sleep, has he ever been unable to sleep all night like the poet Nalan Rongruo, standing under the door with his clothes on, thinking of his sweetheart...

Without warning, a piece of the heart was bitten off by an insect, and a dense pain like needle pricks spread in the meridians of the limbs.

Wu Yuan frowned, with a look of pain in her eyes, she covered her heart and squatted down.

A piercing friction sound resounded through the night sky from behind.

She raised her head in surprise, but the two beams of dazzling headlights made her unable to open her eyes.

The tires rubbed against the road covered with thin white snow, and a puff of blue smoke rose up. She squinted her eyes and let go of the palms covering her eyes, and saw Gu Jingnian walking towards her through the dazzling light.

She stood up slowly, looking at his tall and straight body, the tears in her eyes were immediately dried by the cold wind.

"Wu Yuan, you are so brave!" Gu Jingnian's face sank like water, he stared at her and gritted his teeth.

"Is this necessary? What are you still pretending to do here!" Wu Yuan said in a nasty tone, turning her head and not wanting to look at the furious color on his face.

"You're reasonable! You ran back to BJ without saying a word! Have you ever thought about others! Have you ever thought about me! Have you ever thought about how dangerous this road is! Do you want me to read it to you word by word? !Do you know that after you left, the future! Before doing anything, can I take my feelings into consideration! I am a man, not someone who comes and goes when he is called! Can you be a little conscious!" He grabbed her arm that was yelling, and yelled at her head and face.

"I'm not conscious? I didn't consider your feelings? I didn't think about others?" She threw off his confinement, the wrist he grabbed so hard that her eyes filled with tears, she looked up at him and sneered He said: "Hmph, what about you? To this day, you still hold her heart in your heart and write poems for her, so you take my feelings into consideration! Your name is Xu Ruyun, right? Are you pretty? Hehe, of course she is beautiful! Yes I was recommended by a gold medal dance instructor, how bad could it be! You are right, I am not considerate and understanding enough! I still dissect corpses all day! I got mixed up! Go find the lover of your dreams!" Wu Yuan said fiercely the last sentence, before the tears burst, she turned and left resolutely.

(End of this chapter)

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