Chapter 288

The sky in this city is gray and gray.The heavy rain washed and poured wantonly.

Gu Jingnian got down from the car door, and the heavy rainwater poured on his dark waterproof windbreaker.His face was gloomy and gloomy.

Go around to the other side of the car door and pull Wuyuan down.

"Let me come, I can." Wuyuan reached out to take the umbrella held high in his hand.

With a sullen face, he gave her the umbrella.

Turn around and walk forward.

A dozen burly bodyguards in black surrounded Wu Yuan in the center.Just 10 minutes ago, the police station was alerted that a nurse in QHD Hospital had her throat cut, and it is suspected to be a homicide.

Without saying a word, Gu Jingnian recruited all the bodyguards lurking beside Wu Yuan, and followed her every step of the way.

The boots stepped on the ground, splashing layers of water.

"Niannian!" Han Ruohong stood on the hospital porch, the rain splashed her white clothes and sleeves.

Gu Jingnian took off his wet windbreaker and threw it into a corner, "Is the scene protected?"

"The first nurse who left the noon shift walked through the garden and found the deceased. The scene was immediately sealed off. All patients were forbidden to enter the hall. The entire cardiac surgery inpatient area was sealed off!"

Gu Jingnian quickly walked past her.

Well-equipped criminal police surrounded the hospital layer by layer.

Wuyuan followed closely behind.

It was raining heavily, and there were no people in the garden on the first floor of the Cardiac Surgery Inpatient Department.The hall was empty and deserted except for the fee-paying and medicine collection and the listless patients.

The nurse at the front desk seldom took a nap.

Zhinan deserves to go to work early and get off work at two o'clock in the afternoon.She has been staying in the hospital, and her dormitory is located east of the inpatient department of cardiac surgery.It happened that it was raining heavily and she did not bring an umbrella.It is necessary to pass through the large open garden on the first floor of the inpatient department to reach the shelter from the rain.

Cover your head with your hands.

Running, at the corner of an open-air corridor, she tripped over something.He fell to the ground with sticky, warm liquid on his palms.

Professional habits made her jump up all at once.

A corpse dressed in white was presented in front of her.

Screaming through the cloudy rainy day.

This is not the first time Wuyuan has faced such a murder case.

There have been countless times when I shuttled through the bloody crime scene alone, autopsyed, traced, and investigated, without fear at all.

For some reason, when she was standing in the back garden of the pavilions, the wet rain fell on the umbrella cover.The handle of the umbrella held in his hand weighed a thousand catties.

For the first time, she felt creepy.

The deceased, Xiaolan, was 29 years old this year.He is a pharmacist in the Central Pharmacy of the Cardiac Surgery Building with 9 years of work experience.

The dead man's throat was sealed with a knife.

The sharp blade cut through the thyroid cartilage, cut the throat, and a large amount of blood flowed back into the trachea.Congestion of both lung lobes.Sudden pulmonary edema and massive blood loss caused him to convulse quickly and die.

"The deceased experienced a very severe ventricular fibrillation before he died." Wu Yuan squatted beside the corpse, looking at the twitching corpse.

"Carry the corpse into the front pharmacy." Gu Jingnian ordered.

Li Zhan, the director of the Cardiac Surgery Institute, hurriedly ordered the nurses to open the side room of the large pharmacy, where there were several long stainless steel tables for screening and registering drugs.

Now it is perfect for holding corpses.

"Put on some clothes." Gu Jingnian gave Wu Yuan a set of protective clothing.

After such a thing happened, even facing her, the color on his face was still very dark.

Wuyuan suddenly understood him very well, and put on the protective clothing without saying a word.Stand beside him.

The side room is small and connected to the big pharmacy next door.

In the big pharmacy, there are not even half of the staff now.They were all evacuated by Li Zhan.

In order not to affect the autopsy, Gu Jingnian asked bodyguards to stand outside the door.And the noisy Mo Bai was also sent to the scene for trace inspection.

As a qualified forensic doctor, as early as in the forensic school, he must have learned the knowledge of on-site trace inspection thoroughly.

Wuyuan was very reassured about him.

The lights were on brightly.

"I'll have a craniotomy. Are you going to have a laparotomy?" Gu Jingnian said.

"Okay." Wuyuan opened the dissection box she carried with her, and arranged the dissection tools one by one on the table covered with a sanitary napkin.


If you feel a little confused about the reasoning in these chapters.Looking back at chapters 245, 246, and 263, earlier, my brother had laid down many lines.

In addition, the 4th update tonight and tomorrow night may not be able to be updated on time, and may be delayed.Please don't come to refresh in the early morning
Also, I found that many babies come to refresh and read books in the early morning.Be good, don't do this, it's your sleep time, you should sleep well.Brother can stay up late to write articles, but you are not allowed to stay up late to read, it is not good for your health QAQ
(End of this chapter)

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