Chapter 284

Because they were separated by half a person, the hot and rapid breathing that did not belong to her body hit her earlobes, cheeks, and black temples frequently.

He is angry.

And the arrogance is not small.

She wished a hundred times in her heart that he would not scold her.

Because—the fingers of her left hand were shaking non-stop, and panic filled her heart at this moment.

He lowered his head, watching her constantly shaking her eyelashes, her throat rolling up and down.

His fingers finally unfolded the letter paper.

It seems like a long time.

The faces of the exposed corpses also thawed a lot.Water came out of Chen Zhongshu's pale and bluish Yintang, and gradually, a layer of water appeared on his face.

The pungent corpse odor rushed out from the mouth, nose and cochlea on the face of the deceased.

After a while, Gu Jingnian twitched his eyelashes, but turned around and shouted outside the door: "Xiao Bai..."

His tone was extremely hoarse.

It was only after shouting that something was wrong.

Obai is not here now, he has gone out.

He just straightened up and pulled the mobile stretcher.

Wuyuan wanted to carry the corpse out with him.

He shook his head and refused.

"But your clothes..."

When he followed her in, he didn't put on the protective suit for dissection. At this moment, he was still wearing a stiff and expensive suit.

"It's just a piece of clothing, it's not worth anything."

A frozen corpse will be heavier than normal.

Chen Zhongshu was a fat man before his death, but he didn't seem to use any strength in his arms.The body was easily moved onto a stretcher.

He was pushing the body out of the funeral home.

Wu Yuan asked from behind him: "Why do you doubt Bu Xuanting?"

His straight back stopped immediately, and a hoarse and deep voice came from the front: "You said you made zero mistakes on the dissecting table, and so did I. At the end of the autopsy that day, no corpses with missing vocal cords were found. This shows that What."

"Someone went into the freezer after you, did an autopsy, and took out a pair of perfectly constructed vocal cords." Her voice began to tremble.

"Yeah." He kept standing, his back tall and straight.

"Everyone in this police station cannot escape suspicion, why him?"

Since the big explosion, the entire police station is like an iron barrel, and not even a fly can fly in it.It is impossible for outsiders to touch the corpse.There is only one possibility - there is an inner ghost among them.

He didn't answer her questioning for a long time.

Suddenly, he raised his head and sighed deeply.Walk quickly to the door, lock the door, and pull off the monitoring system next to the door.Then he turned around, walked to her side hurriedly and panickedly, stretched out his big hand, grabbed her and hugged her tightly.

"Gu Jingnian..."

"Shh, good boy, don't talk..."

He rubbed his large protective clothing into his generous embrace, Wu Yuan stretched out his hands helplessly, his heart was hot and sore.She moved her wrist, moved her fingers, moved her hot face again, until the tip of her nose rubbed against his hard chest and felt a little painful. She could no longer go against the strong desire and fear in her heart, stretched out her hand and returned it tightly. Hugging him, hugging his strong and strong waist.

"I'm afraid... I'm so scared. Gu Jingnian, I'm so afraid..."

She has been murmuring these few words repeatedly, in the embrace of his powerful and hot chest, wantonly squandering the fanatical love he gave her.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here. I'm..."

So don't be afraid.

Later, they hugged for a long time in the cold storage room surrounded by cold corpses.It was so long that Wuyuan gradually couldn't smell the pungent smell of corruption emanating from the corpse, and his sharp-edged face and cold and deep voice lingered in his mind.

Then get drunk.

Only then did he let her go gently, "Sleeves."

"The sleeve of his left hand."

(End of this chapter)

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