Forensic without kites

Chapter 255 Hidden mystery

Chapter 255 Hidden mystery (7)

It seems that from the day he took office, a murder case was secretly planned-a famous economics professor died strangely indoors.The case has been shelved so far.Since then, all kinds of major crimes that disregarded human life began to spread in this city.Like a deadly virus, they are blowing towards each other at a very fast speed where people can't see.

In almost every case, the murderer's method of committing the crime is particularly tricky and very straightforward.The murderer and the victim had no direct contact, that is, they had never met each other, and they were strangers to each other.

What's even more frightening is that he has a vague feeling that the huge explosion that is happening in QHD today is inextricably linked to the previous murder in a secret room.Where exactly, there is no way to say clearly.But people's intuition is very keen most of the time, let alone a senior criminal policeman.

with a snap.

The dull sound of the lighter beeping pierced the silent air.

With a cigarette in his mouth, Gu Jingnian took a long drag.The smoke billowed round and round, covering the entire face indistinctly.He was leaning on the chair, with his long legs crossed, and his handsome brows were full of yin.

Could it be that once a case is solved, there will be an even more vicious case?

What about the target?
What is the purpose of those people hiding in the dark?
There was absolutely no entanglement between the perpetrator and the victim.

Xu Qingyao and Huangfu Li, who were killed by stray bullets in the snow forest, what secrets did they keep in their mouths, and who was the person who killed them secretly?Will it be their accomplice?Do you know each other?Why kill them?No matter how the criminal police team of the BJ Provincial Department followed up on this case, it is completely unknown.

The other party seemed to just evaporate silently.

"Ah!" The cigarette between his fingers burned to the end, his hand shrank from the heat, and his left elbow hit a bottle of coffee on the table.When the bottle was poured, the brown liquid flowed everywhere.

Gu Jingnian hurriedly stood up, threw away the cigarette butt in his hand, and dipped his hand into the coffee on the table, and found that it was cold.It happened that there was no paper on the desktop, so I had to randomly open the drawer, pull out a piece of paper from inside, and scrape the liquid from back to front, and scraped it into the trash can.Just like this, a lot of coffee was stained on the robe.He threw the paper away, got up, and went into the bathroom.

He took another cold shower and brushed his teeth specially to wash away the smell of cigarettes in his mouth.

This month, he plans to let Wuyuan sleep in his only bedroom.Just sleep on the sofa by yourself.

Gently knocking on the bedroom door, he planned to get out of the closet with a quilt.

The inner room is warm, and the quiet water of the night flows quietly in the room.

Wuyuan slept extremely quietly on the bed.Gu Jingnian gently crossed the big bed and walked towards the dressing room next to him.Only after he pulled out a quilt, Gu Jingnian freed his hand to turn off the light in the dressing room.

"Don't... save my parents... save my parents... oh, save my parents..."

A shrill sob echoed in the quiet night.

Wuyuan returned to that national road again, the sunset was red and the wind direction was good.She was parked there waiting for a red light while her parents' car was turning slowly to the right from the opposite intersection and onto another national road.

At this time, the big truck that had been parked in front of her crazily crashed into it.The car lost control, rolled over to the ground, and hit a side fence.

(End of this chapter)

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