Forensic without kites

Chapter 183 Blood on the Nib

Chapter 183 Blood on the Nib (86)

Gu Jingnian paused again.

However, the pen with a sharp tip pierced through the soft copy without warning, leaving a puddle of black ink on Wuyuan's right palm.She wrinkled, and looked at her palm with some distaste, but raised her head and plunged into his deep and dark pupils.

"But he didn't. He changed his mind at the last second, which is against the rules. He's a sadist, and the prey of his mouth can't give up. Unless, another person shows up. This person has something for him. He has a deep influence, he believes in him, and is willing to follow his command. He is the second murderer in this series."

He turned his head, blinked his thick black eyelashes, and glanced lightly at the woman beside him.

"Male. Over 180. He likes to wear black suits and blue ties or jet black ties. He has been at least three years old and hasn't killed anyone. He has a stable family and got married three years ago. A happy marriage has changed him , Curbed his impulse to commit crimes. His wife should be gentle, kind, and lovely. Maybe something stimulated him now, and he decided to commit crimes temporarily."

"Tall and thin, he is very thin."

"Has a good fortune. Top management in a big business."

"He graduated from the financial industry. He will not be very old. Between 20 and 25 years old."

"Superior intellect."

Ahead was a very steep Dajiao Bay, the Hummer made a sizzling sound, and the tires drew two shocking drag marks on the asphalt road.

Due to inertia, Wuyuan suddenly fell to the left.She was startled, and her thin eyebrows furrowed anxiously.

A pair of warm big hands even caught her shoulders.

"Be careful."

The man's scorching breath rushed towards his face immediately.

Her cheeks were a little hot, she just wanted to get up from him immediately and sit upright.

As if he had seen through her thoughts, he gently straightened her up, lowered his head and said to her, "It's better to wear your seat belt."

As he spoke, one hand went around to the other side of her body, pulled out the seat belt, and fastened it on her.

Wuyuan didn't move, but her cheeks became even hotter, as if a cluster of flames were burning, and she also seemed to hear the low laughter from the driver's seat.

She was even more embarrassed to move.

He looked down at her, only to see that on that greasy face, the two thick eyelashes blinked, blocking the sparkling light in his eyes.Her face was also dyed with a layer of rouge, her head was slightly lowered, but she was sitting very upright, causing the blue sea in his heart to instantly stir up thousands of waves.

Resisting the heat in her heart, she said, "Ziqian, drive carefully. How long is it?"

"It's coming soon. It will be there in two or three minutes."

"Very good. Inform the sub-bureau detachment as soon as possible, and follow my portrait to search for targets within the entire BJ."

In front is the main entrance of BJ University.

The police car whistled and whistled and passed through the main entrance, and the green-faced college students on the road gave way to the avenue.

A large number of criminal police jumped out of the car and surrounded the library at a very fast speed.

Gu Jingnian left Wu Yuan in the car, and left a few police officers to protect her.

She protested strongly with an indifferent face, "I want to go in too. You have no right to restrict my walking."

"I have." He looked down at her with black eyes.

"I have an obligation to protect the woman I like from being hurt."

He touched the pistol, loaded the bullet, and said in a low voice: "Everyone has it! Rush in! First of all, we must ensure the safety of the hostages, and we must not act rashly!"

(End of this chapter)

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