Forensic without kites

Chapter 165 Blood on the Nib

Chapter 165 Blood on the Nib (68)

There was a sudden clicking sound from under his feet.

Mo Bai's whole body froze, and his face suddenly changed color.

And the muddy tears in Zizhen's eyes flowed even more violently.

"Everyone stay still!"

Gu Jingnian let out a low growl, and before everyone could react, he took quick and vigorous steps and approached the fence two or three times, stretched out his hand to climb a few times, and carefully landed on the ground with his feet .

At this time, Zhang Ziqian recovered his voice from the surprise.

"Team, Captain, what's going on?"

With a sullen face, Gu Jingnian tore off his white shirt, held it in his hand, and approached Mo Bai step by step.

"Mo Bai, listen to me. You must not move. Keep breathing, don't worry, don't panic. You stepped on a landmine."

He stared at Mo Bai with his dark eyes like this, and after speaking in a low voice, he spread the white shirt in his hand on the ground 50 centimeters away from Mo Bai.

"Deputy team, what's wrong?"

Wuyuan came running out of breath, the pent-up air in her lungs hadn't flowed through her head, her lips were unbelievably white.

"... Mo, Mo Bai stepped on a mine."

Zhang Ziqian said with lingering fear, large swathes of glistening sweat dripped from his flat head, across his rough face, and then fell into the gravel under his feet and disappeared.

Wuyuan raised her head abruptly, at this moment, it seemed as if a huge hand recklessly pierced her chest cavity, blood spattered everywhere, and even breathing was so difficult.

And that man.

What about Gu Jingnian?

He was lying at Mo Bai's feet, with his head bowed, and his slender white hands were carefully removing the weeds and rocks from the ground near Mo Bai's right foot, so that he could clear the mines later.

Mo Bai was really terrified.He could feel his right foot directly touching a large mine.If he is not careful, this landmine may cause him to lose his two legs and die on the spot.

No, it is to kill everyone on the spot.

If the murderer buried a new type of MX-7 smart landmine, once it is accidentally detonated, the landmine will rise into the air, and the instantly ignited gunpowder can spread within a range of 1000 meters.

At that time, everything here will cease to exist.Including all of them.

A cold wind rolled up the yellow sand and rolled towards everyone.

Mo Bai whimpered and closed his eyes, two lines of clear tears fell from the corners of his eyes.

The people on the side watched everything in front of them closely, not daring to show a breath, for fear of disturbing Gu Jingnian's demining.

"Mo Bai, look at me. Look at me."

Gu Jingnian had already removed all the gravel and weeds around his right foot, and gently felt a small groove around the sole of his foot.He was bare-chested, resting all his weight on the white shirt on the ground.

Mo Bai opened his eyes to look at him.

At this time, Zizhen uttered a few mournful sobs, kept crying and nodded vigorously at him.

"Don't panic, don't mess around. Remember, you must not step too hard on your feet, and you can't step too lightly. Otherwise, the landmine will be detonated. Do you understand?"

Mo Bai nodded, he had learned this in military school before.

Gu Jingnian took a deep look at him, "Okay, now follow my steps, don't panic. I'll clear the mines for you."

As he spoke, he leaned down again and took out a dagger from his trouser pocket.

Wuyuan stared at him without blinking, her heart was about to jump out of her throat.

She only remembered that she said to Zhang Ziqian in a very hoarse voice: "Go get mine sweepers and bulletproof clothing... No, mine clearance experts, go to the army to find mine clearance experts..."

(End of this chapter)

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