Forensic without kites

Chapter 158 Chapter 159 Blood on the Nib

Chapter 158 Chapter 159 Blood on the Nib (61)

The white wings on both sides of the night melted.

A white light tore apart the dark sky in the distance.Finally, the vast and boundless land that had been sleeping for a long time in this dark night became white one after another.

Gu Jingnian and his team drove over and saw such a scene.

The old man stood in the middle of the asphalt road with bare feet and thin pajamas.The cold wind messed with his gray and silver hair, and he didn't move at all, but his slightly rickety back made people couldn't help but shed sad tears.

BJ's winter has always been so cold and humid.Gu Jingnian is used to living here, so it doesn't matter if it's colder.

However, at this moment, he really felt a cold current that was slowly creeping up his heart, and there were bursts of cold moisture on his back, and he called out in a low voice: "Old man."

Could it be that he heard the sound and finally reacted.He moved his ears, and moved a few frozen fingers, and then slowly raised one leg and stepped over, and then raised the other leg.

The old man turned his whole body around.The two gray-purple lips trembled, unable to speak.

Gu Jingnian felt sad, took off his windbreaker, and strode towards the old man.

Putting the coat in his hand on the old man's thin shoulders, he fastened the buttons on the front for him.

"You, you are... the police?"

The old man looked up at him.

He stared at the old man for a long time, the expression in his eyes went up and down several times, and then he said in a low voice: "Sorry, we are late..."

The man's deep voice containing deep pain and annoyance was quickly blown away by the cold wind.

Two turbid tears overflowed from the old man's wrinkled eye sockets, rolled down his ravine-ridden face, and splashed on the asphalt road.

He opened his eyes and cried tearfully to a tall police officer he had never met before: "How could this be... I just woke up, and Xiaozhen was gone... How could this be, we have never had any grudges with anyone, How could this happen to me...the phone line went down...she, she disappeared without a trace in front of me...they ran so fast...I used to be a marathon runner and couldn't catch him, Not on him..."

"Old man, have you seen the murderer?"

Mo Fei shook his head and shed a string of muddy tears: "I don't know, I got up when I heard the sound, and when I ran out of the road, there was sound of cars, no people...everything was empty, as if Nothing has happened...Xiaozhen...She has never done anything harmful to nature, she is not willing to step on an ant to death...How could this kind of thing happen to us..."

Gu Jingnian didn't know how to comfort the old man, so he took his hand and pulled him back to the warm room.

"Don't worry, old man. We will definitely catch the murderer. We will do our best to rescue the victim, please rest assured."

Tears welled up in the old man's eyes, sobbed and nodded.

"Captain!" Zhang Ziqian walked over with a serious expression.

"Found this. The envelope was under the phone."

Gu Jingnian reached out to take the letter in his hand.

The white envelope was very clean, exuding a faint fragrance of jasmine.

He frowned, pulled out the letter from the envelope, held it in his hand, and paused.

It turned out that the fragrance on the envelope came from the letter paper.

He lowered his head and unfolded the thin letter paper with his fingers.Under the dim light, I saw an original poem that was neither long nor short written on the top of the paper.

(End of this chapter)

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