Forensic without kites

Chapter 144 Blood on the Nib

Chapter 144 Blood on the Nib (47)

A breath stuck in his throat, his lower body began to tremble violently due to lack of oxygen, and his slender legs shook into a sieve in mid-air.

Lin turned a blind eye to his pain, stretched out his hand, and the person in his hand immediately fell to the ground like a kite that had dropped its string.

A fell on the ground and trembled violently, coughing non-stop because of the sudden intake of air in his throat.

"I'm sorry, Lin. I won't do it next time."

"Pull back b."

With a flutter of black clothes, Lin turned around indifferently, the pitch black night shrouded his white mask, and his face without any contours was particularly oozing.

Song Xinyue didn't find her voice until the man escaped into the deep night.

"A, have you seen Lin's real appearance?"

A got up from the ground, reached out to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, and turned to stare at her with a gloomy light in his eyes.

"In this team, you shouldn't ask, don't ask. You shouldn't meet, never be curious. Otherwise, prepare your body bag."

This was the second time Mo Bai saw Gu Jingnian put on an anatomy suit with his own eyes.

Different from any other time, when he is an outstanding criminal police captain who is as cold as thunder and selfless, he is awe-inspiring.However, when he is the immediate boss of all forensic doctors, wearing a white protective suit, wearing boots of the same color, and half of his handsome face is blocked by a large white mask, he is so daunting and afraid to approach.

Apart from Wuyuan, Mo Bai admired this glorious boss the most.

He felt that at this moment, every movement of his hands moving over the corpse was so sacred and made his blood boil.

He thought that he would never go anywhere in this life except BJ's forensic department.

Except for a fatal injury to the left kidney, the deceased had no wounds.It can be seen that the murderer's stabbing speed was very fast, and he ended the life of the deceased with a single knife.

Under the glare of the light, Gu Jingnian was holding a pair of intestinal scissors, and was about to cut open the slender small intestine with his clear eyebrows.

At this moment, Jiang He knocked on the door suddenly, and said in a thick and urgent voice, "Captain, we got a very fresh fingerprint from a Sanskrit document in the BJ library. In addition, we found it next to the trash can outside the back door. A suspicious cigarette butt has extracted skin and mucous membrane cells from the saliva on the cigarette butt, and is currently targeting a target."

The man immediately put down the intestine scissors in his hand, turned around and strode towards the door.

"Mo Bai, you are here to complete the final autopsy."

Behind him, the blood-stained rubber shoes left a series of shocking tracks on the porcelain white floor.

According to the skin and mucous membrane cells extracted from the saliva of cigarette butts, after biotechnology testing, a target was finally locked.

Huang Zhonghao, male, 48 years old.He is the director of a prestigious law firm in BJ.For more than [-] years, we have been insisting on one thing - funding education in remote mountainous areas.With his help, countless poor mountain children have successfully completed their studies and achieved a career.Although he is well-known and loved in the society, he is only sitting on millions of assets, but because of his ugly appearance, he is still unmarried.

At nine o'clock in the morning, he came to the BJ library alone.

At [-]:[-], the camera at the back door of the library captured his profile as he left.

With the slender white fingers of Gu Jingnian's left hand, he turned the watch on his right wrist, and ordered without hesitation: "Catch me!"

Huang Zhonghao owns a high-end villa in the central area of ​​BJ First Ring Road.Usually, except for his subordinates, few people visit him.

He is quiet by nature. He moved out of his parents' house in his early years and has been alone all the time. He has not dated any girls so far.

Such a withdrawn person has twice occupied the top spot on the BJ Forbes rich list.

Two teams of criminal police quietly approached the villa from all corners, waiting for Gu Jingnian's order, and were about to break in the door.

 From then on, I never dared to go to the deepest part of the literature hall of the library and read on the desk there.Those secluded locations used to be the favorite of bookworms like me, but now I’m so scared~
  Happy National Day, everyone~
(End of this chapter)

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