Forensic without kites

Chapter 126 Blood on the Nib

Chapter 126 Blood on the Nib (29)

"It's me..." She gasped again.

But he immediately noticed her abnormality, and hurriedly asked, "Where are you? What happened?"

Holding the letter paper tightly with her fingers, she turned her eyes to the dead night in the distance, and said in the howling cold wind: "I found a clue."

"The Decameron" is a famous novel by the Italian writer Boccaccio.The book ridiculed the darkness and evil of the church and condemned asceticism. It was the first realist masterpiece in the European literature at that time.Along with Dante's "Divine Comedy", it is called the Human Comedy.

At this time, on the title page of this book, someone wrote the three words Qingxiongyi with bright red blood.


Wu Yuan was shocked: "Lin Fangdong, the deceased in the library, was a Christian believer. What's more, Guan Yangyao's missing girlfriend Zeng Xuan, including himself, was also a devout Christian. Could it be that the murderer was choosing the victim? Is there a certain scope? Considering the similarity of these two cases, is it necessary to choose to join the two cases?"

The man standing next to her lowered his eyes and said nothing.

Wuyuan was a little angry, he actually took his words as a deaf ear.

After a long time, Aubai ran over panting, with a book in his hand.

"Captain, I found it. Sure enough, you guessed it right, I found it on the bookshelf in ancient Greece."

Gu Jingnian paused his fingers while flipping through the Decameron, and took the book from Ao Bai's hand.He didn't answer, and turned his eyes down.

Wuyuan was immediately attracted by the book in his hand.

The Divine Comedy is divided into hell, purgatory and heaven.

Hell controls some sinful souls, such as lust, gluttony, greed, anger, etc.And Purgatory is some souls who have made mistakes in their lifetime, but have repented a little.The heaven in the Divine Comedy is the destination of the happy soul.They are doers of good, pious priests, angels, etc.

The book in his hand was closed vigorously.

"Go back to the hall! Get ready for a meeting!"

Gu Jingnian had already strode out with a cold face.

Wuyuan's heart fluttered faintly, and she seemed to have noticed something, and followed him without saying a word, pursing her lips.

Ao Bai was at a loss, and quickly ran up.

"Chief Wei, is there anything wrong with that book just now?"

"The murderer's motive for committing the crime is all above."

Wuyuan walked away, and a word came from behind.

The heater was on full blast.

No one smokes.

Before the meeting, Zhang Ting called and said a few words in a vague way: Lin Fangdong, the deceased in the library, had a different identity. He was a believer and a local. She was the only child in the family.If it takes a long time to solve the case, I am afraid that the impact will be bad.I hope that Gu Jingnian will lead the criminal police team to solve the case as soon as possible.

Wuyuan listened to it, feeling a little irritable.

Just because the deceased was a local and a believer, must the case be solved as soon as possible?As for the others, those who died who were not locals or believers, could they just be shelved?

Zhang Ziqian opened a file and said: "The three victims who were killed on Tuesday were Zhang Fan, Wu Qiang and Huang Guoqing. When Lin Fangdong was killed in the National Library, it was only one day later. Judging from the intensive time of committing the crime Analysis, I think we can try to combine the two cases. Secondly, the corpse that died in the field, I think, the motive of the murderer is not yet clear, do you need to visit the masses? Maybe the murderer is a provincial , left BJ long after killing someone."

(End of this chapter)

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