Forensic without kites

Chapter 112 Blood on the Nib

Chapter 112 Blood on the Nib (15)


Gu Jingnian answered the phone.

At this time, the majestic rain stopped, and in the cold night, the end of the microphone was silent.

"Hello? Hello?"

He frowned handsomely, and shouted a few times in a low voice.

The other end of the microphone is still silent.After a while, the wire was cut off suddenly, and a burst of busy toots came into my ears.

He squeezed the microphone in his hand, but the two sword eyebrows frowned even deeper.

The light in the lampshade was gently ripped off, Gu Jingnian grabbed the coat on the back of the chair, and drew a smooth arc in the cold and quiet night.Wearing a suit, he hung his head, fastened the buttons on his chest with his slender fingers, and strode out of the office.

At the other end of the city, in a huge luxurious and retro study room, the man stared down at the flashlight in his hand for a long time, then got up and straightened the ancient desk clock on the table, and stopped beside a huge built-in bookcase.

Tilting his head slightly, he climbed up the escalator and took out one of the many books.

Fingers slowly opened the thin paper, and the fingertips paused at the footer of a page.

On the yellowed paper, a burly man twisted his head off with one hand and held it in the palm of his hand. On the rugged hillside under his feet, there were countless wailing and dying people.On their dirty faces, panic and fear were frozen by the indifferent aura of the oncoming old man.

The retro lampshade on the table flickered with mottled blue light, hitting the retro portrait of Jehovah on the opposite furnace wall, and the loving Jehovah seemed to cry with a string of teardrops hanging from his eyes.


The cloudy sky was drizzling with drizzle.

Wuyuan got out of the car and plunged her foot into a pool of sparkling water.His eyes darkened, and he cursed softly.

The old year has turned a new page. Today is New Year's Day, and with the sound of firecrackers, the new year comes quietly.

On the way to work, even though the weather was not so good, I saw Spring Festival couplets pasted on the doors of many small shops on the corner of the street. The sound of firecrackers was sometimes soft, sometimes loud, and accompanied by the cheers of children, a happy atmosphere floated in such a gloomy sky. But also beaming.

The provincial government doesn't care about New Year's Day, there are still various cases, and the police are still overwhelmed.

There is still no clue about Zeng Xuan's disappearance. There have been no reports of missing persons in BJ City in recent months.

Perhaps, even if there were, the victims disappeared quietly in a corner of the world without attracting the attention of the society, and thus were not recorded in the missing persons files.Therefore, their office has not received any reports of missing persons.

Wu Yuan is most afraid of the latter.

This possibility, or Zeng Xuan has been killed.This is the worst possible guess.

There is also a kinder conjecture.She is still alive, but she is no different from death.

The murderer imprisoned her for six months, and no one knew about her. This is no different from life being worse than death.

If Zeng Xuan is still alive, she must be in dire straits at this moment.

In the past, in the past cases, when the murderer imprisoned the victim, the degree of cruelty was often heinous.

As for Mu Xiaoyan's case, there is currently no clue.It is undoubtedly a needle in a haystack to find out the trace of the suspect from the demand for luxury goods.

Wuyuan raised her head, looked at the gloomy sky outside the window, and exhaled a turbid breath.

The clock was only a quarter past nine in the morning, and she was about to flip through a brief history of Chinese philosophy, ready to enter the reading mode.

The door was suddenly knocked open.

The thick book under the fingertips snapped shut.

"what's up?"

"Section Chief, something happened. There was a murder case in the National Library!"

Jiang He pushed the door open and entered.

(End of this chapter)

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