Forensic without kites

Chapter 109 Blood on the Nib

Chapter 109 Blood on the Nib (12)

The booming noise of the crane and the ups and downs of people shouting were quickly drowned out by the heavy rain.

"Put it down, put it down! Yes! That's it! Yes, put it down slowly!"

Wuyuan held a big oil umbrella and stood in the open space, looking up at the distant sky.

Under the vast sky, the city seemed to be weeping secretly.

A huge container was suspended in the air, and someone in the crowd screamed in horror: "Blood, there is blood!"

"What nonsense are you talking about? With such a heavy rain, if there was blood, it would have been washed away by now."

"It's really blood..."

Zhang Ziqian stared at Ao Bai for half a second, then hurriedly raised his legs and ran forward.

After a while, a mid-air voice tore through the cold and gloomy sky.

"team leader!"

I saw the side of the back of the container suspended in mid-air by a crane, and someone painted a picture on it with blood-red paint.It was a dark forest with towering trees and strong branches covered with vines. There were two trails climbing out from among the towering ancient trees, and they both meandered forward along the tall and straight branches.Among them, one disappeared into the lush depths, while the other stopped abruptly in front of a lush pine and cypress.

At this moment, someone turned around and blocked the rear of the road with blood-colored paint.

This is the end of the blood painting.

After a few clicks, Jiang He silently stepped forward to fix the painting from all angles.

Zhang Ziqian was still staring, reached out his hand to touch the cold container wall, and said, "It's dry. It's red paint. If it was human blood, it would have melted in such a heavy rain. Captain, is this picture left by the murderer?" But, what exactly does this mean? What does the murderer want to say? Of the two roads in the forest, one is blocked, what about the remaining one? What does it imply?"

Gu Jingnian didn't speak, he raised his head and quietly stared at the blood-red pattern on his head, his eyes were as deep as a millennium cold pool.

"Who found the body first?"

After a long time, he asked the question again when he first arrived at the scene.

"Patrol workers in the factory! He came to patrol in the morning and found that the container that had been closed had been opened by someone. When he went in and took a look, he was frightened to death and found out that the person was dead. Later, we immediately reported the case and we They followed. But because the provincial office is far away, the forensic doctor Wang Huo from the BJ Suburban Public Security Detachment rushed over immediately."

Zhang Ziqian was a little puzzled, "What's the matter, captain, is there something wrong here?"

He lowered his head, reached out his hand to take out a pack of cigarettes from his trouser pocket, took out one, put it in his mouth, and lit it with a lighter.He narrowed his eyes, took a small puff, and hung the cigarette on his trouser legs, and said, "Workers patrol every few days?"

"Because the factory building is relatively large, I usually only come in once when the goods are shipped, and patrol once every other week for the rest of the time."

He raised his head and took another breath, his low voice escaped from his thin lips amidst the mist:

"The murderer knew about this factory building, but in the end he took great pains to expose the deceased to everyone's eyes, which caused panic in the society. Why did he do this? What special meaning did he have for him?"

Mo Bai couldn't keep up with the rhythm, and Ai Ai said: "Wait, wait, captain, why do you say that the murderer knows this factory? The murderer is not a worker in this factory."

At this time, even Ao Bai couldn't listen anymore, he reached out to wipe off the wet rain on his face, raised his thick eyebrows and shouted: "Mo Bai, are you a fool? Such a simple question, even a ghost can figure it out The workers only patrol once every other week. If the murderer didn’t understand this pattern, he just broke in blindly, killed three people, and moved the container to make noise, which would definitely attract people’s attention. I don’t even understand it!”

 Mo Bai: You are the f***ing ghost~
  Obai: Spicy chicken, little spicy chicken...

(End of this chapter)

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