Zhuangda Tang Juvenile Lang

Chapter 478 The Eye-Opening Mission

Chapter 478 The Eye-Opening Mission
Three days passed in a flash, and envoys from various countries gathered together and headed for Chang'an City, the capital of the Tang Dynasty, the metropolis of the world.

Outside Chang'an City, Shili Pavilion.

This is the highest greeting etiquette in ancient times.

In ancient times, basically every large city had a pavilion like a road stele ten miles away as a sign.

As a welcoming envoy, Qin Feng is not considered a novice. He has also had a welcoming experience before, so he is not ignorant of everything. Anyway, he is just going through the motions. Naturally, all aspects of etiquette are properly arranged by the etiquette department. .

As the reception ambassador, Qin Feng led a group of people from the Ministry of Rites, waiting for the envoy's arrival.The envoys who came with them have already formed a welcoming team, and they are neatly in full posture.Qin Feng, on the other hand, pried Erlang's legs, sat in the pavilion, humming a little song idly, killing time.According to common sense, he, the reception ambassador, should set an example, lead the welcoming army, and wait respectfully for the envoy.

Qin Feng didn't like this, he pretended not to know the rules, sat and waited leisurely, and planned to wait for the other party to arrive before getting up to put on a show.Among the envoys who greeted him, Qin Feng was the youngest, but no one said anything gossip about him.Just because Qin Feng's family is in full swing, he is not only the youngest general in the Tang Dynasty, but also the double son-in-law of today's saints, wouldn't it be a pity to sue him?What's more, Qin Feng's eloquence is notoriously powerful. If he is allowed to follow him, he may not have a good life.Therefore, everyone turned a blind eye to Qin Feng's informality.

With the "indulgence" of his colleagues, Qin Feng is lazy and steals with confidence.

"Here we come, here we come..." The sharp-eyed officials of the Ministry of Rituals noticed that a large-scale team was slowly approaching from afar.

When Qin Feng heard the situation, he looked up and saw that there was indeed a large group of people riding on horseback, and the scale was huge.His eyesight was much better than that of ordinary people, and he came to the front of the welcoming army with the speed of a flying man, pretending to have waited for a long time.The ministers standing behind him with numb feet all rolled their eyes, and there was a little envy in the slander.

When the other party came close, Qin Feng went up to meet him.

"By the order of the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, Qin Feng hereby welcomes the distinguished guests from afar." Qin Feng's every move is natural, neither humble nor overbearing, which not only shows the hospitality of the Tang Dynasty, but also demonstrates the demeanor of the Tang Dynasty .

That Fan'er, even the ministers of the Ministry of Rites who were used to such things, were secretly surprised.

Seeing that I have been honored so much, I also feel very honored.

Although Qin Feng is relatively young, they dare not underestimate him.

Although Qin Feng is young, but his bearing completely surpasses the princes and princes of other countries, how can he dare to take it lightly?
When Qin Feng finished introducing himself, the expressions of some envoys from the Western Regions changed even more. They all exclaimed and came forward to Qin Feng. Excited.

The envoys of the Arab Empire and the Byzantine Empire also changed their colors and stepped forward to express their friendship.

Muhammad Abed Alaf Arafat, the envoy of the Arab Empire, spoke ancient Arabic. Qin Feng could only hear it in a daze. Looking at the unusually tall and yelling bearded man in front of him in puzzlement, he looked at the welcome guests from the Tang Dynasty who came together.

The highest-ranking welcome envoy gave a wink to a person from the Western Regions beside him.Datang, which is preparing to restart the Silk Road in the next year, pays special attention to this visiting foreign guest. Words are the biggest obstacle to communicating with foreigners.

In order to avoid unnecessary troubles, the Ministry of Rites has already hired a large number of translators who are proficient in Chinese, ancient Greek, Arabic, Turkic, Tubo and other languages.

After the translator's explanation, I just understood.

It turns out that after the brilliant record of defeating the Turks, the name of Qin Feng has spread to the Arab Empire and the Byzantine Empire.

Before the Eastern Turks were destroyed, they were the most powerful country in ancient Asia, and the Western Turks, established by another branch of them, extended their reach to the Arab world under the leadership of their most outstanding Khan Ye Hu. Wherever the nomads of the Western Turks went, they brought the prestige and dominance of the Turks there. Because of the dominance of the Western Turks, no country dared not to follow.However, when the Western Turks were at their most powerful, they were still not the opponents of the Eastern Turks. Everyone knew that they were afraid of the Eastern Turks. Otherwise, at the beginning, they would not have thought of uniting with the countries of the Western Regions and the Great Tang to jointly attack the Eastern Turks. Turkic.But at the beginning, people's hearts were different, and everyone regarded East Turk as a beast. In the end, under the threat of East Turk, the alliance died before it could be realized.However, the prestige of East Turkistan has also grown stronger.

But it was this huge monster that made Datang wiped out with ease. What is even more shocking is that it took Datang less than two months for this battle of annihilating the country. One can imagine the strength of Datang.

Under the prestige of the Tang Dynasty, all the countries trembled, so they sent envoys to inquire about the reality of the Tang Dynasty in the name of pilgrimage and tribute, to find out the reality of the Tang Dynasty, to find out the national policy of the Datang Dynasty, and to find out who the next goal of the Tang Dynasty is. ghost.

In the battle of annihilating the Turks, Li Jing, the commander of the three armies, and Li Ji, the commander of the right army, were not well-known on the grasslands. Although they performed extremely well in the battle of destroying the Turks, they did not attract much attention from the grassland people. {
Although the major states have been more or less influenced by the culture of the Central Plains and the Western Regions, they have developed wisdom and know the importance of knowledge.But the fighting blood in their bones still exists.It is their habit to value warriors and despise scribes. Li Jing and Li Ji fought beautifully, but not happily.Qin Feng's style of play won their hearts, and Qin Feng's prestige on the grassland was far superior to that of Li Jing and Li Ji.

So when the envoys from various countries knew that the handsome civil servant in front of him was the famous Qin Feng, they were shocked one after another.

They all stared at Qin Feng with rounded eyes. It was really hard to believe that such a seemingly weak person could be the evil star in the legend, the invincible Turk who couldn't find Bei.And when some people who knew Achilles saw him standing beside Qin Feng as a guard, they were even more exclaimed.

Although the Great Food Nation is the strongest in the west, it still belongs to the slave society, advocating fists and strength.This is especially true of the Byzantine Empire. They inherited the customs of the Roman Empire and liked the brutal animal fighting the most.

Achilles was the champion in the Colosseum, he killed the liger with his bare hands, looking in the west, there are very few people who can do this.But the legend said that Achilles was surrendered by an oriental man named Qin Feng. When everyone came to their senses, they looked at Qin Feng with even more awe.Achilles may be the strongest in the West, but can also be in the top ten.Such a warrior made Qin Feng surrender easily. Doesn't it mean that no one in the west is invincible?

Therefore, Qin Feng's reputation is even greater. In the eyes of Westerners, they don't know that the Tang Dynasty has a great emperor, but they know that the Tang Dynasty has an extremely brave warrior.

This person is Qin Feng.

Qin Feng reported his family name, and those envoys who had heard the name for a long time were naturally very excited. Unexpectedly, they met this legendary figure before they arrived in Chang'an, so they naturally wanted to show their admiration.

After hearing this explanation, Qin Feng couldn't help but burst out laughing. Unexpectedly, his fame had spread to the west, so he hurriedly smiled and politely dealt with it, and led everyone to Chang'an to meet Li Shimin.

The welcoming envoys of the Tang Dynasty glanced at each other, admiring Li Shimin's foresight. They were civil servants, and they were not provoked by these barbarians along the way. Now, as soon as Qin Feng stepped forward, he treated these barbarians like kittens. Too good to be good.While everyone breathed a sigh of relief, each of them raised their heads high and held their chests high. It is also a great honor for Datang to have such a hero.

Entering Chang'an City, the envoys from all over the world were like country bumpkins entering the city. What shocked the scale of Chang'an City was that they were stunned and speechless.

"It's so great..." The envoys looked at the magnificent Chang'an and the streets full of people coming and going, all in admiration.

Like a tour guide, Qin Feng introduced it proudly: "We have a long history. About 4000 years ago, settlement organizations began to emerge around the Central Plains and then a country was formed. , until the formation of a unified multi-ethnic country. Our country has a vast territory and many ethnic groups. The Huaxia nationality in the pre-Qin period thrived in the Central Plains. In the Han Dynasty, the Han nationality was formally formed through cultural integration and laid the foundation for the main ethnic group in China. Later, through The integration with the surrounding ethnic groups has gradually formed a unified multi-ethnic country, and the population has also continued to rise. During the previous dynasty, the national population had exceeded 5000 million.”

After the translator translated, the envoys were amazed and surprised again. The population of 5000 million is an astronomical number that is unattainable for these countries.

"Of the 5000 million people, excluding the old, weak, sick, disabled, women and children, there are more than 2000 million young and strong people. These young and strong people go to the fields to work in the fields during busy farming seasons, and conduct military training during slack farming seasons. That is to say, in the event of war, we can always Pull up an army of more than 2000 million people, and you can go to the battlefield without deliberate training.” Comprehensive national strength is the most important indicator to measure a country’s basic national conditions and basic resources, and it is also a measure of a country’s economy, politics, military, and culture. A comprehensive index of strengths such as , science and technology, education, and human resources.

In the era of cold weapons, human resources are the core of the core, and the large population has been the advantage of the Chinese nation since ancient times.A large population means that a huge army can be formed, and the huge number alone can be daunting.

Sure enough, after hearing Qin Wo's words, all the envoys turned pale with fright. If an army of more than 2000 million people rushed forward, wouldn't it be like locusts crossing the border?No grass grows?With such a huge number, who would dare to be an enemy of Datang?
The Tang officials admired Qin Feng very much. This seemingly inadvertent introduction achieved unexpected deterrence. You can know the power of these words just by looking at the pale faces of the envoys from various countries.However, while everyone is deeply proud of being born in this country, they can't help feeling extremely heartbroken.

The population that Qin Feng said was not wrong, it was just the statistics of the five years of Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty, but Yang Guang's prodigal family, and the resulting chaos at the end of the Sui Dynasty, the harm of this chaos was too great.Originally a China with a population of 890 million households.Because of this turmoil, it dropped sharply to more than 200 million households in the early Tang Dynasty, a total reduction of 700 million households.

There is no shortage of wise monarchs in the Tang Dynasty, and there are no generals in the Tang Dynasty. If you count, there are thousands of warriors who are capable of fighting alone. However, the Tang Dynasty has its own shortcomings.That is, the economic foundation is poor, and the scarce people are not enough to supply a strong army for a long time.

Also because of the small number of people, the biggest drawback of the early Tang Dynasty was the economy and agriculture.

This is the biggest problem restricting the development of Datang.If Li Shimin had changed places with Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty and Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty in front of him might have developed into a terrifying power.

(End of this chapter)

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