Chapter 151

"Hehe! There are quite a few gambling houses in Chang'an City! How about I visit each of them, and then you can just collect money later. None of these gambling houses are clean, and I don't know how much they have done behind their backs." A family, how many people have been killed, and I don’t know how many evil things they have done. So I won their money, and I feel at ease, and I don’t feel guilty. Anyway, we are not using it to harm people. We take it for civilian use. For the people!" Qin Feng encouraged Li Shimin with a smirk on his face. In every era, people who open gambling houses are people who can take both black and white. More than 55 taels of silver cakes can be taken as they please. It can be seen that this industry is a Very profitable industry.

Gambling is a serious disaster. Once you get involved in gambling, you will lose your family and property, and it will lead to various disadvantages that destroy social order and morals. Therefore, there are laws that prohibit gambling.The first emperor ruled the world, and Li Si enacted a law prohibiting gambling, ranging from "stabbing the face of a whale tattoo" to "slapping his butt" in the worst case.The Han Dynasty also continued to prohibit gambling.In the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, the gentry rose and the legal prohibition was relaxed. Although there were prohibitive laws, they existed in name only.At the end of the Sui Dynasty, politics was lax and abolished, and officials and businessmen joined forces to make a fortune in the gambling industry.After the end of the Sui Dynasty, this trend intensified, and the governments in various places were happy to increase their income, and finally evolved into a situation where government-business cooperation oppressed ordinary people and ordinary gamblers, further deteriorating society.But now that the troubled times have just ended, most of the gamblers are from officials, wealthy businessmen, aristocratic families and other industries. If you spend some spare money, then, if the court does not prohibit it, it will definitely become more and more serious, and eventually develop into a social problem that will not end well.

He has heard or seen too many cases of family ruin and death due to gambling in his previous life. Qin Feng really doesn't like gambling and people who open casinos. He suggested this to Li Shimin. This is to punish those who open gambling houses.

Li Shimin's heart suddenly moved, but after thinking about it, he pressed this tempting idea again, not to mention whether Qin Feng could win every battle, if everyone in the world knew that he acquiesced to Qin Feng's pretentiousness, how would he see others?How will the people view themselves?

"No!" Li Shimin cut off the idea of ​​endless troubles without hesitation.After a while, he frowned and said, "Gambling is just a pastime. Most people can enjoy the fun of gambling without causing any problems. It's not as exaggerated as you said."

"You are a wise king in the world, and your self-control is unmatched. Of course you will not lose your mind because of gambling, but you can't use your own state of mind to judge ordinary people! Ordinary people don't have your self-control." Inadvertently, Qin The wind sends a top hat to the past

Li Shimin was in a good mood, nodded his head very badly and said: "This is true. Although I will gamble in my spare time, but I will never miss the important affairs of the country because of a gamble." I am a Mingjun, Mere gambling can't make me fascinated and lose self-control.

"In every era, there are quite a few people who are eager for quick success and quick profit. In pursuit of getting rich quickly, they take gambling as a shortcut to get rich. They indulge in it, stay up all night, and live chaotically. At the same time, it also makes people depressed, breaks up their families, and even embarks on the path of crime. It can be said that gambling is a thing that is harmful but not beneficial, and it should be banned as soon as possible. There are countless major incidents caused by gambling!"

Li Shimin remained silent. After Qin Feng said this, his expression became serious. There are many examples of gambling turning into historical events, and the most typical ones are two accidents.

They are Song Mingong and Nangong Changwan, Emperor Jing Liu Qi and Wu Wang Taizi Liu Xian because of gambling.During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, Song Mingong and Nangong Changwan gathered to gamble, and the two became angry between winning and losing. Nangong Changwan directly killed Song Mingong with a chessboard.The same is true for Liu Qi, emperor of Han Jing, and Liu Xian, prince of Wu. They had a quarrel because of gambling, and Liu Qi picked up the chessboard and beat Liu Xian to death.

These two incidents directly led to Nangong Chang Wan rebelling against the Song Dynasty, Wu Wang Liu Bi avenged his son and rebelled against the Han, causing a military disaster. The harm and impact are enough to warn future generations.

Seeing that Li Shimin was aware of the dangers of gambling, Qin Feng hit the rails while it was hot: "Summing up the experience of the predecessors, it is not difficult to find that gambling is extremely harmful. I made a general summary and found that gambling has at least twelve disadvantages: first, Gambling corrupts the military system and official system. Not only will it cause economic losses, but it will also easily lead to various corruption and crimes such as corruption, embezzlement, bribery, etc. Second, it loses popular support. Gambling corrupts the image of officials, and gamblers do not think about starting a business. Work, officials do not care about the well-being of the people, and soldiers do not think about fighting, which in turn will cause the people to lose confidence in the court, affecting the court's status in the eyes of the people and the future of the country. Third, gambling is a profitable industry, and it is easy to cause collusion between officials and businessmen , events that suppress and oppress the people, once power and money are traded, officials will lose due fairness and justice when dealing with emergencies, and in the end, the law will be useless. Fourth, it will hurt lives. Those who win money will take advantage of it, Day and night; people who lose money come back desperately, regardless of hunger and cold; they are constantly exhausted and exhausted. In the long run, uncontrollable and pathological gambling will definitely damage their health, and even commit suicide or murder. Some old people are stimulated during gambling and die on the spot There are many examples at the gaming table."

Qin Feng paused for a while, and continued: "Therefore, gambling is the root of crime. Once left unchecked, it will have a great negative impact on the atmosphere of our Tang Dynasty, the atmosphere of the officialdom, the atmosphere of the army, and the atmosphere of the people."

After Qin Feng's explanation, Li Shimin's face was solemn, obviously he had been convinced by Qin Feng.

"Fifth, leave the flesh and blood. Gambling forgets to work hard; forgets that parents and wives love each other, loses family happiness, and becomes a sea of ​​​​suffering; only cares about one's own boldness, disregarding the resentment of family members, so that the flesh and blood are separated, and the wife and children are separated.

Sixth, accidents happen.Gambling often lasts all night, and thieves often take the opportunity to steal;Some turned against each other because of gambling and used violence.Some broke their homes and died, and some were imprisoned for participating in criminal activities such as theft and robbery due to lack of gambling funds.

Seventh, bad intentions.Once you gamble, you want to win the other party's money in every possible way in your heart. Even if it is a game between close relatives and friends, you must secretly use spears and spears. Like an enemy, you only care about your own money and don't care about other people's life and death. In the end, human feelings will become indifferent because of this, brother The sisters drifted away.

Eighth, mourning conduct.In the casino, if you just ask for less money and more money, it is easy to produce bad psychological qualities such as indolence, intrigue, and speculation.

Ninth, losing family education.Gambling is most likely to induce father and son to gamble, brothers to gamble, and relatives to gamble. There is no distinction between seniority and inferiority. They laugh at each other and call them whatever they want.

Tenth, spending resources.At the beginning, they were grandiose, spending money like water, without changing their faces; later, they lost a lot and became anxious, so they bet on family property and even national property. No.11, time-consuming.A lot of time is wasted, and some stay up all night, so that it seriously affects study and life, and makes people lose their minds.

No.12. Destroy the future, and then cause the loss of talents to the country.In the end, there are no successors at all levels of officials, and mediocre people lose popular support. "

Finally, Qin Feng saluted deeply, and made a concluding speech, saying: "The above twelve items are only part of the many hazards of gambling. I believe there are more hazards that I don't know about. However, I think that based on These twelve major hazards are enough to punish gambling traitors to death. That's all I have to say, I hope you will think about it."

Li Shimin helped Qin Feng up, and said with emotion: "You really have a heart, but I have the idea of ​​a small gamble for fun, and I have not ordered a ban on gambling. I also know that gambling without a country is not good for the family, but I have never dug into it deeply. After you said it, you know that gambling has unknowingly destroyed the foundation of a country. I made you startled into a cold sweat. You draft a memorial. Tomorrow, I will discuss this with the important ministers in the court Things." He realized the various harms of gambling, thinking that gambling was devouring Datang's vitality bit by bit, he became impatient, wishing to pass it immediately and promulgate it to the world.

At this moment, Li Shimin has already treated this matter as a major event related to his family and country.

"I have my own concerns about the matter of Bishuifang, and I have already made arrangements. From now on, don't go to trouble with Bishuifang and Wanjia Gambling Shop, so as not to break the net that I have set up." Li Shimin thought for a while, or will He said his own arrangement, and said comfortingly: "I know you are unwilling, but just don't worry, I will give you justice."

Qin Feng said very displeasedly: "If they trouble me again, could it be that I can't be slaughtered?"

"Can you still suffer with your martial arts?" Li Shimin rolled his eyes and said, "I don't think you are a law-abiding master. Well, as long as you don't take the initiative to cause trouble, I will not care about you."

"Haha, haha, is there? Why don't I think so?" Qin Feng looked around and said, "You should send someone to get that windfall. It's all piled up in the main courtyard of the Duke's Mansion, blocking the road. One word, annoying! One word, annoying!"

"Hey!" Li Shimin looked at Qin Feng speechlessly, talking about money like this, I am afraid that there is only one family in the world, and there is no other semicolon, "You have done me a big favor again, and I don't even know how to repay you gone."

Qin Feng laughed and said: "One family doesn't speak the same language, so you don't treat me as one family? It's not fun."

Li Shimin took a deep look at Qin Feng, and said with emotion: "If everyone is like you, then the world will be truly peaceful."

"In troubled times, the times make heroes. To rule the world, it's heroes who make the times. If the world is peaceful, the door is not closed at night, and the road does not pick up lost things, then the value of your existence will not be reflected. Only in this situation now, you have The opportunity to show your talents, otherwise, wouldn’t it be a waste of God’s gift to you? If you succeed in everything, wouldn’t life be too boring?”

After a few words, Li Shimin's heart was full of joy and his eyebrows were smiling, and he felt like a hero in his heart.

 Sorry, the chapter is wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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