Chapter 314 Three years later

The sun and the moon have passed, and they cannot be chased back; if time passes by, it is just a sudden.

Looking back suddenly, three years have passed.

In the past three years, the Xue family has created wealth and expanded their power, and now they are planning to make an all-out march towards power.

The scholars of the Xue family, who have spent three years in business and manufacturing, now go to the academy to study and receive higher education.

Some of them went to Shanxiang Academy in Xincheng County, and some went to Nanshan Academy in Cangwu Mansion to prepare for the township examination three years later.

This year, Qianfeng is almost 16 years old. He is a young man. He has a tall and elegant figure, a handsome face, and a gentle and elegant temperament. He is loved by girls and elders, all of which show that this young man has a bright future. .

Qianyun is 14 years old, and his facial features have all grown out. He looks more angular and handsome. His eyes are radiant, dark and deep, and his eyebrows are like lacquer. He looks mysterious and powerful.But if you observe carefully, you will find that this boy has a pair of tiny dimples, so he usually doesn't smile, so as not to damage his dignity.

Qianyu is 13 years old. She can go out of the living room and into the kitchen. She is smart and capable. She is a good butler. She has been drinking the holy water of the space for a long time, and she has begun to grow in stature. Moreover, she was often spoiled by her quick words.

Xue Qianbing is 11 years old. He has been yelling all day long about joining the army, and he has built up his muscles. He is almost as tall as his two older brothers, at a full 1.6 meters!Who would believe that this brat is only 11 years old? !Fortunately, he is only tall and strong but not fat. He is sunny and handsome, bold and generous, and treats everyone as a friend like he has no bones.

Qianxue and Qianshuang are seven years old. Qianxue is alright. Ice Crystal Yuxue is smart and cute, and she has the shadow of Qianwu at that time.But Qianshuang's child grew more and more like Mo Fuqing back then, he was almost fat into a ball, alas, it's hard to say!

Qian Wu didn't change much, but her facial features became more refined, and her height grew a lot. As she got older, she didn't need to suppress her temperament, and she lived more and more like her previous life, a properly escaped military ruffian.

The power of the little ruffian has infiltrated the entire Cangwu Mansion, putting the cart before the horse and suppressing the Yuan family in Fucheng.

The Western Regions have evolved from more than 100 beggars back then, and now there are thousands of talents, and their strength is no worse than that of an army.On the surface, they manufacture bricks, tiles and marble, and sell cemeteries. In fact, there are people in Fucheng and nearby counties who are doing small businesses. They secretly detect and store information, and buy and sell news. They are the largest dark force in Cangwu Mansion. .

Of course, the little ruffian is not satisfied with the status quo. This society is sharpening its sword, and the next step is to extend its little claws to the north, develop along the road, and go straight to the imperial city, laying the foundation for the Xue family's talents first.

This time, she planned to seize the transportation business and squeeze out a source of income for the Yuan family.The land route is the first, and the beggars and robbers everywhere are the ultimate goal of her recovery.

Not for anything else, just because she is very keen on simple and crude dramas such as gangsters eating gangsters.

On this day, at very evening, on the official road in the forest, a luxurious and spacious carriage, pulled by two tall and strong horses, walked slowly, as if taking a leisurely walk in the back garden of one's own home.

The curtains on all sides of the carriage were lifted, and the things in the carriage could be seen clearly. There were a lot of things, and they all looked expensive.

At the end of the carriage was a man in black with his hands folded around his chest, with one leg bent casually, leaning against the wall of the carriage to sleep comfortably. His handsome appearance was unrestrained, giving people an unfathomable feeling.

At the front of the carriage, a cold and beautiful girl is driving the carriage carelessly.

Next to the older girl, a male and female child around nine or ten years old was holding a weird musical instrument, playing and singing Didi Dang.

"The sun never sets... The sun never sets... The sun never sets...
The fog in the sky is careless, the river is as quiet as an oil painting,
I pray that you are like a heroic Janissary guarding love without moving,

Jinyiwei... Jinyiwei...
In the leisurely world, I saw his handsome figure again, with a cold face..."

And this villain who plays and sings is of course Qian Wu, she has been singing for a long time, and almost sang all the songs she liked in her previous life, but this forest path is still quiet, only her own nondescript music Sound, is it easy for her? !

"Xiao Hei! It must be that your aura is too strong. People will know that you are not easy to mess with at a glance. Where do you have the guts?!"

Qian Wu threw away the guitar, pointing at Xiao Hei, who is also the chief executive of the Western Regions, with her little finger, and protested dissatisfiedly with her mouth pouting.

What about the series of green forest heroes that were agreed upon?Didn't it mean that few people in this area would dare to leave even during the daytime? !

Then they have a car full of luxurious and expensive goods, naked big local tyrants, swaggering around here, why no one comes to snatch it?Could it be that someone wiped out all these bandits before them?

This unscientific!

"Tsk tsk, there's nothing I can do about it, I can't control the powerful aura I was born with!"

Xiao Hei lazily changed his posture, looking extremely comfortable.

In the past three years, he has gradually developed some eloquence, and he has been able to bicker with Qian Wu evenly, and he enjoys it.

"Hey, can you be gentle? Come on! Give me a soft smile!"

Qian Wu pushed the two corners of her mouth with two fingers, and there was no movement for so long, she wondered if those people knew Master Xiao Hei, after all, this guy used to be one of the best in the underworld.

"Stop it quickly! I almost vomited out my overnight meal."

Lord Xiao Hei rolled his eyes with a smile. If some old people really saw such a coquettish smile, they would definitely not think that this guy is the number one killer with facial paralysis himself.

 One update today,
  Someone asked if there will be a fee for this book in the future,

  Smile shyly: Hehe...
  My code word is very slow, and I can't keep up with the digital demand for the shelves for the time being...

  Well, that's it, but I'll try my best...
(End of this chapter)

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