Chapter 305 Returning to Daily Life
After spending one night, Qianwu listed all the things to be done next in order, and drew up a plan, and produced detailed drawings to ensure that the project can be implemented, before giving up.

Then he tidied up the crops in the space, and practiced his mental power for a long time, and finally lay down on the bed to rest, and had a full sleep, full of energy.

Taotie used a lot of divine power in the battle of the plague, which was a lot of pressure for the beast that had just awakened from the seal, so after eating and drinking enough, he retreated to practice in his own room.

After Qian Wu glanced at it, she left the space with confidence, because it was getting late outside.

The misty sky, dry and fresh air, it seems that there will be good weather today.

Qian Wu stretched her waist, and after looking around the small courtyard of the farmhouse for a week, she walked into the kitchen behind the hall to prepare the family's breakfast.

Wash the pot, put it on the fire, and cook porridge.

Mix the noodles, add eggs, and fry the pancakes.

Although she hadn't done these houseworks for a long time, Qianwu's hands and feet were nimble, and her movements were very crisp and neat, so she finished them quickly.

The village also gradually became lively.

Chen Yu, Qian Yu and Guan Yue came down from the wooden house on the mountain and saw that the roof of the house was already smoking, so they knew that Qian Wu was cooking.

So without waiting for the other two, she ran quickly to the old house by herself. Now she has adapted to the daily life of the farmhouse and lived a very fulfilling life.

"Miss, why don't you take a break, just wait for me to make breakfast."

With such a capable master, she is under pressure as a servant.Chen Yu panted slightly, she rushed into the kitchen before anyone could hear her, fortunately her skirts were all shortened, otherwise she would definitely fall down.

"It's not a big deal. I did it casually, and it's not finished yet. It's just in time for you to come. Let's wash the vegetables. I'll cook one or two light dishes later."

Seeing that Chen Yu took over the kitchen, Qian Wu turned around and went out to find the wild vegetables dug up yesterday and chop them up, preparing to feed the chickens and ducks with the chaff.

While busy, Qian Yu and Guan Yue also collapsed after a while.

"Third sister, close the moon."

Without raising her head, Qianwu greeted casually, and the knife in her hand rang non-stop.

"You're still hurt, you're so restless, you're the only one who can do it! No matter how big or small the work is, we rush to do it, and we become idlers.

Hurry up and go to rest, it's really not worrying. "

Qian Yu stared at Qian Wu, without saying a word, came over and snatched away the work.

"Hey, I'm resting.

Third sister, I have found a way to artificially incubate eggs, and I plan to promote it so that people can raise more chickens, ducks and geese to offset some staple food, so as to survive the disaster year. "

Without the knife, Qian Wu picked up the broom again and began to sweep the courtyard, while chatting with Qian Yu.

"Where did you come up with the idea? The eggs hatched by the hen are only partially alive, can yours work?"

Even though she said this, Qian Yu's mouth was already curled up, she was very proud, what her sister did, no matter how big or small, was top-notch.

"That's why you don't know. Eggs are divided into fertilized and infertile. When a hen is often with a rooster, there will be fertilized eggs. You hold the fertilized egg and shine it on the lamp, and you will see a white egg inside." The point is the rooster's seed, and the egg with the seed will hatch the chick.

There are two major factors to successfully hatch eggs, temperature and humidity, so I plan to build a few more greenhouses at Pine Garden. "

Seeds and balls, Qian Wu's unrestrained speech startled Qian Yu, and she couldn't help but nervously looked at the door, afraid that someone would overhear her words.

"You dare to say anything! Even if your method hatches chickens, what will you use to raise them? After a while, wild vegetables and bran will not be enough for people to eat, so how can you raise chickens?"

They used to eat it when their family was sad.

"I also thought of a way about chicken food. Earthworms and soybeans can make chickens grow fast, fat and lay eggs.

Earthworms are easy to feed. Just dig a hole, collect some earthworms, and pour some rice washing water, rotten fruits and vegetables, meat washing water, etc. at ordinary times.

Then use it to dry, and mix it with bean flour to act as chicken food. A column can be produced in more than two months, and eggs can be laid in three months.

Ducks and geese are even easier to handle, eating apple snails and mussels throughout the course.These two things are easy to raise, and there are a lot of them in ponds and rivers.

I have more use for that shell, I plan to calcine the formula to make fertilizer..."

She couldn't stop when she opened the chatterbox. It was really embarrassing for this girl with such a small mouth.The voice was nice, and Qian Yu enjoyed it very much, although she couldn't understand it very well, because Qian Wu talked too much at once, and she couldn't understand it.

But it is conceivable that because of these ideas, the Xue family is about to enter a more prosperous scene.

Qian Yu felt that she saw a large flock of chickens, ducks and geese cheering in front of her.

Even Guan Yue brought back a load of water, but Qian Wu was still nagging.

"You wait and go to Pine Garden Hall and talk to the clan."

Imagining that such a large group of people listened to her sister, Qian Yu felt a sense of pride. Fortunately, her sister also enjoyed it, and everyone was happy.

Regarding the issue of public appearance and marriage, Qian Yu also sees it clearly. Troubled times are approaching, and life and death are at stake. Is it interesting to stick to the rules? !A younger sister like that doesn't matter.

The appearance of senior brother Qianwu Qinghong gave Qianyu great confidence that her sister's world should be worthy of such a beautiful man.

"Haha, I've already made a plan, and I'll implement it after breakfast."

"What's the plan, Bao'er?"

Grandpa's loud voice cut in, and the rest of the family followed, and a new day was about to begin.

(End of this chapter)

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