Chapter 282 Special Training
Today is the day when the seven-day special training begins, and God is very kind. The wind has stopped and the rain has stopped, but the sky is still cloudy.

Obviously, the environment in this kind of weather is the worst in the mountains. The muddy roads can make people slip and fall and die on the cliffs if they are not careful.

Not to mention the deep mountains, it is the territory of wild beasts, and people may become a dish of wild beasts at any time.

Everyone knows that special training is extremely dangerous.

But what Qianwu didn't expect was that there were more than 380 people who wanted to participate in the special training, and all of them brought life and death status.

Xiaoxue's family, Qianfengqianyun and Qianbing are all going to follow.

Except for a few sick and weak members of the Xue family's thousand-character generation, none of the thirty or so boys left.

The girls of Xue's family didn't have to go, nor did the elders, because they still had things to do in Pine Garden Hall.

The remaining 350 people are all from the village. The older ones are 25 or [-] years old, and the younger ones are only Qian Bing, Mo Fuqing, and Hua Ye who are over eight years old.

There were too many people, and Qianwu definitely couldn't take care of it alone, so he had to invite Taotie, the great god.

Adults are divided into a team, led by Taotie, and the training intensity is of course more difficult.

The teenagers are divided into a team, led by Qian Wu, the training is less difficult and the progress is slower.

Hundreds of students neatly lined up on the training ground where Songyuan Hall gathered, but no parents came to see them off, and the atmosphere was particularly quiet and tense.

But when all the students saw the ostentatiously approaching Taotie, they immediately lost their composure.

Blonde!Even the facial features are particularly profound and insolent!Rebellious!
Pure man, real man!He looks particularly powerful, and his appearance alone makes people dare not be dissatisfied with him.

It is said that this is the instructor of the adult team!
Swallow!When will they become such a man...
Qianwu was talking about the special training items and precautions on the stage, but the attention of the audience was all attracted by Taotie, the monster.

"It's fine if you don't want to hear it, Auntie, I'm not annoying anymore.

All have it!Put your luggage on your back... turn backwards, start in a row!
The team followed suit one after another! "

This morning, we will march with heavy loads first, and then go around a few mountains.The route Qianwu has already drawn up and handed over to Taotie.

The big team that arrived first set up camp to cook, and when the younger team dared to come up, it would be time for them to eat. Qian Wu nodded to Taotie, communicating with each other.

"Got it!"

Taotie got the order and started to stride.

"Wow! It really is a great god!"

Everywhere I went, I was amazed.

Everyone used to run, and the master only needed a few strides, and his speed was actually faster than theirs.

And the feet don't need to touch the ground!The feeling of walking on the clouds is too tall!

"It's so reliable!"

Don't they need to worry too much about dangerous problems?God is so powerful.

"What is the name of the great god?"

The people at the front of the team were all members of the Xue family, because they had seen Qianwu's topographic map and the planned route, and knew where to go.

Besides, the front is the most dangerous. How can the Xue family do it without leading them.

"My god, Lord Jin, Lord Jin's gold, Lord Jin's grandfather."

Taotie was in a good mood and his voice was loud, as if he wanted everyone to hear his name.

Sure enough, the people around the little evildoer are quite courageous, and they are not even afraid of him.

Back then, when human beings saw his appearance, they would shout and kill him, calling him a monster, although he was indeed a different kind.

"Oh, it really is such a prestigious name!

How did Master Jin and our Xiaoqian get to know each other? "

This is what everyone in the Xue family is most curious about.

Jin Ye appeared out of nowhere this morning. It is said that he is Xiaoqian's friend, and he was specially invited to be the instructor of this special training.

He must be a foreigner, but the farthest place Xiaoqian has been to is Fucheng, where there are generally no foreigners, only occasionally in Jiangnan and the capital.

"I know fighting.

This sister of your family is extremely cruel, and she is especially capable of cheating and abducting. This god is a bloody example! "

Suppress him with Xinghui if there is any disagreement, or tempt him with delicious food, it's so cunning.

If it wasn't for the sake of testing Quanlang this time, he would have gone to find his little lover a long time ago.

So, there is almost no information content in these words, my god.

Could it be that this fellow was subdued and then incorporated like the Five Hegemons of Ningjiang?
"That is, our sister is the most righteous."

In fact, he wanted to say that his younger sister is very powerful, otherwise how could he get to know this great god, he likes things, even the way of speaking is the same.

But Taotie rolled his eyes bluntly after hearing this, this guy must be talking about his other sister.

However, he didn't refute it, he knew that the trouble came from his mouth, especially bad things about women were the worst.

"Jin Ye, how old are you? Where is your family? How many people are there in your family? Do you have the same habits as the big Han people?"

These Xiaoqian didn't even have time to mention it to them.

"Hey, you don't need to check my household registration. It's that kid named Qinghong who wants to kidnap your sister."

Of course, it is impossible for Taotie to confess to these people, for fear of making people roll their eyes, so they exposed even more explosive secrets.

(End of this chapter)

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