Chapter 239
Qian Wu got the approval of the village head, and after gesturing yes, she picked up the big wooden drum on her back and started beating it loudly, and the bright red pennant flag waved along with it.

Not to mention, even in this gray and noisy stormy day, such signals are quite obvious.

"Abandon the north bank, fully support the south bank, withdraw!" After the drum beat, a loud and clear order followed.

"Huh!" The tense strings seemed to be relieved, and people were so moved that they almost cried.My mind is dizzy, and my body feels like it is no longer my own. No one knows how long I can hold on?They are all supported by a single will.

Even if they can rest for a while, it would be good, but they dare not go home to rest, and they are afraid that once they enter the house, they will not dare to go out to fight against the wind and rain.

It's different here, they can support each other and move towards the south bank, and they can breathe a little bit!
Isn't it all about fighting in one go, then declining again, and exhausting three times? !At such a critical moment, who is willing to admit defeat!As long as you win the first battle, your life will be brilliant in the future!
"Give up the north bank, support the south bank with all your strength, and withdraw!" Qian Wu informed all the way along the river, the drums and roars were like thousands of troops, and the momentum was fierce and fierce, and the waves and floods had to avoid their edge.

The fighting spirit of the people who had just stopped was instantly aroused by her rainbow-like aura.

come!fight!They have nothing else but courage and strength!Let the storm come harder!Go crazy!My God, I just have to resist to the end!
Crackling lightning hit the top of people's heads, so they could only roar in their hearts, otherwise they would really be struck by lightning.

Will is a good thing, as long as it germinates in the heart, it will not disappear no matter how wind or rain you blow.The will is firm, the legs are no longer flustered, the hands are no longer shaking, the body is no longer cold, and the hot-blooded heart is still continuously generating strength.

These things are invisible, but they are real.Others don't know, but Qianwu is clear.

And her heart has long been overjoyed!
Because just yesterday, earth-shaking changes took place in her space!
The space well that annexed the crops disappeared, and the space expanded again, not to mention a glutton was born!No, it's not life, the space well was originally gluttonous, it just absorbed enough energy, and because of the turmoil of the outside world, it awakened and restored its real body!

Gluttonous!Ancient mythical beast!Just don't be too tall!

Uncle Taotie not only possesses countless miraculous and peerless treasures, but also possesses prehistoric powers. The force value is simply not too heaven-defying!Especially to be able to guide her to practice space! !
Space Master!It's all about keeping your life alive!Is there anything more wonderful than this? !

So, with this heaven-defying gluttonous uncle here, is there a place in this world where Xue Qianwu can't walk sideways? !

So, Qianwu exploded with excitement, and carrying sandbags for several days and nights in a row didn't calm her down.

Then, with the help of Uncle Taotie's prehistoric power, he blows and sprays again, and once the will is conveyed by Taotie, people are also resurrected with full blood...

"Little girl, it doesn't matter how hard you roar. That day Lei couldn't hit you. You have the prehistoric aura of this divine beast covering you."

In the space, Uncle Taotie has golden hair, long and sharp white jade horns on top of his head, slender and dangerous eyes, his face is as thin and long as a fairy deer, and it’s okay to keep his mouth closed. , Open it up to the ears!The so-called gluttonous mouth!

The body is like a deer, but the feet are like a tiger, with claws!The fiery red hair on the forehead is particularly conspicuous!

So mighty!So domineering!But still so elegant and gentle!This is the ancient beast!Sure enough, it's so fairy!It's such a small one, so cute! ! !
"Hey! Hey! What are you doing drooling at me, little girl?!" It was so disgusting that Master Taotie couldn't eat the ginseng, and several layers of goose bumps were shaken off.

"Hey, I'm fascinated by your mighty and domineering fairy posture, Mr. Taotie. You are not at all the same as the rumors!" Qian Wu dogged without limit, it was even more, disgusting!

Powerful and domineering?Fairy? !Well, this little girl also has merit, she has vision!Uncle Taotie changed into a serious look.

"Oh? So what about the biography of Nakamoto?" It turns out that this beast is quite famous, and even the folks have legends!
"Yeah! Taotie, the fifth son of the dragon. One of the four ancient beasts. Its shape is like a sheep's body and a human face, with eyes in the armpits. It has tiger teeth and human claws. It has a big head and a big mouth. It is greedy like a wolf and likes to accumulate wealth. In the Valley of No Cannibals, the strong take over the old and the weak. People often use it as a metaphor for a man who eats food, and it is often seen in bronze statues."

Qianwu, you are brave!Didn't you see that the face of the beast is getting darker and darker? !Say it, say it! ! !
"Fart!" Lord Glutton erupted!

With a big mouth and a grinning fang, the power of the wild is like an atomic bomb explosion. The power makes the whole space turbulent, the water in the Tianquan pool is flying, and the crops are completely destroyed.

Outside the space, Qianwu's energy and blood surged, blood spurted out of his mouth, and his footsteps staggered.Boom!With a bang, the wooden drum fell to the ground and made a loud noise.

"Little Patriarch!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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