Chapter 219
The members of my uncle's family don't have any special skills, and the specialty of ordinary farmers is nothing more than planting the land with their hardworking hands!
But land is precious, and not every household has enough land to survive.

In the ancient times when fertilizers and pesticides were scarce, one mu of fertile land could still harvest several hundred catties of dry food.What's more, it is a barren land with poor soil quality. The harvest is not [-]% of that of a good field. Not to mention the waste of seeds, it also wastes years of manpower.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, people prefer to work part-time during the slack season. Although the income is small, it is free of cost.

This is the general public's thinking, and it is useless for the imperial court to emphasize agriculture and suppress business.After all, merchants come to make money quickly, and the cost and risk are lower than those of land reclamation, so there are very few people to land reclamation.

But food is the most important thing for the people, and the most lacking thing in this era is food.

To put it bluntly, science and technology are very backward, and the ability to fight between man and nature is too weak.A little bit of natural disaster can make farmland grainless, there is no south-to-north water diversion, no flood control dam, even insects cannot be killed, and crops cannot be fertilized...

Even if you complain, Qianwu feels that the one with the most potential for development is Nong.

She will try her best to develop agriculture, develop fertilizers to fertilize the soil, and formulate pesticides to create a suitable growth environment for crops.

Building water conservancy with modern and advanced technology, surveying tributaries of rivers, diverting water from the south to the north, building dams to prevent floods...

There are a lot of things to do, and power and material resources must keep up before they can fight.

Think about those great undertakings, they are not just a matter of sense of accomplishment, they benefit all mankind!Tsk tsk, if she can realize it, wouldn't she be a brilliant comet!
But now if you don't have the ability, you can only fight guerrilla first.

"Hey! Wu, in your opinion, what can Uncle do?" When Qian Wu was making plans for Uncle's house, many people were naturally attracted to her surroundings, and Uncle was naturally among them.

"Hehe, my uncle is getting old and can't run anymore. But my uncle doesn't know how to farm like your uncle." He didn't have the patience to wait on the crops at all, otherwise he wouldn't have gone to the rivers and lakes in the first place.

But dart walking is too dangerous, except for the elderly and children in the family, there are women. If there is a mistake in the pillar of the uncle, the good family will probably collapse.

He couldn't help but be optimistic about the situation. If he could get a job in Qianwu, he wouldn't have to run around all over the place, and his family would be at ease. The girls in the provincial family are always nagging...

"Hey, Uncle, you are asking the right person. I have a business that is similar in nature to your current job, but it covers a larger and wider scope than your bodyguard agency.

If you can invite your boss to join, then the position of deputy chief escort is yours. You only need to take care of internal affairs or train talents in this area.How are you?However, it will take some time for the specific plan to be given to you.

If you go darts recently, you can bring the spices from Pine Garden Hall and sell them along the way, and I will pass them on to you at a low price.

Earning more or less depends on your own ability!Ha ha…"

The current dart agencies are all one-way darts, that is, one-to-one customer relationship, without a unified route and fixed time.

And what Qian Wu has to do is to use the power of the Western Regions, let Xiao Hei lead, intervene in the rivers and lakes, and operate the transportation business.

Like the modern express delivery model, it is timely and extensive.In addition to passing items and people, information and culture from various places will also be passed on.

This involves a wide range of fields, so it can make money.

Qianwu's idea is to collect beggars in every big city to build dens, or cooperate with local bodyguard bureaus to use the stations and warehouses, and subdue bandits from all over the country to escort goods, and establish a dark world force.Eat road transportation, river transportation, and even establish sea transportation in the future.

First of all, they robbed the Yuan family's river transportation and wharf business. Think about how cool it feels!

Tut tut!It seems that in the next ten years, Qianwu feels that she will definitely be able to live a very exciting and fulfilling life...

"Hey, that's right! Your spices are good things. This method is feasible. How much do you have? Uncle should bring more. I will rely on my niece for the future!

It's still my uncle, I'm lucky, and I can enjoy the blessings of the younger generation.Ouch, if your mother had been stronger back then, wouldn't she be just silk and satin now, so silly! "

Speaking of Qianwu's mother, my uncle still had a dark expression on his face.

Selfish people should be out of luck!Let the white-haired person send the black-haired person, it's okay to be heartbroken.Even my child who is waiting to be fed is willing to leave behind...

"What are you talking about?! You debt collector!" Grandma slapped uncle's head away.The dead are gone, the past is gone.And how could he say that about his sister, in front of such a child, on this festive day.

"Ouch, Mom! My son is wrong!" Isn't he feeling sorry for the child and being childish?

"Grandma is by Dad's side, it's a beautiful day." After a long time, Qian Wu also saw it, and she said it.Sometimes fate really depends on God.

These years, didn't these people in front of them accompany them to overcome it, so she wanted to reciprocate.

"However, uncle, you have to be more careful about spices. You don't need to bring a lot for the first time. You need to find more customers first, and you can just change hands when you go next time..." Qianwu Balabala...

Everything in the Xue family is just at the beginning, there are many things, and there are manpower, but everything needs to be pioneered by Qianwu and the cornerstone can be handed over to others.

(End of this chapter)

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