Chapter 125 Swagger
"Get up quickly! Since you are an upright man, you should not kneel casually. There are thousands of ways to thank you. Kneeling is the most demeaning way, and there is no actual benefit to both parties. Then we Why do you still want to do it? Right? Of course, I didn’t mean to ask you to thank me, and we are in an employment relationship, which is logically equal. I just hope that you will do your best in your future work and support us Xue Home, just maintain everyone’s Pine Garden.” Qianwu hurriedly stopped the strong and mighty Gao Wu, and preached when he got the chance. If Pine Garden wants to build a noble team in the future, the first thing to do is to remove It is the servility of these ancients.

"Hey, hey" Since they are security guards, they are called Wubao, still choking in embarrassment, and constantly wiping the uncontrollable tears from their eyes with their sleeves.

On the surface, it seems that Qianwu has settled the employment of several positions with just a few words easily. That is because outsiders will never understand the situation and mood of the Five Guarantees.They are a group that runs into walls everywhere, almost abandoned and tolerated by people, and even their closest relatives will hurt them, so who doesn't treat them like snakes and scorpions.It made them lose confidence in the environment and human nature more and more, and became more depraved. At this time, Qianwu didn't care about the pressure of gossip that would happen because of this, and accepted them. It is not easy to be grateful for a few.Of course, if the boss said that kneeling was not good and useless, then they would just thank her with another request, which is much better than just saying it.

"Let me drive the car, little patriarch, you know a lot at such a young age, you are just a set of tricks, and your skills are top-notch! Hehe." Ma Daqiang was in the mood to laugh at this moment, and also Before Qianwu agreed, he snatched the horse rope from her hand, and gave her a thumbs up.He has already determined that Qianwu is his master in this life. No matter whether he can really save so much money in the future, he will definitely accept them for Qianwu, and he will be sure, no matter whether Qianwu really understands them or not. In terms of identity and situation, anyway, he was relying on her.So he obliged to take over the work of the servants who drove the carriage.

However, if Qian Wu knew what was going on in his heart, he would not have to vomit blood. In modern times, driving a luxury car is such a noble and noble thing. In ancient times, it would have become a servant's job!Well, a horse-drawn carriage cannot replace a four-wheeled car, just think about it.

"Of course, Zhengrong Village is a bit far away from us. My brother may not know that this Xue family is a family of teachers for a century. Many scholars are very yearning for it. But for some reason, there are not many outsiders who really go to study. This makes the Xue family private school even more mysterious. No, judging by the cleverness of the little patriarch, it is estimated that it is rare to see in a hundred years!" Fan Dagao has also become active, and he has longed for the Xue family for a long time, but I have never had a chance before, but now I can get in touch with the Xue family. I have to say that he is very lucky, so how can he not be excited.Of course, he didn't know that the people who came out of the Xue family's private school were even more knowledgeable, and because they would be suppressed and retaliated by the Xue family's enemies after becoming an official, so people who knew the inside story rarely came.

"Hey, we don't know how to read, we really don't know. The little patriarch is so good, I think the Xue family must be even more powerful!" So they stepped on shit luck today, as expected, good people get rewarded!But this man didn't even think about it, if a good person deserves to be rewarded, then it's really not their turn to reward them, not to mention that Qian Wu is not a fake kind person.

"Hey, you are illiterate and not good at martial arts, you have to study hard in the future, you know! Because Songyuantang is a place where great things are done, there are very few illiterate people. Most of the people in our Zhengrong Village are Those who are literate, many people have started to learn martial arts now. Therefore, the products produced by Songyuantang must be capable people with both civil and military skills! Hehe!" Seeing that the crowd of adults was lively, and the children in the car also joined in, little Ade even more He was the first to express his own opinion so that he could appear knowledgeable and talented. Look!Can he give some advice to adults? In fact, he heard what the adults at home said, and he himself didn’t understand the reasons. Therefore, children always want to grow up quickly, while adults yearn for childhood. carefree.

"Well, what should we do? Four of us can't read and write, so why don't we go to Pine Garden to work? Don't we have to go to a private school to learn to read first? But there is no money." I started to get anxious. It seems that Songyuan Hall is a very powerful place. Although they have never heard of it, they have heard of a village in Ningjiang Town. Almost everyone can read and write. He is very virtuous, and when they heard about it, they envied the people in this village.Could it be Zhengrong Village, so can four of them who are illiterate really go in and work?Feel short of breath all of a sudden.

"Ah?" Little Ade was dumbfounded. Now, he actually came up with a question, but he didn't know what to answer, so he couldn't help being at a loss.

"Brothers, don't worry, since the little patriarch agreed to us, there should be no such request now. In the future, I will teach you slowly, and now if the work requires it, you have to study hard. In terms of martial arts , I don’t know if the little patriarch has any better suggestions. “As expected of Fan Dago, he can deal with it immediately.

"Haha, of course, our Pine Garden Hall will practice Kung Fu for an hour every morning. You are the security guards of Pine Garden Hall, so of course you can learn for free. Literacy will also be arranged for half an hour at noon every day. Learning is voluntary. People with greater skills will be promoted and paid more. For example, when our business reaches the capital, we can go with it. Otherwise, those with mediocre skills can only stay in the villages and towns.” These benefits are for Pine Garden. The hall is open to all, and the cost of cultivating talents is high, and it is not a buyout, so it is correspondingly difficult to manage. However, the management direction of Songyuan Hall is to convince people with reason, and it has its own charm and like-minded people are willing to follow.

"Okay! Hahahaha! Great! Heaven has eyes!"

"We will work hard, and we will be able to visit the capital in the future!"


The carriage unknowingly entered the town, and the atmosphere in the carriage was high-spirited, lively and unique.And when the pedestrians on the street saw the people in the car, many of them avoided them unconsciously. Qianwu and his gang were ostentatious!
(End of this chapter)

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