Chapter 949
On Mayday in the Liao Kingdom, the cold air gradually receded.

The ice and snow on the mountains melted, and the rivers also rose.

All of a sudden, weeds emerged tenaciously from the ground, and the grassland was suddenly full of greenery.

For the people of Liao Kingdom, this is undoubtedly good news.But for the Imperial Army, this is not a good sign.

As the coach, how could Zhong Jian not know the secret of Dashun's weapons?Once the grassland enters the unpredictable rainy weather, the possibility of the imperial army's defeat is too great.Don't look at the fact that the Forbidden Army has the upper hand now, it's all about firearms.When it comes to the timing, location, and harmony of people, the Forbidden Army can be said to have none of them.

If the land is not occupied, the Forbidden Army can find out in advance by exploring the horses, so as to avoid entering the land of absolute heaven and cause the entire army to be wiped out; " and "Returning to the Central Plains to divide the land" disintegrated the hearts of the people of the Liao Kingdom; but if the time is not taken, there is really no way.Although the Forbidden Army is known as the elite of Dashun and has excellent weapons, it has a fatal flaw, that is, it is afraid of water.

The Hongxiang-style rifle is not bad, because it is packed with paper gunpowder and lead pellets, matched with flint, even in rainy days, it has a firing rate of more than [-]%.But the mother-child artillery is really useless. When it rains, it becomes a decoration.

The only thing that can come in handy is the grenade.

But a grenade that weighs several kilograms, even a powerful soldier, can only throw it thirty or forty steps away, how can it compare to a two-pronged cannon?Moreover, in rainy days, the misfire rate of the grenade also increased steadily, at least half of the misfire rate.

Rainy days are not terrible, as long as the camps are guarded, trenches are dug, and barbed wire is set up, as long as the food and grass are not exhausted, the imperial army can also defend for a while.

The terrible thing is that no one knows when the rainy days on the grassland will come.

Sometimes the weather looks sunny, but in an instant, it is pouring rain.If you choose this weather to fight the Liao army, it will be tantamount to abolishing your martial arts.

What's more terrible is that Tan Ma learned that the emperor of the Liao Kingdom had personally conscripted himself.There are still more than a hundred miles to the Linhuang Mansion in Shangjing of the Liao Kingdom. The Liao Kingdom's 40 palace tent troops and [-] royal tent cavalry have already completed their camp fifty miles away.For a time, the morale of the Liao army was at its peak.The personal expedition of the royal driver, with the weight of ten thousand times, and the master of millions of troops, the hearts of the people are naturally enthusiastic, and they will strive for death. If you have the combat power, you will win if you attack, and you will overcome if you fight.

Zhong Zhi also knew that this battle was a decisive battle that would determine the fate of the two countries, and he dared not neglect it, so he had to close the camp tightly to drain the spirit of the Liao army.

In fact, Yelu Hongji is not having a good time, because Zhang Xiaojie and Yelu Yixin's group bother him every day, saying that he is a man of gold, how can he resist the danger of the battle?It is advisable to enter Linhuang Mansion as soon as possible, and it is fine to hand over this place to Yeluta.Yelu Hongji retorted: "I see that most of the ministers in the class have gray hair at the temples, and no one is in charge. I will drive myself to fight against the enemy Han dogs, so as to eliminate this serious trouble, so as to avoid the suffering of the people! I have made up my mind, Zhu Qing Don't try to persuade me any more!"

But Zhang Xiaojie and Yelu Yixin were so persistent that Yelu Hongji was afraid of them, and ordered the soldiers to stop them outside the golden tent and not to enter as soon as they saw them.

Yelu Hongji is a person who loves great achievements, he most wants to fight to decide the outcome.So every night, soldiers were sent to steal the camp in order to win a battle.

It's just that the Khitans are really bad as infantry.Under the criss-cross trenches, there are countless dark bunkers and barbed wire fences that can catch flesh and blood, all of which are their formidable enemies.Don't say that war horses can't get through, even people can't move around much.

The imperial army is also very bad, every time they are put in and then fight.The Hongxiang rifle resounds through the sky every night.

Once the gunshots sounded, the Khitan retreated, leaving only a few corpses behind.

Don't think that they stopped attacking just like that, the Khitans just paused for a while, and then came up quietly again.

It's a pity that their efforts are doomed to be in vain. There are too many secret whistles sent by the imperial army, and there is no such thing as distraction.

It's just that gunshots rang out from time to time, and hundreds of thousands of forbidden soldiers couldn't sleep well. Life was miserable haha.

The doctor also noticed this situation, personally inspected the camp, and encouraged the soldiers to go to bed early and be more alert.

The most infuriating thing is that the Khitan sent generals to the front of the battle every day to scold them.People have given up the exemption card for the kind of diagnosis, but they turned a blind eye and remained the same.The doctor and all the generals scolded that these Khitan people are barbarians, who don't even understand the principle of avoiding war.

After more than half a month like this, the morale of the Liao army gradually faded.After all, it is a kind of helpless fear that every day without the slightest military exploits, the comrades beside him fall on the trenches one by one.Fear will spread, even if Yelu Hongji personally oversees the army and marches in person, the morale will not be boosted.

On the side of the imperial army, the morale is getting stronger day by day.Without him, the three generals of the Yang family and Zou You, the general of Zhonglang, led 50 soldiers and horses, and have already escorted the grain and grass, totaling [-] shi.Along the way, they repelled countless Khitan cavalry who wanted to rob food.Fortunately, these grain transport vehicles are all made of iron sheets, which are fireproof and can block arrowheads.Once the food and grass are unloaded, it is a chariot.With such a grain transport truck, they could barely transport the grain and grass.

With food, the forbidden army will have more confidence.

They can afford it, but the Liao Kingdom can't afford it!

You must know that most of the most fertile pastures in the Liao Kingdom are located in the south of the Liao Kingdom.The south of Liao Kingdom is naturally the place bordering Dashun.Now that the imperial army is crushing all the way, the frontier army also took advantage of the situation and took over these pastures.There were even rumors that Dashun had dispatched officials to manage these places.

How could Yelu Hongji, as an overjoyed emperor, tolerate such a thing?

He was even more diligent in shouting and scolding before the battle, even in rainy days.When it was raining heavily, they attacked the camp violently.

The imperial army was happy to see the Khitans doing useless work. Many people watched the Khitans collapse in the trenches while eating dry food.

It's a pity that the good times didn't last long. On this day, Yelu Hongji became a good student and dispatched dozens of trebuchets.

This is also to praise the Khitan people, they are a relatively successful ethnic group, and they have even learned a lot of Central Plains culture.In fact, it was also due to force. They kidnapped many artisans on the border of Dashun and forced them to make these siege and defense equipment.Yelu Hongji didn't want to use these cumbersome things at first, but it is undeniable that at this time, trebuchets and bed crossbows are indeed better than cavalry and infantry.

Forbidden Army, casualties began to appear.

Under the gravitational acceleration of the stone bullet, flesh and blood can't resist it at all.

At this time, the doctor couldn't bear it any longer.First, they let the mother and child cannons attack, killing many trebuchets and bed crossbows, and then hurriedly held a military meeting, thinking that Yelu Hongji's mentality has gone wrong now, and it's time for a decisive battle.

Youdao is three generals, better than one Zhuge Liang, not to mention all generals who have experienced many battles and studied in the Royal Military Academy system?

When everyone is united, their profits cut through gold.


With the sound of a cannon, the Forbidden Army barracks opened the gate, and a row of soldiers walked out of the trench in an orderly manner.

 The new book "Part-time Feng Shui Master" has been signed by Chuangshi. Because I can't use this pen name, I changed the pen name to "Indeterminate Gel Water". The book is an urban type. If you are interested, you can read it
(End of this chapter)

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