Chapter 938
When the battle report was sent back to the Chinese army, all the soldiers of the Forbidden Army were excited, and then envious.

With military merit, it means that there is a military merit field to distribute. Although it is not much, there are only five acres, and taxes must be paid, but it is also paid by oneself at the expense of one's life.The Chinese people's affection for the land is beyond the imagination of other countries.As long as it is their own land, no matter how barren or unbearable, the Han people will regard it as a treasure.

If no one in the family cultivates it, it can be converted into cash.After the war, there is still a pension.More importantly, if you make great contributions, promotion is inevitable.Once you become an officer and then enter the Royal Military Academy to study, you will definitely be a young general when you come out.Becoming a general is equivalent to stepping into an official career.Is there anything better than being an officer?For the Chinese, there really isn't one.

As a result, the morale of the imperial army was boosted, and they were even more eager for a big battle.

The army became more silent, but silence is more powerful than noise.

The Khitan people also seemed to understand that this army didn't seem to come to show off their power, but to really crusade.Their goal is to go to Linhuang Mansion in the capital of Liao Kingdom!

Linhuang Mansion is the heart of the Liao Kingdom, how can there be any mistakes?
Ever since, these Khitan nobles didn't dare to take it lightly anymore, but took advantage of the Dashun imperial army's encampment, and began to assemble a large army, preparing to stop them in Raozhou.

During the reign of Emperor Taizu of the Liao Dynasty, the Liao Kingdom set up Yongzhou, and the Kuangyi Army Jiedu envoy.Relocated the adherents of the Bohai Kingdom to Raozhou.Under the jurisdiction of Changle County, Linhe County.

It is said to be a state city, but it is actually just a low earth city, which does not have defensive capabilities.

The Imperial Army of Dashun also had no appetite for this. They planned to cross the Musk River in Raozhou and take Linhuang Mansion directly.

Yelu Hongji became anxious, and issued five imperial decrees in succession, ordering all Khitan nobles to stop the imperial army.

Under pressure, these Khitan princes and nobles no longer cared about preserving their strength, and were ready to fight to the death with the Dashun Imperial Army.

In front of Raozhou, there is a flat grassland, which is most suitable for cavalry groups to charge.This is also the reason why these princes and nobles are willing to fight to the death, after all, it is beneficial to them.

The Khitans were not good at attacking cities, let alone defending them.Once the Dashun Forbidden Army breaks through to Linhuang Mansion, then Linhuang Mansion will really be in jeopardy.Once Linhuang Mansion falls, Jurchen, Shiwei, Menggu, Dilie Babu, Nianbagebu, Meilijiubu, Chazhabu, etc., who were temporarily suppressed by them, will be eager to carve up the Liao Kingdom.

After all, the Liao Kingdom is composed of multiple nomadic peoples, and the north, northwest, and northeast are almost all the territories of these tribes.Coupled with the arrival of the Little Ice Age, these tribes have long since had enough of the bitter cold. If they were not afraid of the army of the Liao Kingdom, they would have wanted to go south.Once the Linhuang Mansion is breached, it will be tantamount to declaring the defeat of the Liao Kingdom.After the defeat of the Liao Kingdom, these tribes no longer had any constraints, and it seemed logical to go south.

The princes and nobles of Khitan are not stupid. The reason why they have today's status is because their ancestors were powerful, expelled other nomadic peoples, and established Khitan's status.Once the Khitan loses power, they will become like those tribes, or go west like the Huns and Turks.

No matter how you look at it, it is a road of no return.

For the sake of the rise and fall of the Khitan people, they had to take it seriously, no longer counting gains and losses, life and death.

Ever since, the two armies met in front of the Musk River, and each set up camp, ready to fight to the death.

As night fell, there was silence on the grassland, except for the neighing of horses and the howling of wolves in the distance, and the sound of flags fluttering in the wind.

On the grassland in spring, the nights are still extremely cold.If the imperial army had not had cotton clothes, they would not have dared to make a northern expedition in the spring.The weather is always the enemy of the army.

Even the Khitan people, who could endure the bitter cold, froze to death many soldiers, let alone cattle and sheep, because of their thin clothes.

The two sides did not steal the camp either. Everyone knows that a sneak attack cannot solve the problem at all.At this point, how can the Khitan people not know that the Han people have already reduced the grain and grass to pieces?Sneak attack has become a blind move.In addition to increasing casualties, there is no other use.

Looking at the tough, densely covered barbed wire, he could not help but take a deep breath after seeing the powerful Khitan cavalry.

This is definitely the nemesis of cavalry!
If during the decisive battle, they proceed step by step and advance slowly, then the Liao Kingdom will really have nothing to do.

Once the horse is hung on the barbed wire, even if it can jump over obstacles, the horse will definitely be scratched.Can a scratched war horse still be considered a war horse?They will be crazy and uncontrollable, and even the best cavalry will be knocked off their horses.

They all want it, but will the Han people not think of it?

The Khitan people just want to know who came up with this wicked way, and they wish they could tear him to pieces.

Unfortunately, it was Lu Chengqi who came up with it.

In the real decisive battle, Lu Chengqi's idea was to add trenches and barbed wire to completely block the enemy's mobile forces.The trenches are densely covered, and there is absolutely no place for war horses to stop, let alone charge.

This is why war horses withdrew from the battlefield during World War II.Under such a dense trench, it is equipped with powerful long-range firepower. Let alone a target as big as a war horse, even if it is wearing full-body armor, it will be strafed into a sieve.

Of course, there is no continuous-firing machine gun now, and the firepower is not strong enough.But trenches with barbed wire are enough.

If you really don't have time to dig trenches, there are all kinds of tin cars.Form a large circle, not afraid of cavalry charge at all.

Dawn gradually came, and the decisive battle was about to begin.

In order to hide this combat intention, the doctor did not dig trenches, but mobilized all the iron-skinned carriages that could be mobilized and placed them at the front.

Behind them are shield soldiers with swords and guns relying on iron carriages, and behind them are crossbowmen and musketeers, and in the innermost part are the big killer cannons.

The marching speed of the imperial army was slow because they carried these sub-cannons.Otherwise, there is absolutely no problem for them to march 180 miles a day on flat ground.

After the big flags among the Khitan cavalry were erected, the Khitan cavalry began to croak, as if they were gathering strength and were ready to charge.

"Taiwei, the mother and child guns have been adjusted and ready to shoot at any time!"

"Taiwei, there is an ambush in the rear, and the trenches have been dug. If any Khitans want to attack, there will be no return!"

"Lieutenant, the cavalry on the left and right flanks are ready to attack at any time!"


Hearing the battle reports one by one, a flushed expression appeared on Zhong Dian's resolute face: "Okay, the three armies obey the order, each keep his position, and meet the Liao army!"


All the soldiers heard their blood boiling, and finally it was time for a decisive battle.

They know that this battle must never be lost.To lose is to die.Only when he wins can he continue to Linhuang Mansion.They also firmly believed that the forbidden army could not be defeated. Sun Tzu said in the art of war: "Know yourself and know your enemy, and you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles."They know all the attack methods of the Khitan people, but do the Khitan people know their attack methods?Obviously, the Khitan people didn't know.

Information asymmetry is always cruel.

In shopping malls, if information is asymmetric, you are the party that gets the money; on the battlefield, if information is asymmetric, you are the party that loses.

In the ever-changing battlefield, any negligence is fatal.Not to mention information asymmetry, that is simply sending oneself to death!

"This time, we Han people want to make a splash in the desert!"

The high-pitched words of the doctor made the blood of the Forbidden Army around them boil, and they suddenly shouted "Tiger! Tiger! Tiger!", which boosted their morale!
(End of this chapter)

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