back to ancient times to be emperor

Chapter 935 Who is the Daozu

Chapter 935 Who is the Daozu

When the smoke dissipated and dawn came, the raging brazier was still burning on the grassland, lighting up everything around.

This is the charcoal carried by Dashun's army, it can burn for a long time and is not afraid of being destroyed.

It is precisely because of the bright lights that it is not afraid of Khitan's night attack.

Coupled with layers of barbed wire, only linen gloves can be untied without scratching yourself.

All that was done was to guard against surprise attacks by the Khitans.These prairie people run away if they can't win, and sneak attack when you are tired. With these few tricks, they successfully repelled the crusade of the Central Plains army several times.Once the morale of the Central Plains army drops, they gather all their troops and start a decisive battle.

Those who are familiar with the routines of the Khitan people are not only the old generals of the Zhong family, but even the younger generation are familiar with it.

The most frightening thing is always the unknown opponent.Although the Khitan people are strong, do they really understand the elite soldiers of Dashun?

Yang Huaiyu, dressed in armor, excitedly came to Wang Shao with a bow and arrow, and called out, "Brother-in-law!"

"What's wrong?" Wang Shao counted the amount of food and grass, and ignored him for a while.

"You're right, the feeling of making the Khitan people defenseless is not bad!" Yang Huaiyu said happily, "Just now I shot and killed more than a dozen Khitan people!"

The movement of Wang Shao's hands paused for a moment, noncommittal, but looked at the sky, and found that the sun on the grassland was about to struggle out of the horizon.He would not tell Yang Huaiyu, because of Yang Huaiyu's dereliction of duty, the grain and grass almost fell into the range of the Khitan's rockets.Once the food and grass caught fire, the army would have to retreat temporarily.Fortunately, Wang Shao had been guarding the pile of grain and grass all the time, and with a Hongxiang rifle, he forcibly dispelled the Khitan people's idea of ​​sneaking up on the grain and grass.

"You are still a general after all." Wang Shao said this without any reason, "You can't be the commander of an army..."

After all, Wang Shao walked to the camp of the Chinese army, and he had to report the damage to the crops to the clinic.

Yang Huaiyu was stunned, not knowing why Wang Shao said this.

The military situation is urgent, and the army will move out immediately.

Pull out the stronghold and set off at the fastest speed, with more than 40 troops, it took less than half an hour, and everything was in order.

Northeast, all the way to the northeast!

That is the heart of the Liao Kingdom, and it is also the most difficult road.

It's all done in one battle, all you need is a decisive battle!

Aren't the Khitan people good at running?You've already reached Linhuang Mansion, let's see how you run!
The purpose of seeding is very clear, and it is also the most brilliant conspiracy.Even if you can understand it, you can't resolve it!The only thing to worry about now is the problem of food and grass. The food and drink expenses of the over 5 troops are astonishingly large. I wonder if the logistics can be guaranteed?However, this problem was quickly resolved.Wang Shao took the initiative to invite Ying, and he will lead [-] horses to guard the grain transportation channel.

At the beginning, he was not at ease with the diagnosis, but Wang Shao persuaded him: "Your Majesty had expected that the Khitans would harass our army's food and grass, so this time, except for the horse fodder, all the food they brought were dry cakes and fried noodles. , can be distributed to each soldier, enough to eat and drink for more than a month. Although the burden is a bit heavy, the victory is broken into pieces, and the Khitans can no longer figure out where our army is. Instead, our army can take advantage of the Khitans’ eagerness to retreat It is like a blunt knife cutting flesh and bloodletting the Khitan people time and time again. When the Khitan people's morale drops to the lowest level, they will definitely gain the upper hand in the decisive battle. As for the follow-up food road, Your Majesty It will definitely be properly arranged, and Jie will go to meet him at the end of the day, as a guarantee of the head of the project, there will be no mistakes!"

It was precisely because of Wang Shao's words that the doctor made up his mind to distribute all the food to the soldiers.

He was originally afraid that once the soldiers got food and grass, they would become deserters.But he obviously underestimated the system of the Forbidden Army, the pension system, and the improvement of the military merit reward system. Not to mention the Forbidden Army, even the frontier soldiers who have just been recruited are also eager to make contributions and gain a future right away.

Coupled with the fact that alone, how to survive on the grassland is a problem. No one would be so stupid as a deserter.

What's more, now that they have just won a battle, their morale is high, and it is even more impossible for them to desert.

The army set off in a meandering way, turned over one hill after another, and walked like this for another day, covering more than 150 miles.

In spring and winter, many swamps on the grasslands became flat, and the rivers shrank a lot because of the lack of rainfall.

Coupled with the continuous dispatch of scouts, they found out the way, and the spies of inspectors entered the Liao Kingdom long ago, planning the safest route, so the Dashun army walked recklessly.

Don't look at Lu Chengqi's attack on the Liao Kingdom this time on a whim, in fact, he has been preparing for this battle for ten years!

In the past ten years, whether it is developing the economy or training the army, this is the battle that is planned.Completely eliminate the three hidden dangers of Liao, Jurchen, and Mongolia, and the country of the Han people will be stable.Others don't know why the emperor is so fierce. When others come to fight Caogu, you have to fight them.

Only Lu Chengqi knows that time waits for no one.Once the Little Ice Age came and the grassland people couldn't stand the cold and wanted to go south, the Han people would start to suffer.

In war, unarmed civilians are the most innocent and suffer the most.

In the official history, how many Han people fell under the iron cavalry of Jin Bing in the shame of Jingkang?

How many Han people were slaughtered by the Mongols when Mongolia destroyed the Song Dynasty?
At the end of Ming Dynasty, the three massacres in Jiading and the ten days in Yangzhou were all tampered with by the victors into achievements.But for those people who died, who has appealed for their injustice?I would rather be a peace dog than a chaotic person.Those people, even though they have all kinds of faults, it is not the basis for you to wantonly deprive them of their lives!
Lu Chengqi hated these nomads, they devoid of humanity and slaughtered wantonly.In order to avoid the tragedy, he had no choice but to kill.

Killing one person is a crime, killing ten is a crime, killing a hundred is a crime, killing a thousand is a general, killing ten thousand is a hero, killing a million is a hero among heroes!

If you want to bear the infamy, let Lu Chengqi bear it. He would rather lose his reputation than let history repeat itself!
It's just that the Khitan people don't know Lu Chengqi's determination yet, and the princes and nobles who gathered the army this time thought that Dashun was just showing off.As long as they deal with it properly, how can the Han people survive on the grassland?At most two months, they retreated.So they didn't take Dashun's more than [-] soldiers and horses seriously at all, and even sang and danced in the camp to celebrate the peace and carnival wantonly.

Dashun?Han Chinese?Army?

Haha, it's all a joke!
In front of the Khitan warriors, they are all just a piece of cake!

It's just who will be the knife and who will be the fish, who can know at this moment?

(End of this chapter)

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