Chapter 888
As soon as these words came out, everyone in the court was shocked.

Daolin Township, the capital of all civil and military officials, is the God of Wealth, no matter what he can squeeze out money, when making plans for the next year's expenses, he always has to report more, so as not to fall behind.Everyone is thinking, why can other yamen get so much, but this yamen can only get so little?No, if you want to be like them, at least you can make it in time.

It is this mentality that puts more and more pressure on the household department in charge of Lin Zhenzhong, and even shows signs of exhaustion.

Lu Chengqi never thought that the financial deficit would be so serious, and he said quickly: "Lin Qing, let me ask you, how much money is there in the treasury?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, there are still more than two months before the summer harvest, but there are only more than 600 million guan left in the treasury. This amount of money, not to mention supporting the expenses of two months, is more than [-] officials in Dashun The salary is not enough!"

Lin Zhenzhong called out to Qu Lai, who were usually so straightforward in reaching out for money one by one, but once they were asked to find ways to make money, they turned a blind eye.

Lu Chengqi was taken aback by his words, and felt very troubled.

He knows that Dashun is developing rapidly now, and it needs countless coins to follow it.Even with the support of the Shipping Department, Commercial Taxation and the Royal Bank, the treasury still cannot make ends meet.

Generally speaking, some fiscal deficits are not a bad thing, which proves that the country is indeed using money.Only a country with money to spend can develop its economy.

But a long-term fiscal deficit is not good. The most direct impact is that the value of the currency is no longer strong.Lu Chengqi knew a long time ago that one silver coin could be exchanged for more than 900 copper coins a few years ago; but now one silver coin can only be exchanged for [-] or [-] copper coins, which proves that Dashun's coins have been depreciating all the time.

This still controls the coinage of copper coins, silver coins, and gold coins. If the coinage is released, the price will fall even more.

The money in the hands of the people is worthless, and it is the people who suffer in the end.

Suddenly, Lu Chengqi thought of something: "By the way, these days, many criminals have filed pleadings on their own, saying that they violated the "Commercial Law". I will take a lenient attitude and ask them to hand over their illegal gains, and then they will be relegated. This part is confiscated, and it is estimated that there will be millions of pens, so it should be able to meet the temporary needs?"

Lin Zhenzhong had also heard about this, and after some calculations, he nodded and said, "Your Majesty's move should be very satisfying. I estimate that if there are five or six million guan, with some savings, it should be able to last until the summer harvest."

Lu Chengqi frowned when he heard this: "Lin Qing, you did your calculations right, there are more than 1000 million yuan, and there are also shipping department and commercial tax, but they can only last until Xia Harvest?"

Lin Zhenzhong smiled wryly and said: "Your Majesty doesn't know something. There are too many places where money is spent nowadays. On the side of the canal, the annual expenditure reaches 500 million. There are also newly built water conservancy projects in various state capitals, reinforced river lifts, etc. I'm afraid The cost is no less than 3000 million guan. The cost of the shipyards in the coastal states is also about 3000 million guan. Although there is a slight surplus, it is still a drop in the bucket..."

When Lu Chengqi heard this, his expression was a little ugly.The shipyard not only builds warships, but also builds civilian ships, the kind that can be sold.The quality of official ships is good, although they are a bit more expensive, but the people who go to sea are willing to buy official ships.Even so, the shipbuilding workshop is only slightly profitable, no wonder Lin Zhenzhong said that it is just a drop in the bucket.

"...In addition to the construction of roads such as the Military Weapons Supervision, Chi Road, Official Road, Post Road, etc., soldiers' food and salaries, officials' salaries, and government expenses, there is no annual income of tens of millions. It cannot be sustained anyway!" Lin Zhenzhong also said. Feeling a headache, he directly told the truth.

Hearing this, Lu Chengqi also took a deep breath.

What is the concept of Wanwanguan?It's equivalent to [-] million yuan!

This is still barely a year. If you don't want to run into a financial deficit, wouldn't you be able to earn more than 1 million copper coins per year?

It's also difficult for Lin Zhenzhong, who has been working as a household secretary for ten years without any mistakes.If someone else became the Minister of the Household Department, I am afraid that he would not be able to hold on for a long time, and he might be demoted again and again by Lu Chengqi in a fit of anger, to the ends of the earth.

Therefore, not everyone is suitable for this job. After hearing Lin Zhenzhong's "complaints", all the civil and military officials were secretly glad that Lu Chengqi did not change his mind about changing the secretary of the household department.Otherwise, it would be tantamount to picking up a hot potato, and he would be dismissed from office at any time, and demoted again and again.

Seeing the civil servants below all showing a look of rejoicing, Lu Chengqi also knew what they were thinking, so he shook his head helplessly.There are still too few people who can manage money these days, otherwise he wouldn't just use Lin Zhenzhong.Although Lu Chengqi didn't ask about Huangzhuang's affairs, he also knew that Huangzhuang would only earn tens of millions of dollars in a year.But Lu Chengqi would never have imagined that Dashun's expenses would exceed [-] million a year.

"This is simply burning money!"

Lu Chengqi was also very embarrassed, it was all because of his striding too far.If he restrained himself a bit, maybe he wouldn't have this problem.

It's just that time waits for no one. When money is expensive, people become cheap.

Take the repair of the city wall as an example. Although there have been no wars on the border in the past few years, does it mean that there will never be any?It's always good to be prepared.You have to use this money, right?

Recruiting soldiers, training, forging weapons...these are all guarding against the wolves in the north.

History has proved that once the precautions are neglected, the consequences will be disastrous.The Northern Song Dynasty only lost the battle of Bianliang City, and all the emperor's ministers and concubines were taken captive by the Jin people. The shame of Jingkang will never be forgotten.The Southern Song Dynasty lost the battle of Xiangyang City, and the country perished within a year.These are bloody lessons, and he has been urging Lu Chengqi to accumulate troops silently.And everything you do requires money. If you have no money or food, who will serve you as a soldier!

It's no wonder that Lin Zhenzhong is complaining, there are too many places to spend money.

Lu Chengqi himself had no other good solution, he could only turn to civil and military officials for help: "Everyone, do you have a good plan?"

As soon as the words hit the ground, many civil officials shook their heads, even if there were one or two sporadic ones, they were clamoring for an increase in agricultural taxes.Lu Chengqi sighed. He didn't expect much at first, but now it seems that these civil servants still only believe in Confucius. If they learned from Tao Zhugong, they wouldn't talk about raising agricultural taxes. up.How much money can farmers have?Originally, the tax was heavy, but now they are still being exploited. Isn't this tantamount to forcing them into a desperate situation!
The Han people can endure, as long as they have a full mouthful of food, they will not rebel.Normal years are fine, but what about famine years?Thinking about the previous peasant uprisings, Lu Chengqi shuddered, and looked at these civil servants even more unkindly: it's simply short-sighted, I don't know what it means!
"Does Lin Qing have a good idea?"

Lu Chengqi saw that his question was for nothing, so he could only look at Lin Zhenzhong.

(End of this chapter)

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