back to ancient times to be emperor

Chapter 792 Divine Soldier descends from heaven

Chapter 792 Divine Soldier descends from heaven
One night passed quickly.Some people are sleeping soundly, while others are still awake, struggling desperately.

"Wow wow wow..."

A rhythmic sound of water resounded through the Red River.Numerous returning birds along the coast were frightened and flew away, chirping non-stop.Shrouded in darkness, there was an oppressive atmosphere before the war.Have the veteran boatmen who have never fought before seen such a scene?Looking at Lu Chenhuan and Zou You with fierce eyes, they were so frightened that their bodies trembled involuntarily.

"General... General, is the war going to start?"

An older old boatman asked Lu Chenhuan cautiously.Compared to the chubby Lu Chenhuan, the tall and thin Zou You seemed to kill people at the slightest disagreement.As everyone knows, people cannot be judged by their appearance, and sea water cannot be measured. Fatty Lu has a lot of eyes. He is the kind who eats people without spitting out his bones. Maybe you are sold by him and you have to help him count the money!Zou You looks fierce and evil, but he has a wicked and kind face, is upright and loyal, and is much better than Fatty Lu, who looks loyal and kind.

Lu Chenhuan grinned his fat mouth, "lightly" patted the old boatman's shoulder, laughed twice but didn't speak.This laughter sounded nothing at first, but after a long time, it seemed to be floating from hell, and it was very permeating in the middle of the night.The bodies of those old boatmen trembled even more, and they almost didn't have a nervous breakdown.

"Don't be afraid, the Cozhi people's sailors are totally vulnerable. After tomorrow's fight, you will hide in the cabin, don't come out."

Zou You couldn't understand Fatty Lu's behavior, so he said softly to the old boatmen.After hearing Zou You's words, these old boatmen felt a little relieved.A courageous old boatman asked cautiously, "General, do you guys want to fight?"


A serious person like Zou You almost burst out laughing.These old boatmen are all old bones, and they have been floating at sea all year round, so they will inevitably suffer from rheumatic bone pain.Such a bad old man can't even pick up a simple knife. If he goes out to help, the more he helps, the more he helps, and a few more soldiers will die instead.Every soldier in Dashun was supported by a high military salary. It was good not to fight on weekdays. After a war, even a death pension would be scary enough.If a few soldiers died because of this, it would really be worth the candle.

Zou You told them very clearly: "When the warship arrives at Thang Long City, you are already fine, stay in the cabin and don't show your face. If you die, we still don't know how to get back to Dashun by sea! I guess you don't want to die in a foreign country, do you?"

As soon as these words came out, those old boatmen nodded vigorously, like chickens pecking at rice: "General, don't worry, we won't leave the cabin without your order!"

Zou You waved his hand and said, "Go down and sleep for a while, I guess there will be a war after dawn."

Thanks to those old boatmen, they went down from the cabin, and Zou You turned his attention to the front.The surface of the river was full of waves, and with the sound of rushing water, another big battle was imminent, even if you wanted to sleep, it was impossible.Zou You looked at Fatty Lu who was standing on the deck all the time, his heart moved, he turned and went down the cabin to check the artillery.

In the cabin, the soldiers in charge of manipulating the artillery were checking the ratio of shells, gunpowder, and gunpowder. There was no tension on their faces before the war. Instead, they were talking and laughing. The atmosphere in the cabin was very tense for a while. happy.Seeing that Zou You came down to inspect, they got up one by one to salute, but Zou You stopped them: "Go ahead, don't delay the big event!"

Only after these soldiers got the military order did they dare to continue the work at hand.Zou You looked carefully at each of the sub-cannons, and found that almost all of them were new, with smooth bores and plenty of sub-cannons.After looking at the ratio of black and gunpowder again, it was also in line with the strength used on the ship, and then I left the cabin with satisfaction.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the sky gradually brightened.After the darkness before dawn, a fiery red glow appeared in the eastern sky.The sky was gray, and the surroundings were filled with cool mist, with gusts of cool wind rushing towards him, Zou You felt refreshed for a while.I don't know how much time has passed, but the sky seems to be a little brighter.Looking around, the eastern sky is slightly orange-yellow.

The morning glow glowed in the east, and in an instant, the sky turned into a colorful and magnificent world. The cloudy clouds shone with golden and red brilliance like a tidbit, like a huge carp covered with golden scales, lying across the sky.Immediately afterwards, golden light sprayed out, but a fireball was seen rising slowly.All of a sudden, thousands of golden lights dispelled the clouds and fog, and the rising sun finally struggled to jump out of the clouds!
Using the light, Zou You suddenly found a city made of bricks and stones in front of him.Zou You remembered what Li Gongyun, the great ancestor of the Li Dynasty, once said when he ordered the relocation of the capital to Daluo City: "I look at the map, Gao Pian's former capital, Daluo City, is located in the world, and there are dragons and tigers. It is also the capital above the emperor. I want to take advantage of this location and settle down."

Li Gongyun consulted the opinions of the ministers in the court, and all the ministers said: "Your Majesty said that this is the benefit of all generations." So Li Chao moved from Hualu to Daluo City.When Li Gongyun came to the city with his boat, a dragon saw him, and ordered him to change the name of the city to Shenglong City.After the capital was established in Shenglong, Li Gong gathered the assets of the whole country, and made a large-scale construction according to the Chinese architectural style.In Shenglongjing of Tiande Mansion, there is the Chaodian Hall, the Jixian Hall on the left, and the Jiangwu Hall on the right.The left opens the dragon gate, and the right opens the Danfeng gate.The Kaigao Hall in Zhengyang is called Longchi. The inner wing of the Qigao is surrounded by corridors.Behind the Qianyuan Hall are Longan and Longrui Halls.The Sunlight Hall is built on the left, and the Yueming Hall is built on the right.After that there is Cuihua Palace.Four gates are opened on all sides of the city, Xiangfu is called in the east, Guangfu is called in the west, Daxing is called in the south, and Yaode is called in the north.In addition, Xingtian Temple, Wufengxing Tower, Fangchuang Shengyan Temple were built in the city... These words were all sent back by the secret agents of the Supervision Department who were stationed in Shenglong City.

Seeing that the shape of the city looks more and more similar, a city of this size must be the capital of the Jiaozhi people.If it weren't for the capital, where would the bitter Cochin people have the money to build such a majestic city?Zou You's heart trembled, and he quickly shouted to the semaphore soldier on the sail: "Hurry up, send the semaphore, and prepare for battle!" The soldier didn't dare to neglect, and quickly waved two small flags to slow down the ships behind speed.

"Hey, what is that?"

Zou You noticed that several small boats resembling tiger-head boats appeared in front of them, lying across the river.

A guard soldier approached and whispered, "It seems to be Annan's navy!"

"Oh, how do you see it?"

"Teacher, look at their clothes!"

Zou You took a closer look and found that the Annan people at the bow of the tiger head boat were all wearing armor and had bows and arrows.


As soon as Fatty Lu saw the battle formation, it was as if he had changed his person. His whole temperament changed and he became extremely dangerous, like a tiger going down the mountain to choose someone to eat.

"The Musketeers are here!"

Fatty Lu sneered and said, "Kill these bastards. After beating them, approach Shenglong City at full speed. I don't want to get entangled with them!"


(End of this chapter)

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