back to ancient times to be emperor

Chapter 790 One Road Smooth

Chapter 790

"Spin the sails, spin the sails! Quickly, or we'll run into each other!"

An old boatman shouted to the sailor.It doesn't matter if you don't make a loud noise. The wind on the sea is too strong and the waves are loud. If you are late, you will definitely hit the rocks.In the coastal waters, there are often many hidden reefs.If the sea level rises during high tide and hides the reef below, maybe large ships can barely pass; now it is almost noon, the tide has receded, and the reef is much closer to the water surface.As long as a large ship is not careful, it will definitely hit the rocks.

This is not a later life, where the reef can be cleared away with explosives or something.It can only rely on the experience handed down from generation to generation to manually identify how to avoid the reef.This is where the old boatman comes in, to identify reefs in addition to determining course.Zou You watched the old boatman's command carefully from the side, feeling ashamed in his heart.Although he can determine the route, he cannot find these meticulous skills on the nautical chart.It is also fortunate that there are several old boatmen, otherwise, if he is given command, he will definitely hit the rocks.

"The Holy Majesty is right. You never tire of singing a good song, and you never tire of reading a good book. Reading is valuable to doubt, and doubt can gain lessons. Reading silently facilitates thinking, and reading aloud facilitates memory. Reading a good book for the first time is like gaining a good friend; rereading a good book is like Knowing each other from time to time. Paying attention to everything is learning, and the three of us have my teacher." Zou You was studying the old boatman's command seriously, while thinking about the principles he didn't understand before, and suddenly felt a sense of enlightenment.

After entering the Red River from the port, the main power of the new warships was changed from sails to manpower rowing, supplemented by sails.

Coincidentally, today's wind direction is actually northwest wind.As long as you draw enough sail and go upstream, you don't need to paddle too much, and you can go upstream like walking on flat ground.

Zou You laughed loudly: "At first, I thought it would take one day to get to Shenglong City, but now it seems that I can get there in half a day!"

Fatty Lu didn't know how to steer a boat. Hearing what Zou You said, his eyes lit up immediately: "Is this true?"

When the two of them were excited, the old boatman on the side immediately poured cold water on them: "The two generals don't know that Shenglong City is at the confluence of the Red River and the Dunhe River, and the water is very fast. It's gentle, but close to the mouth of the sea. The more you go up, the more difficult it is. Fortunately, there are many people on the boat, otherwise you would have to pull the boat in front of you to go up..."

Zou You was stunned for a moment before he realized that this was the reason for the gap.Upstream, midstream and downstream, the terrain is different, and the water flow is different.He only saw one aspect, but didn't notice the other aspect. It can be said that he lost sight of the other.He was not a person who could not lose face, so he honestly asked the old boatman for advice.

The old boatman didn't have any scheming, since the "general" asked questions, he didn't dare not answer.As long as Zou You has doubts, the old boatman can tell that he is ugly.This is the difference between experienced and inexperienced. The old boatman is a person who has seen strong winds and waves. He has gone to sea several times in his life, and he has survived several times. How can the accumulated experience be comparable to that of a rookie like Zou You?
But Zou You also learned quickly, and in less than half a day, he took out all the stuff in the old boatman's belly.

The trend of the river is exactly as the old boatman said, the higher it goes, the more difficult it is.There are more than a hundred people on board, and they have to use all their strength to move a few miles with difficulty.This is still the case with the help of the northwest wind. If the wind direction is changed, it may be more difficult.

More than a hundred people, divided into two groups, rowed alternately in turns, and could not stop for a moment.Sailing against the current, if you don't advance, you will retreat, this is an ancient saying.

Fortunately, the commerce in Cochin is not very prosperous, otherwise the river would be full of boats, and it would be very difficult to move "fast" like this.Fortunately, the river bed of the Red River is very deep, which can accommodate new warships, otherwise, even the boats would have to run aground!

All the way was smooth, and the new warship was advancing "difficultly".According to the plan, in just a few hours, Shenglong City will be in sight.As for the Red River at that time, the current had slowed down, and the hull could be anchored.

The journey went smoothly, not only for the fleet of new warships, but also for the army that invaded the Central Plains from the Cochin North without encountering any obstacles along the way.

The vanguard officer Chen Gai rode a tall horse, looked at the scenery that was indistinguishable from Jiaozhi along the way, and said, "Dashun is nothing to be afraid of. You can't even find a farmer along the way. The population is sparsely populated. If Your Majesty is bolder, aren't all these lands belonged to us?"

The soldiers beside him complimented: "The general is right, Dashun is a tiger without minions, we can fight if we want!"

Chen Gai laughed loudly: "Well said, after being hit, this tiger still dare not fight back!"

The Cochin soldiers around laughed when they heard this, and for a while, the air was filled with a happy atmosphere.

Chen Gai shook his head with joy on the horse, hummed a little tune, and suddenly asked, "How long is it until we go to Qinzhou City?"

The soldiers said: "General, we have just passed the Ruxi Village, and there is a flat land in front of us. We only need to go all the way to the northeast, and we will be able to reach the city of Qinzhou in less than a day."

Chen Gai nodded, and suddenly said with a smile: "After attacking Qinzhou City, what do you want to grab?"

"General, I just want to get some gold and silver, so I can get a wife when I go home..."

The soldier smiled embarrassedly.

"Haha, you idiot, there are gold and silver treasures everywhere in Dashun, and there are women, why bother to go back and ask for it? Snatch a Dashun's wife and go home, beat her whenever she wants, and do whatever she wants, wouldn't it be fun? When you're old, kick it away and find another one..." Chen Gai said with a lewd gleam in his eyes.

The soldiers around all laughed in unison, each of them understood what was in their hearts.In fact, who doesn't have such thoughts?If it weren't for the temptation of the gold and silver woman, who would tie his head to the waistband of his trousers and do such a decapitation business? "As long as the general is here, we will definitely be able to grab gold and silver!" A group of soldiers shouted, and their morale was immediately raised.

Chen Gai was very satisfied with this kind of morale. In his opinion, Jiaozhi was intentional and unintentional, and breaking Qinzhou City was a certainty.With such morale, such elite soldiers, how could Dashun be able to withstand Jiaozhi's front?

In the distance, a fast horse came galloping "tatt-tat-tat", Chen Gai took a closer look, and it turned out to be a scout.

The scout rode his horse and galloped closer, got off his horse and said, "General, there is no trace of the enemy in front!"

Chen Gai sneered: "Explore again!" He didn't believe that Dashun's reaction would be so slow, even if he led his troops to Dashun four years ago, there was also a beacon warning.Now there is no resistance, which is not normal at all!
"Design!" The scout got on his horse again and galloped away.

"What trick does Dashun want to play?" Chen Gai wondered secretly.

(End of this chapter)

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