back to ancient times to be emperor

Chapter 787 The fish bit the hook

Chapter 787 The fish bit the hook

A pigeon "fluttered" into the Supervision Department.

"Which direction is the secret report?" Xu Jingchun, director of the Supervision Department, happened to see the pigeon and asked casually.

"Annan spy came to report!"

An inspector caught the pigeon, took off the small bamboo tube from its foot, pulled it out, and poured out a small piece of silk cloth.

"Annan?" Xu Jingchun immediately became interested, "Show me!"

The inspector did not dare to disobey the order, and immediately submitted it.Xu Jingchun only took one look, then shouted: "Come on, prepare your horse!"

After the horses were brought, Xu Jingchun turned over and walked away immediately.Many inspectors in the courtyard looked at Xu Jingchun who was leaving in a hurry, and asked in puzzlement, "What's wrong with the director?"

"Who knows, it's just a secret report, so I just let it go..." the inspector said helplessly.

Everyone suddenly realized that Xu Jingchun must have gone to the palace.If their leader is Xu Jingchun, then Xu Jingchun's leader is the current emperor.Don't look at Xu Jingchun calling the wind and calling the rain in the Supervision Department, but in front of the current emperor, he is just a small official who comes and goes when he is called.

At this time, Xu Jingchun had already patted his horse and rushed to the outside of the palace, eager to see Lu Chengqi.Lu Chengqi didn't say much, put down the business in hand, and summoned him.Before Xu Jingchun saluted, Lu Chengqi frowned and asked, "Xu Qing, what's the rush? Look at you, you're sweating profusely, what's your dignity!"

Xu Jingchun didn't care about wiping off his sweat, and hastily presented the secret report: "Report to Your Majesty, cross-toe attack!"

Lu Chengqi's expression changed immediately, he snatched the silk cloth and took a closer look, there were only four words on it, "Jozhi come to attack", but he didn't know anything else about it.Lu Chengqi suddenly laughed loudly and said, "Okay, okay, okay, the fish has finally bit the hook!"

"Fish?" Xu Jingchun didn't know why, so Lu Chengqi was in a good mood, and said mysteriously: "Xu Qing, in two months, the land of Dashun will be extended south to the border of Champa, can you believe it?"

Xu Jingchun was not stupid, and immediately guessed: "Your Majesty means...there was an ambush?"

"Lu Chenhuan is already waiting in Qinzhou. Once Jiaozhi comes to attack, he will go south by boat and take Shenglong directly. In Qinzhou, Zhekexing will lead the army to circle around until Shenglong City is broken. Immediately send troops south and wipe them out first. The enemy of the crime, and then take the whole territory of Annan! Water and land go hand in hand, two-pronged approach, Annan is already in the hub!"

Xu Jingchun was also from the frontier army, and was deeply impressed by Lu Chengqi's trick of building plank roads and crossing Chen Cang secretly: "Isn't General Lu in Dali Mansion?"

"The [-] imperial guards have already escaped their shells and secretly entered Guangnan West Road." Lu Chengqi said with joy, "If not so, how could they have deceived Li Rizun? Speaking of which, it is thanks to the Supervision Department. If there is no Supervision Department in the promotion Rumors about the breach of the Yellow River are spreading in Dragon City, so how could Li Rizun be so excited and mobilize his troops to attack?"

Of course Xu Jingchun didn't dare to take credit for it, he lowered his head and said respectfully: "This is His Majesty's plan, I dare not take credit for it."

"Your credit is not small, and the credit of those spies is even greater. "Sun Tzu's Art of War" says: "There are five use cases: there is a cause, there is an inside, there is a reverse, there is a death, and there is a life. The five come together , I don't know the way, it is called the gods, the treasure of the king. Those who are in the middle are used because of their fellow villagers. Those who are in the middle are used because of their officials. Those who are against the middle are used because of their enemies. Of course, those who are dead are deceitful to the outside world, let us know it, and pass it on to the enemy. It is dense in space. It cannot be used without sage wisdom, it cannot be used without benevolence and righteousness, and its reality cannot be obtained without subtlety. Subtle! Tiny! There is nothing to use. Time has not yet happened, but those who have heard it first, the time and the place Everyone who accuses will die.' I treat the Supervision Department very kindly, and all spies have nothing to worry about. If you successfully capture Annan and restore the state governance, the Supervision Department will be the first to do it!"

"Your Majesty is serious, but it's just a matter of duty." Xu Jingchun still didn't dare to take credit.

Lu Chengqi said meaningfully: "Punishment can be punished, but it is called abuse; punishment is serious. It can be punished, but it is called arrogance; bad etiquette is very serious. If it is shown to the world and passed on to future generations, those who pursue righteousness will not know." The direction, the violator does not know what to stand for, so is it okay to take it as a canon? The system of the sage is based on poor principles to determine rewards and punishments, and the original feelings are based on righteousness, praise and criticism, and they are unified."

Xu Jingchun said blankly: "Your Majesty's words are very profound, I don't understand." He only knows a few words, so how can he understand these polite words?

Lu Chengqi explained: "This is the "Refutation of Revenge" written by Liu Zongyuan, a great writer in the former dynasty. It is a negligence to commend those who should be put to death, and it is too serious to violate the ritual system. If this way of handling is used as the criterion of the criminal law and passed on to future generations, then those who pursue justice will not know the way forward and want to avoid it. People who harm people don’t know how to stand up and act, can they use it as a rule? The sages formulate rituals and laws, they have thoroughly studied the principles of things to stipulate rewards and punishments, and determined rewards and punishments based on facts, but they combined rituals and punishments. Just together. Although I am not a saint, I can understand the principle of clear rewards and punishments."

Xu Jingchun thought: "Punish if you want to punish, reward if you want to reward, can you show your literary talent by talking a lot?"

Of course, you can't say that: "Your Majesty is just and strict, and I bow to you."

Lu Chengqi was in a good mood: "I don't know how that fat man is doing in Qinzhou." The most important part of Lu Chengqi's plan was that Lu Chenhuan led the navy to blast away the Dragon City with the help of artillery and capture Li Rizun alive. The fall and the fall of the Li Dynasty are a certainty.If something goes wrong with Fatty Lu, the whole plan will be like a mirror, and it will fall apart at the first touch.

Of course, with Dashun's national strength, Jiaozhi will definitely be won.It's just that the price paid was too high, and Lu Chengqi couldn't accept it.If all the power of the whole country is used to crusade against a small Jiaozhi, and the Liao Kingdom in the north sees the weakness of Dashun, if they attack on a large scale, it is likely to lose ground like lightning like the "Jingkang Shame" in official history, until the country perishes.The Central Plains is so big, it will take a month to dispatch troops from the south to the north, let alone food and grass.In addition, the Liao Kingdom has always had ambitions for the Central Plains, which is well known to passers-by.They will definitely not be bound by a treaty.Didn't Lu Chengqi take advantage of the chaos caused by the emperor's uncle of the Liao Kingdom, and slapped the Liao Kingdom hard!

The soldiers in the north can't move, and there are enough troops left to defend the capital, so there are only so many soldiers and horses that Lu Chengqi can use.If there is a protracted war with Jiaozhi, it will actually be bad news for Jiaozhi and Dashun.Jiaozhi may be dragged into a state of subjugation, and Dashun will also be hurt by this, giving Liao an opportunity to take advantage of it.

The best result is that Fatty Lu can live up to his expectations, win Shenglong City in one fell swoop, and capture Li Rizun alive, then Jiaozhi will become a state of Dashun, and it will be just around the corner.

"Fatty, fatty, don't let me down!" Lu Chengqi muttered in his heart, "The land of Annan has been occupied by those Vietnamese and South monkeys for too long, it's time to take it back..."

(End of this chapter)

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