Chapter 744
Chen Xun also knew that it was useless to talk about this with the little emperor.Chang'an is now Gyeonggi, so how can you just move it?Who can believe that he can really see things 400 years later?These are all "nonsense", who really believes him?
Little did he know, the little emperor he thought was the least likely to believe really believed it, but the others didn't believe it.This is all because of Lu Chengqi's "special" experience, who called him a person who has experienced smog?If you want to come to Chang'an in the future, the environment will be similar...

After Chen Xun bid farewell and came out, he took Lu Chengqi's handwritten order and went to the supervisor to correct it.

Jiang Zuojian is an official office where Dashun is in charge of the palace buildings, the production of precious utensils made of gold, jade, pearls, emerald rhinoceros and elephants, the embroidery of gauze satin, and various strange utensils.But now that there is a supervisory department, these people also know how to restrain themselves.Chen Xun had already piled up the Yingshi in the yamen of the Ministry of Industry, otherwise how could it be deceived?

The Ministry of Industry often repairs some royal gardens, and it is normal to use strange stones to build some rockeries, and no one will ask more questions.Although there is no impenetrable wall in the world, and the fact that he offered advice to the little emperor has been faintly spread among the people, but how to use his methods, only he and the little emperor know.

I went to the general prison, found people to carry stones to the Yamen of the Ministry of Industry, and assigned some people to dig a pond at the former site of Furong Palace.

It is said to be a pool, but with the royal spirit, this pool must be unbelievably large, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is an artificial lake.

Anyway, Chen Xun stayed in Furong Palace for a month, supervising the craftsmen who dug the earth into a pond.This pool is also very particular, it is nine feet deep, and the entire pool is exactly fifty feet, which is a conventional figure in royal gardens, which coincides with the ninety-five statue.Replaced by the units of later generations, it is about three meters deep, round in shape, and about 150 meters in diameter.The outside of the pool should also be made into a square shape, which is the idea of ​​"the sky is square and the earth is round", and it also coincides with the "unity of man and nature".

After the pool was dug, water was not brought in immediately, because the core of the building had not yet started to be built.The core of the whole project lies in the three rockeries.This is not the bean curd dregs project of later generations, if it is the bean curd dregs project of later generations, then there is no need to dig the foundation, just pile up stones directly to form a rockery.But this is the period of the emperor's reign, you dare to cut corners in the royal garden, isn't this the birthday man who hanged himself, because he thinks his life is too long!

This stacked rockery is the same as building a house, you must first make a foundation, the so-called "foundation".Firstly, ditching and piling shall be carried out according to the predetermined design scope.The area and depth of the footing are determined by the size and weight of the rockery.Chen Xun is an all-rounder. Although he specializes in Fengshui, he also knows a little about house construction.After all, as a Feng Shui master, one must know how to look after houses.Looking at the house, you also need to know some knowledge about house construction.When supervising the craftsmen to set up the foundation, Chen Xun said casually: "Most of the foundation of the rockery is erected in the water. First measure the height of the top, and then determine the depth of the foundation. You must know that the stone occupies the sky, and the surrounding soil must occupy the land. The most taboo is to be in the middle, cheap and undisciplined. At the beginning of the mountain, the piles are the first, and the short and long are compared to see if it is true or false. The roots are paved with rough stones, and the piles are covered with large piles."

As soon as these words came out, these craftsmen no longer dared to be fooled.Laymen watch the excitement, while experts watch the doorway.The stacking of garden rockery must start from the design, so that it has a well-thought-out plan. It is intended to first determine the position, shape and depth of the rockery foundation. size, it is difficult.Generally, the excavation depth of the rockery foundation is based on the principle that it can bear the overall weight of the rockery without sinking, and can not be deformed in a long time.Originally, the rockery required low cost and simple construction, but this is a royal garden, so naturally it came out as good and extravagant as possible.

The "pile wood" that Chen Xun talked about is actually a pile foundation, which is the oldest method of rockery foundation.Especially the rockery or rockery revetment in the water is widely used.Smart ancients have long thought of driving the bottom of the piles to the hard soil layer that can touch the water or under the weak soil layer to form an artificially reinforced support layer. The piles are evenly distributed within the range of the rockery foundation. Such piles are called "support piles".Those arranged in a plum blossom shape are called "plum blossom piles"; those used to compact the soil to strengthen the bearing capacity of the soil are called "friction piles".Pile posts are usually made of cypress or fir, whichever is straight and more resistant to water and humidity.

Most of the rockery foundations with water bank revetments are made of fir piles, with the tops of the piles protruding from the bottom of the lake by more than ten centimeters to tens of centimeters, with stones embedded in between, and then granite strips are used to press the top.On top of the stone strips, natural rockery such as rubble and Yingshi are used, and the layout is beautiful.Strip stones and rough stones should be placed below the lowest water level, and the lower part of the natural rockery should also be below the water level. This is not only beautiful, but also reduces the decay of piles, so some piles can survive for more than a hundred years.

A rockery is difficult to say, but it took more than a month for these skilled craftsmen to complete most of it.In addition to laying a good foundation, the royal garden also requires beauty and generosity.Therefore, on the rockery, it is indispensable to form the same shape as a real mountain.This is a great test of the stonemason's comprehensive ability of drilling, filling and stone carving.A strange stone is full of strange things, but it takes a lot of effort to make it fit the overall layout.

In addition to digging holes, rockery also pays attention to topping.The top of the mountain is the outline of the uppermost layer of the rockery and the layout of the peaks. Since the top of the mountain is the main part that shows the shape and charm of the mountain, it is also the main part that determines the center of gravity and shape of the whole rockery, so it is very important. It is considered the soul of the whole rockery. .The peaks are generally divided into three types: peaks, mountains and flat tops. The sharp peaks are called peaks, the round ones are called mountains, and the flat tops are called tops.In short, the overall effect of the top must be grasped, and it should be coordinated with the mountain's posture, direction, volume, texture, etc. of the rockery. There must be changes in the treatment, and the end must be complete.

According to the legend, Chen Xun was in the shape of the three fairy mountains of Penglai, Fangzhang, and Yingzhou, and it was not until they were crowned one by one that they came to an end.In addition, only official kilns are left to make ceramics of various immortal figures and rare animals.In the end, you only need to embed these fired ceramic figures, mythical animals and birds (note that they are embedded, not solidified with cement, and there is no cement at this time). This effort seems simple, but in fact it is the most test of ingenuity.

After the last process, the construction of the circuitous corridors leading to the three fairy mountains, is completed, this costly project is considered complete.

It took more than two months to build this pool and three mountains, from before Qingming to after Lixia.

During this period, Lu Chengqi came to "inspect" two or three times, but was also overwhelmed by these skilled craftsmen.These three fairy mountains really look like a mound from a distance, and there is a faint fairy mist on it.No wonder Song Huizong liked to play with stones. It turned out that the stones were played well.

Coupled with the immortal figures and rare animals fired from Dingzhou white porcelain, and then transplanted flowers and plants, it is simply a great river and mountain in a square inch, which is no different from the "sand table" that Lu Chengqi admired, only more realistic.Lu Chengqi clicked his tongue in amazement, and had to reward these craftsmen again.Not to mention that this is the key to arranging the Feng Shui bureau, this craftsmanship alone is enough to please the eye and the eye.It took a hundred thousand coins to create three beautiful rockeries, but it was worth it.

(End of this chapter)

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