Chapter 680
Lu Chengqi's words are not aimless. In this era, many people do not realize the preciousness of knowledge and talents.One must know that [-]% of Dashun's population is illiterate.If education is popularized, wouldn't there be many more talents for nothing?The Supervision Department has estimated that it takes three generations for an ordinary owner farmer to cultivate a scholar.In other words, the money and silver of three generations must be spent on one person to be successful.If elementary education is popularized, the burden on these people will be much lighter.

This idea is good, but the money is a big problem.The treasury will definitely not be able to pay out. If it is not for the issuance of 500 million tax bonds (national bonds) this year, I am afraid that it will not last until September.Don't look at Huangzhuang as rich as an enemy country now, but to popularize basic education, it is estimated that it will be too much.Do you want the money to build the school?Would you like your money, sir?Do you want money for books?Even if you don't care about food, this miscellaneous money and silver may not seem to be much, but in fact it is very easy to calculate.

Lu Chengqi is not afraid of spending money, but Lu Chengqi is afraid that after the school building is built, people will die and the government will die.If the management of Huangzhuang is not good in the future, will there still be money allocated to these elementary school students?Certainly not.Huangzhuang can't make any money, so can you still count on the treasury to pay?It is also impossible.

"It seems that educating a son is a long way to go!" Lu Chengqi was quite emotional for a while, and couldn't help but glance at Zhou Zhiruo, thinking: "It seems that there must be a son. If the date is calculated, pregnancy should not be difficult." People at that time were very convinced that a woman's inability to conceive a child meant that a woman was "difficult to give birth".In fact, they made a mistake and didn't meet the date.In addition, the hygienic conditions at this time were poor, and there were many miscarriages.There are not a few people who divorced their wives and took concubines because of Zi Sui.

Zhou Zhiruo didn't know that Lu Chengqi was "scheming" herself and was concentrating on eating.The tutoring she has received has always been that she doesn't talk when she eats or sleeps.

It is said that looking at a beautiful woman under the light, the more you look at it, the more you like it.Under the swaying candlelight, Zhou Zhiruo became more and more charming in Lu Chengqi's eyes.As if there was a cat tickling in his heart all the time, Lu Chengqi knew that this was the onset of adolescent hormones.After thinking about it, it was time to go to Zhou Zhiruo's place today, her heart eased, and an imperceptible smile appeared on her face.

Zhou Zhiruo was very puzzled when she saw it, but she couldn't bear it and didn't ask any questions.Lu Chengqi thought: "Hey, you'll know how good I am later!"

After dinner, Lu Chengqi and Zhou Zhiruo returned to Kunning Hall hand in hand.Zhou Zhiruo transformed from a queen into a good wife and mother, serving Lu Chengqi in the bath and changing clothes.Behind the main hall of Kunning Hall is a large pool.The water here is changed every day, and all that is put down is hot water.Needless to say, this is the queen's bath.Kunning Hall was opened again after being abandoned for so many years, and the bathing pool was also opened.Not to mention the Kunning Hall is like this, even the Renming Hall is the same. As long as it is the courtyard in the back and palace, most of them have such a bathing pool.The luxury of the emperor can be seen from it.It's just that without the emperor's consent, this bath pool is not accessible to ordinary people.Even concubines have to go through the emperor's consent.

Seeing Lu Chengqi stripped naked and jumping into the pool suddenly, Zhou Zhiruo blushed with embarrassment.She was also only wearing obscene clothes, her white lotus-like arms and thighs were exposed, making Lu Chengqi's eyes eat tofu.

Lu Chengqi deliberately said narrowly: "Zi Tong, this water is very comfortable, do you want to wash together?"

Zhou Zhiruo blushed, "Your Majesty, this is not a bathroom..."

It turns out that besides restaurants, Dashun has another industry that is very popular, and that is bathhouses.There are three thousand bathhouses in the city of Chang'an, the water is supplied by various springs, and the people often enjoy bathing in them, sometimes enough for more than a hundred people to bathe together.There are many bathhouses beside the downtown streets in Chang'an City, and some of the streets also have many cold water bathhouses, where there are male and female servants assisting bathers of both sexes.The people of Dashun are used to bathing in cold water regardless of the seasons when they were young, and there are also hot baths in the bathing places for foreigners who are not used to bathing in cold water.And the people of Dashun have a habit, if they wake up in the morning and don't take a shower, they won't eat breakfast.What's more, officials have a ten-day vacation called Muxiu.It's just for you to take a bath and rest.

There is a street and alley, which is famous for its many public bathrooms, and is called "Bathroom Alley" by the citizens.The people of Dashun also called bathhouses "Perfume Stores". If you go to Chang'an City and see pots hanging at the entrances of some shops, it is perfume stores.Hanging pots are the symbol of Dashun public bathhouses. These public bathhouses usually have teahouses in front for people to drink tea and rest, and the bathhouses for people to bathe in the back.Going to the bathroom to take a bath is not expensive, about ten yuan per person.These bathhouses usually open early in the morning. After all, if you want to make money, you have to catch up with the habits of the people in Dashun.

Dashun’s bathrooms also provide back scrubbing services. Su Shi, who loves to take baths, once composed a song "Like a Dream" in Chang'an City, and wrote humorously: "Where have you ever suffered from scale? Send a message to wipe your back, and you will wave your elbows all day long. Light hands, light hands, laymen are innocent." In Dashun, scholar-bureaucrats who did not bathe for many years were laughed at. During the Renzong Dynasty, there was Dou Yuanbin, who was born in a famous family. , is very talented, but because he doesn't take a bath often, his colleagues call him "Dou Shou". This allusion has become a joke for Dashun officials.

And what Lu Chengqi didn't expect was that soap for personal hygiene appeared in the Dashun market, mainly made of saponins, spices, and medicinal materials, called "soap balls".He also thought that the word soap appeared very late in later generations, but he never thought that it already exists now.The formula of this "soap ball" is probably: Angelica dahurica, white monkshood, white silkworm, bletilla striata, pig's tooth saponins, white tribulus, bletilla, grass aconitum, hawthorn, sweet pine, white clove, rhubarb, ligusticum, crane white, One tael each of almonds and bean flour, three taels of lard (removed membrane), half taels of light powder, mituoseng, and camphor, three qian of baby tea, soap (a kind of pod) with the inner and outer rubber tendons and seeds, as long as the meat is clean For a cup of tea, first mash the clean soapy meat, mix it with chicken, and dry it to remove the breath, then make each medicine into powder, and mix it with soap, lard, and chicken broth to make a pill.The "soap balls" produced, even the palace has to go to purchase, one can imagine how hot the business is.

Lu Chengqi smiled evilly, as if he was lying to a three-year-old girl: "That's right, Zi Tong was only asked to come down when he wasn't in the bathroom. How about Zi Tong wipe my back for me?"

Zhou Zhiruo blushed again, and said in a low voice: "The concubine obeys the order..." After finishing speaking, her face flushed, she held a hemp towel, and gently moved on Lu Chengqi's back.Lu Chengqi hummed a little song in comfort.Zhou Zhiruo's mind was in a mess at the moment, and her hands and feet were a little uncoordinated.Lu Chengqi noticed that she was getting weaker and weaker, so he held down her catkin and said, "What is Zitong thinking?"

Zhou Zhiruo turned her head away in shame: "Your Majesty..."

Lu Chengqi laughed loudly, stood up suddenly, and hugged Zhou Zhiruo, causing Zhou Zhiruo to scream in shock: "Your Majesty, let me go..."

Lu Chengqi was like a big bad wolf, he caught a little sheep, how could he let go?Putting her face next to Zhou Zhiruo's ear, she whispered, "I want to take a bath with Zitong..."

(End of this chapter)

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