Chapter 573
After hearing You Jun's words, Hao She also fell silent.Let him have great abilities, if there is no food, the hearts of the people will be scattered.Once the hearts of the people are scattered, there is no need for the imperial army to attack. I am afraid that the Flying Fish Gang will start fighting among themselves.It can be predicted that once food and cooking are cut off, will those rabble water thieves still listen to him?Certainly not!If you have no money or food, why should you hang out with you?

There are only two roads ahead of You Jun, one is to be recruited by the court, and the other is to give up Liangshanshuipo and find another way out.You Jun is more inclined to find another way out, but he feels a pain in his heart if he has to give up Liangshan's foundation all at once.The food in the cottage can last for a while, so it’s okay to be undecided at the moment, just think carefully and weigh the pros and cons!

"I'll have to think again before I can make a decision..."

After You Jun finished speaking, he bypassed Hao She and headed for his blue tile house.Before arriving at the room, I saw the oil lamp flickering.

"Master, you're back... Ah, you're injured? Come quickly, get some gold-chuang medicine, Master is injured..." Mrs. Yazhai, the flying fish gang, was full of joy when she saw You Jun come back. He came out, but unexpectedly saw the wound on You Jun's face, and let out a burst of yelling.

"What's your name? Shut up, I'm ashamed!" You Jun yelled, "You bitch, this little injury is nothing!"

Mrs. Yazhai sobbed, "But your injury..."

You Jun was annoyed, he waved his hand and said, "Don't worry about it!"

Mrs. Yazhai's ability to check Yan Yue's color is also quite good. Seeing You Jun like this, she knew that she had lost the battle just now, so she didn't say anything to provoke You Jun, but just silently fetched a basin of water for You Jun. Wipe your face.You Jun thought about the way out for the Flying Fish Gang, but felt that the future was uncertain.

Suddenly, he grabbed Mrs. Yazhai's hand and asked: "The imperial court is powerful, if Liangshan is broken, what will you do?"

Mrs. Yazhai was also stunned, looked at You Jun's masculine face, and said after a long time: "I am yours, I will go wherever you go..."

You Jun didn't know why, but his cold-blooded heart melted a little: "I snatched you up the mountain, don't you blame me?"

"I complained before..." Mrs. Yazhai blurted out, "Now I don't complain..."

You Jun nodded, and then realized: "Why don't you complain now?"

The Mrs. Yazhai sighed, and said softly: "If the head of the family doesn't snatch me to the mountain, I will only be reduced to the concubine of those gentlemen after a few years. Although Muma is kind to me, she just treats me like a concubine." I just took it as her money bag. I don’t sell myself as a performer, but I just want to deceive those self-proclaimed scholars and pay more money. At first, I was resentful when the head of the family snatched me up the mountain. There is no piano, no rouge on the mountain, No gouache, nothing. But you remember, you bring something back to me every time you go down the mountain. What if you can snatch a few more women with the ability of the master? But you never did this, I am very grateful. I Follow you, no regrets!"

You Jun sighed, "You still understand me..."

The two cuddled together and didn't speak for a long time.It was not until the oil lamp was extinguished that there was a faint sound coming from the blue tile house.

The moonlight is like water, if it weren't for the pain and wailing of the wounded, I'm afraid everyone would have imagined that they went through a battle...

The next day, You Jun, who fell asleep very late, decided to indulge himself for a while, and the sun was high, but he still didn't get up.At this time, a young man ran over in a panic, and shouted in front of the Qingwa house: "The big boss, the third boss, some people from the boat are back!"

When You Jun heard it, he was shocked on the bed: "Daniu is back?"

The young man timidly said: "No, the brothers from the Third Master's family are back..."

"I know, here we come!"

"The head of the house..."

A delicate voice made You Jun's blood surge.I saw that Mrs. Yazhai sat up and stretched out her lotus arms, she didn't care about the amorous feelings she showed.She is already in her thirties, but she still has fair skin and a good figure.Even someone as strong as You Jun in martial arts is still trapped in her tenderness and cannot extricate himself.She dressed You Jun and watched You Jun leave the blue tile house before getting up to dress up.

After You Jun came to Juyi Hall, he saw a group of minions kneeling in front of Juyi Hall.Everyone in the Flying Fish Gang knew that if they surrendered to the enemy, they would be dealt with according to gang rules, which is called three swords and six holes.As for whether he wants you to die or not, it depends on You Jun's intentions.

After You Jun took the top spot, he said coldly, "What's going on?"

A little leader who was released knelt on the ground and said with a mournful face: "The big boss, the third boss has surrendered to the court!"

You Jun was surprised and delighted when he heard this.The joy is that Daniel is still alive, but the surprise is that he has actually been demoted to the court. "Impossible! You tell me what's going on, I can't explain clearly, I have ten thousand ways to kill you!" You Jun glared and said viciously.

Everyone knows that the third head is the brother of the big head, even closer than his own brother.Anyone can be recruited, but only Daniel can be recruited, which is unreasonable.Hao She, the second-in-charge military adviser, also sneered, but remained silent.

All the leaders recognized that this person was the little leader Hao She happened to hit yesterday.Coincidentally, two-thirds of the minions on that vehicle and boat were killed or injured, but he was alive and kicking without any minor injuries.I saw him crying, and said: "Last night, the third leader led us to rush to the imperial army, wanting to have a boarding battle. But when we were more than ten feet away, our ship was hit by the imperial army' demon method. Three When the family fell to the ground, I thought he was beaten to death... Later, the forbidden army jumped on the boat, we wanted to kill them, but we couldn't beat them, there were so many of them..."

You Jun was not in the mood to listen to what he said, and said angrily, "Tell me the key points!"

"Yes, yes... Later, after we were captured alive, we were locked in the camp of the Imperial Army. Early this morning, the Imperial Army sent someone to say that the third family had been recruited by the imperial court. They also said that they would let us go and report back. As long as we are If the imperial court recruits security, the imperial court will not blame the past. Otherwise, no blade of grass will grow when any swords and soldiers arrive in the future..."

As the little boss spoke, he dodged You Jun's gaze, not daring to look directly at him.

"Hmph, you're lying!" You Jun said coldly, "I know ten thousand times better than you who Da Niu is! Even if you will all be recruited by the court, only Da Niu won't, even if he is dead, Neither will he!"

The little leader said aggrievedly: "The little one is telling the truth. If you don't believe me, the big boss can ask all the brothers. If I have a single word of lies, just shoot me with three knives and six holes!"

With a cold face, You Jun gritted his teeth and said, "Impossible, impossible!"

At this time, Hao She waved her feather fan and said, "Big Leader, this is why the Imperial Army is using the wrong person. It's a pity that the Imperial Army used the wrong person. He didn't know the temper of the Third Leader, so he used this tactic. Hehe, this is also It’s just too clumsy.”

(End of this chapter)

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