Chapter 543 Shocked
In the early morning of the next day, just as Lu Chengqi sat down in the Chui Gong Hall, Gao Hao hurried in and said to Lu Chengqi, "Your Majesty, there is a secret report from the Supervision Department."

"Oh? Bring it here!" Lu Chengqi took the hidden message in Gao Hao's hand suspiciously. It was packed in a wooden box, painted with wax on the outside, and the letters inside were also waxed.Under such double protection, if the letter has been opened, it can be seen at a glance.Of course, who would dare to open the emperor's letter so blatantly, and live impatiently?
Not to mention Lu Chengqi's request, all secret reports from the Supervision Department were recorded digitally, and even after opening the letter, they didn't know what was written inside.Lu Chengqi stipulated that there are twelve groups of books, and each group has as many as ten books.Calculated by month, each month uses a different set of books, combined with a random book, to crack such a combination, even later generations will be very difficult.

This method was learned by Lu Chengqi from reading "Liancheng Jue".The secret of the treasure is hidden in the anthology of Tang poetry. At the time, such a plot was really high.Now, Lu Chengqi's intelligence system, according to the cat's work, seems to be seamless.Lu Chengqi reckoned that no one would be able to decipher such a dynamic code these days, so wax or something seemed irrelevant.

Swinging back the pickaxe, Lu Chengqi opened the secret paper and found the words "Four, Nine" written on the envelope, so he got up and went to the next bookshelf, climbed up the ladder, and took out a copy of "Guang Yun". A rhyme book compiled by the official, edited by Chen Pengnian and Qiu Yong, its full name is "Dashun Rebuilds Guangyun".

The rhyme book is a dictionary that arranges words with the same rhyme together for the writers of rhyme to check.The origin of Chinese poetry is very early, and the era of rhyme books serving poetry writing was also relatively early.At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, due to the introduction of Buddhism, Chinese scholars invented a new phonetic method "Fanqie" inspired by the Sanskrit letter Sitan, which created conditions for the writing of rhyme books.Lu Chengqi thought that there were no dictionaries in ancient times. In fact, how could smart ancient people forget such things as dictionaries?It's just that the dictionaries at this time, the official ones are called rhyme books, and the folk ones are called "Yinyun", "Yunlue", "Yunying" and so on.Lu Chengqi has always planned to compile Chinese characters into radicals, and use this anti-cutting method to build a dictionary.After all, the dictionary only knows its sound and can be looked up, but only its characters can not be looked up, which is inconvenient.Traditional characters are different from simplified characters, and even Lu Chengqi was illiterate for a long time, and he had to make Liu Geng the secretary of Zhongshuling to work.As Lu Chengqi gradually became familiar with traditional characters and got used to the cursive of this era, he began to handle government affairs alone.

"...No. 130 in the fifth column on page 12, the word 'Nai'; the sixth in the second column on page 25, is the word 'is'; the eighth in the seventh column on page 210, the word 'Tai' ..."

While talking to himself, Lu Chengqi checked the hidden newspapers, looked up the numbers, and then wrote them down on the rice paper.Lu Chengqi enjoyed it, he dealt with straight-forward government affairs on weekdays, where would there be a chance to use his brain to solve difficult problems?It's just that this level of "difficulty" is not enough for Lu Chengqi.But if he was investigating the case alone, not to mention lack of time, Lu Chengqi knew that he didn't have the ability.I still remember watching Conan when I was a child, and Sherlock Holmes when I grew up, but he never guessed the real murderer correctly.Before knowing the real culprit, you can't see the key evidence, so what's the use of it.If he were to investigate the case, I'm afraid the black hand behind the scenes would have covered himself up long ago, so that nothing leaked out.

After matching all the numbers, Lu Chengqi put down the "Guang Yun" with satisfaction, and looked at the words written on the rice paper, Lu Chengqi was stunned.

"Your Majesty, we have already ascertained that the correspondence between Liang Zhongwen, governor of Taiyuan Prefecture, was sent from Taipingfang in Chang'an, and returned to Taipingfang at the end. We conclude that this person is a court official who lives in Taipingfang... "

Seeing this, Lu Chengqi sneered in his heart: "Hmph, if you are cunning and tricky, it is inevitable that you will hide in the wilderness!" This sentence is originally a pressure poem passed down by word of mouth among the people, and it is rich in life philosophy.The first line of this poem is "People are buried first for greed of money, birds die early for food", and the second line is "A bent tree is straight and must eventually bend, it is difficult to raise a wolf as a dog to look after the house", Lu Chengqi borrowed this line , It made it clear that it is difficult to guard against house thieves by day and night.

"Come on!"

Lu Chengqi yelled, Gao Hao hurriedly took small steps, entered the Chuigong Hall, and said respectfully: "Your Majesty, what is your order?"

"Bring me Xu Jingchun!"

Hearing Lu Chengqi's words, Gao Hao dared not be negligent, and immediately said: "Observe the order!" Then he walked out of the Chui Gong Hall.

Originally, this trivial matter of sending someone to pass on the message did not need him to take action at all.But who is Gao Hao? He is anxious about Lu Chengqi's worries, and he is worried about Lu Chengqi's worries. Naturally, he wants to do it himself.After leaving the palace, Gao Hao stepped on the steed he had brought from the stables, and galloped towards the Supervision Department.

The Supervision Department was not too far from the imperial palace, Gao Hao arrived outside the Supervision Department in just a quarter of an hour. "The Holy One ordered Xu Jingchun, the Superintendent of Supervision, to enter the palace immediately for an audience!"

Xu Jingchun was thinking of Xiayue in Fengle Tower, with jasmine full of head, full of spring and Qimo, all dressed up and dressed up, smiling cleverly and competing for beauty, inviting invitations based on the threshold, calling them "sellers".In fact, she is just a brothel girl, just laughing.After entering the brothel, there are also little servant girls who come without calling, singing and singing loudly, in order to get off, which is called "wiping sitting".To call prostitutes from brothels, there are blowing flute, playing Ruan, breathing, gongs, singing, playing, etc. They are called "catch up".

Just when Xu Jingchun was thinking about it, he said "Shang Shang dictation", which made him almost slip from the chair in fright.If it weren't for the fact that there was no one around, I'm afraid his appearance would have been noticed by those who cared.Quickly got up, tidied up his clothes, went out and knelt down on one knee, and said, "Minister Xu Jingchun accepts the decree!"

Gao Hao said angrily: "Don't dawdle, Your Majesty is waiting!"

Xu Jingchun also knew the seriousness of the matter, and quickly called someone to bring a horse, and rode side by side with Gao Hao on the street of Chang'an City.

"Eunuch Gao, why did Your Majesty specially announce me to enter the palace for an audience?" Xu Jingchun couldn't help but began to inquire about the news.

Gao Hao said in a low voice: "Your Majesty announced you into the palace after receiving a secret report from your supervisory department."

"Secret report?" Xu Jingchun was taken aback. As the head of the Supervision Department, he couldn't get involved in many things.If it were someone else, he would definitely have protested to Lu Chengqi.But he is a person with no ambitions. He just wants to do a good job as the intelligence chief.In your spare time, you can visit brothels and find the joy of life.The other is to send money and silver to the homes of comrades who died on the battlefield regularly, so as to comfort their guilty hearts a little.It is precisely because of his broad-mindedness that Xu Jingchun lives a very chic life.The whole court is full of enemies, what is there to be afraid of?Xu Jingchun is alone in his family, and with the support of today's emperor, who would dare to touch him?
(End of this chapter)

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