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Chapter 517 Heroes See the Same Thing

Chapter 517 Heroes See the Same Thing

Yang Wenguang never lied, and said truthfully: "Returning to Your Majesty, the situation at that time was that the Khitan people had just ended their civil strife, and it was just when the new forces had not been regenerated and the old forces were exhausted, but our army's morale was high. It must be defeated in one fell swoop. Needless to say, the Khitan people were brave and guarded the Luanhe palace with heavy casualties, and they never retreated half a step."

Hearing Yang Wenguang praise his opponent, Lu Chengqi's face was displeased for a while, and then he was relieved.Indeed, the ferocity of the nomadic people is not comparable to that of the Han Chinese who are greedy for comfort and pleasure.Dashun's ability to resist the Khitan's invasion mostly depends on the favorable location.Youyun Sixteen Prefectures, Yanmen Pass, Datong Mansion... which one is not a majestic pass that keeps the Khitan people out?If it weren't for Lu Chengqi's efforts to rectify the military system, because of the weakness of the Imperial Army and the Xiang Army, when the frontier army was tired and the Khitans broke through the line of defense, I am afraid that the story of the fall of the Northern Song Dynasty would also be staged in this time and space.

Thinking about the congenital deficiency of the Northern Song Dynasty, it is not easy to carry it for more than 100 years.If it hadn't been for the Wuxiong Pass north of the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty, which was destroyed by the Jurchen blitzkrieg, perhaps the Northern Song Dynasty could last a little longer.Fortunately, Chang'an is different from Bianliang. There are Xiliang Mansion and Xiping Mansion border guards in the north, and Youyun Sixteen Prefectures in the northeast. This is the benefit of innate health!There is no Xixia in this time and space. The original territory of Xixia was divided up by the four countries of Dashun, Liao, Xizhou Uighur, and Yellow Head Uighur.Dashun guards the position south of the Great Wall, and the opposite is the Liao Kingdom.Worse than the Northern Song Dynasty, the friction between Dashun and Liao has never stopped.

As an emperor, Lu Chengqi still understood the current situation.If he misjudged the situation, it would be a bit of a disaster.After all, in this era, it is the emperor's words. The emperor makes a decision, and the courtiers must implement it no matter whether it is right or wrong.Everyone understands the truth, even if it is in the wrong direction, if everyone works together, there is still hope for success.Of course, it is best to avoid mistakes.So after listening to Yang Wenguang's words, Lu Chengqi nodded and said, "After this battle, how has the strength of Dashun and Liao Kingdom changed?"

Yang Wenguang was silent for a while, and said seriously; "Your Majesty, the last general has fought in battle all his life. But since ten years ago, he has felt that the bloody and brave nature of the frontier army has declined. It is not because we Han people are inferior to Khitan people Also, it is because my Dashun Dynasty is stable and prosperous, everyone thinks about it, and has no intention of resisting the enemy."

Lu Chengqi was surprised, looked at Yang Wenguang, and said: "Heroes really see the same thing! Di Qing also told me that, if the military system is not changed, and if it continues to be indulged, the northern defense line will be in danger, and Dashun will be in danger! "

Yang Wenguang said modestly: "Old General Di is brave and good at fighting, and he is not comparable to the last general."

Lu Chengqi smiled and said: "Yang Qing is being modest, I think you are the mainstay of Dashun, if there are no two of you in the army, I am afraid that our Dashun army will not know the strategy, and the generals will not get along with each other!"

Yang Wenguang said with trepidation: "Your Majesty has been over-reputed, the last general is old, his blood is gradually declining, and he may be powerless to fight the enemy..."

Lu Chengqi shook his head and said: "The advantage of a veteran is not to fight against each other in front of the battle, but his understanding of the battle, his experience in command, the motivation of morale, and the guarantee of logistics. If this kind of experience is passed on, I am very happy. Why is Shun afraid of Khitan? I dispatched Yang Qing back because of the pressure from the Liao Kingdom, and secondly because of such thoughts, does Yang Qing understand my thoughts?"

Yang Wenguang understood, this is for him to write a book and make a biography!After hesitating for a moment, he said: "Although the veteran can read, he can write military books, so I'm afraid he is powerless..."

Lu Chengqi waved his hand and said, "Yang Qing, don't underestimate yourself. Your experience is the most important thing. As for the writing style, I have already made arrangements. Does Yang Qing know about the book "Wu Jing Zong Yao?"

This is a military work compiled by Dashun officials. It took five years for Zeng Gongliang and Ding Du, the civil servants of Emperor Yuanshou, to compile it under the orders of the emperor.It is a bit far-fetched for literati to compile martial arts books. After all, many things are conjectures, not personal experiences.However, as a must-learn textbook for military generals, "Wu Jing Zong Yao" is really clumsy, not as good as the "Infantry Exercise Code" of the Royal Military Academy!Of course, what is mentioned here is advanced strategic thinking, not the summary of the art of war.When it comes to the art of war, how can Lu Chengqi's crude "Infantry Manual" compare to classic military books such as "Sun Tzu's Art of War" and "Wu Qi's Art of War"?
Lu Chengqi asked Yang Wenguang to compile a book because he wanted to make the most of Yang Wenguang's experience.Yang Wenguang was well-informed, so he didn't know the little emperor's intentions, so he said immediately: "The "Wu Jing Zong Yao" was compiled by decree shortly after the first emperor ascended the throne, and the veteran knows it."

"The two editors of this book, Ding Du and Ding Gongya, have passed away, while Zeng Gongliang and Zeng Mingzhong are still in charge of political affairs in the court. I want Yang Qing and Zeng Qing to edit and edit the "Wu Jing Zong Yao", but I don't know Yang Qing What do you think?" Lu Chengqi slowly stated his intentions, he did this, but he wanted to make "Wu Jing Zong Yao" more perfect, so that it could become a real textbook, and some classic battles were compiled into it, so as to serve In the future, the students of the Royal Military Academy will provide reference.

Yang Wenguang smiled wryly in his heart: "The emperor doesn't know the barrier between civil servants and generals. Not to mention Zeng Gongliang, who is stubborn, refuses to cooperate. A good official in the capital, but who knows the pain and suffering involved in being an official in the capital?"

The complaints in my heart belong to the complaints. As a courtier, Yang Wenguang is still a very loyal courtier. He must accept Lu Chengqi's will.He had expected that his journey to Chang'an would be bumpy.But he never expected that the little emperor would throw him an extremely tricky job before he took office.

Fortunes come with misfortunes, and misfortunes depend on blessings. Yang Wenguang was sent to compile books, which saved him a lot of trouble.For example, the civil servants' contempt for him, and a series of unfair treatment and so on.Yang Wenguang didn't have time to figure out the advantages and disadvantages of it, so he could only bow and say: "The last general will obey the order!"

Lu Chengqi joked: "Yang Qing has become a privy direct bachelor, why is he still calling himself the last general?"

Yang Wenguang said solemnly: "The veteran soldier has been wearing the uniform of a civil servant all his life, and he is not a civil servant. Why should he deceive himself and others?"

Lu Chengqi laughed loudly, and changed the subject: "Wang Qing, you don't have to go back to the Royal Military Academy, just go with your fiancée. But it's agreed, you have to make up for the courses you owe, and I will let Di Qing Remember it all!"

Wang Shao got up quickly and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty, please take care of me!"

Lu Chengqi looked at the sky, and said: "It's getting dark, I won't keep you guys. Judging by the way you travel, you must have just arrived in Chang'an City. You should step back and have a good rest. Tomorrow will be the regular court." Yes, Yang Qing remember to get up early!"

The two said in unison: "The last general will retire, Your Majesty Sheng An!"

Lu Chengqi waved his hand and said, "Go, go..."

Before he finished speaking, he picked up a pen and wrote the word "ke" on the memorial.

After the two left the Chuigong Hall, Yang Wenguang patted Wang Shao on the shoulder and laughed loudly: "My son-in-law, when are you going to come to Yang's residence to give a betrothal gift? This old man can't wait to be a grandfather again!"

Wang Shao shyly said, "Old General..."

Yang Wenguang suddenly became unhappy: "Why do you still call it that?"

Wang Shao had no choice but to change his words: "Taishan..."

Yang Wenguang felt relieved: "That's right, what a good son-in-law!"

"This important marriage event depends on the auspicious day of the zodiac, so don't come in a hurry. There are too many detailed rules when you combine the birth date and the date of marriage. It's also a marriage bestowed by the Holy One, and you can't be sloppy..." Wang Shao is a very serious person Now that she has decided to marry Yang Naohong, there is going to be a beautiful wedding, and eight sedan chairs will be carried to marry Yang Naohong back to the Wang family.

Yang Wenguang could hear his sincerity, sighed and said: "The old man is right, and Naohong is right! Zichun, you have to take care of him from now on. You know that Naohong is stubborn. .Hey, this girl is the treasure of this old man, she has been hidden for 24 years, and you got it!"

Hearing him joking, Wang Shao couldn't help but smiled wryly and said, "Mount Tai is really interesting..."

Yang Wenguang patted him on the shoulder again: "You don't want to go home, go back to the mansion with the old man. The holy decree is for this, you also have to be present, go!"

(End of this chapter)

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