Chapter 445

Xu Chongguang ate his breakfast leisurely. There was a torch in front of the Xuande Building to illuminate it. Although it was not yet dawn, he could see clearly.All the civil servants watched Xu Chongguang eat breakfast slowly, knowing that he would not finish eating before the palace opened, so they all entered the waiting room to wait.

At this time the weather turned cold, and it was just at dawn, and it was the coldest.The older officials shivered after a gust of autumn wind.After waiting for another quarter of an hour, the gate of the palace finally opened.Only a few strong internal servants pushed open the palace gate, and the imperial guards guarding in front of the Xuande Tower could enter the palace first.After waiting for about a quarter of an hour for the imperial guards to enter, the civil and military officials in the leaking courtyard slowly got up and walked towards the Daqing Gate under the leadership of the servant in charge of the lamp.

It's not yet Chen's hour, and the little emperor won't come so early.The civil and military officials who arrive first can wait in line in the Daqing Hall.The Beijing officials who do not have the fifth grade are waiting on both sides of the Daqing Hall, divided into civil and military personnel.

The waiting time was long, and the civil servants couldn't help but form a small circle again, discussing how to directly admonish the little emperor later.Only Xu Chongguang took his time and waited until the time of Chen Shi was a quarter before he stepped into the Daqing Palace.

I don't know if it was an appointment, Xu Chongguang had just stepped into the Daqing Hall, and before he reached the forefront of the civil servants, Lu Chengqi's personal eunuch Gao Hao's voice came from outside the Daqing Hall: "The emperor is here!"

Then, under the music played by Xianshao Envoy and Deputy Envoy Xianshao, Lu Chengqi, who was wearing a dragon gun and stepped on black lapels, walked slowly into the Daqing Palace.After Lu Chengqi boarded the dragon chair and sat down, there were five umbrellas covered by a strong servant, and four court ladies holding four fans, standing in the east and west behind the dragon seat.At this time, the music stopped, and Gao Gao said, "Hundred officials pay homage!"

At this time, regardless of martial arts, they all held court wats and saluted Lu Chengqi: "I see your majesty, your majesty is safe."

With light makeup on, Lu Chengqi couldn't see any joy or anger, and said flatly: "You are all flat."

After all civil and military officials stood up, Lu Chengqi did not wait for them to attack, and decided to act first, and said loudly: "Is the Minister of the Ministry of Officials here?"

The civil servants were holding back their energy, waiting for Lu Chengqi to say "something to play", but they didn't expect that the little emperor would not follow the routine!All the civil servants were stunned, before they could react, Wu Xianzhi, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, had already stepped out, holding a court wat and saying: "The minister is here!"

"Let me ask you, are the subordinate officials in Jingzhao Mansion registered and included in the official book?" Lu Chengqi asked directly without hesitation.

Wu Xianzhi held the court wat and said respectfully: "Return to Your Majesty. It has been listed under the supervision of the Supervision Department and handed over to the Ministry of Households. The salary will be distributed from there next month. Keep another copy and put it in the treasury of the Ministry of Officials." Among them. If Your Majesty wants to have a look, I will immediately go to the warehouse to get it..."

Lu Chengqi didn't comment, but continued to ask: "Is there anything wrong with the implementation of the new policy?"

Wu Xianzhi said: "Returning to Your Majesty, most of the subordinate staff are in favor of the New Deal, and they all say that Your Majesty is benevolent."

"Oh, that means there are still people who are dissatisfied?" Lu Chengqi could hear another meaning in his words, and continued to ask.

Hearing this, the civil servants all raised their heads to look at the little emperor as if they had been beaten with chicken blood.This is what they expected a long time ago. The world is so big that it is impossible for everyone to agree with the New Deal.

"It is true that some subordinate officials are dissatisfied. After investigation, they are all evil officials. They run rampant in the village, or engage in malpractices for personal gain, interfere with laws and regulations; ; or occupying the land of the people, forging tax books, and stealing taxes; what's more, passing on the taxes of the gentry and rich households to the peasants... I will check and verify them one by one, and hand them over to the governor of Jingzhao. For specific matters, the minister I don't know." Wu Xianzhi talked eloquently, throwing the blame in his words on Huang Weiyi, Yin of Jingzhao Mansion.

Lu Chengqi sneered, and said: "Jingzhao Mansion is at the foot of the emperor, and there are people who dare to bully the people. To tell you the truth, I went out of the palace in low clothes a few days ago, and unexpectedly encountered a scene of subordinate officials from the Ministry of Industry bullying craftsmen. I have never I have issued a decree to complete the construction of Chidao in Chang'an City as soon as possible. And I have already made a decree that the craftsmen who work for the court should have a regular salary every month. I hate the evil officials. They don't care about the life and death of the craftsmen. , And even embezzled their wages. Such evil deeds, regardless of human life, no one told me! If I have not seen it myself, I really can't believe it. Only at the feet of the emperor, the evil officials have already run rampant like this, so what about the whole Dashun?"

After a pause, Lu Chengqi continued: "This matter must have been spread throughout Chang'an City by someone with a heart. I believe that all the ministers have heard of it. I think that subordinates do evil, and even strong officials are weak, and officials are not enough to control officials, etc. The strange phenomenon and the disadvantages all lie in the system. In the Qin and Han Dynasties, there was no distinction between officials and officials, and there were many subordinate officials. During the Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, Confucianism was the only one, and Confucian scholars were recommended to the court and were highly valued. This is the beginning of the division of officials and officials, with distinctions between superiority and inferiority. Different ways for officials were finally formed. In our dynasty, there was even a decree that subordinate officials should not be officials. This made officials and servants merge, and they were reduced to humble positions. Born as subordinate officials, they were not allowed to make progress. Harm. Su Zizhan once remonstrated with me and said, "Mrs. who are born and become officials will seek nobility. If nobility is unattainable, they will only seek wealth. This is the trend." I thought it was just ringworm and scabies. Unexpectedly, it will turn into an evil trend. If it is not cured, it will not take a hundred years, and there will be disasters. As the saying goes, if you don’t plan for the whole world, you can’t plan for a time, and if you don’t plan for the overall situation, you can’t plan for a region. The common people seek happiness. If these officials do not change, there will be no peace for the country. Now I am promoting the ten-rank official system, but it is still blocked, but do you want to make Dali obedient to the end of the world?"

Lu Chengqi's words were extremely embarrassing.First of all, it explained the reasons for the collapse of the bureaucracy, and pointed the finger at the literati group, and then rose to the state of national ruin and family destruction. If anyone dares to oppose it at this time, it will definitely have no good fruit.At that time, if you plant a hat that harms the country and the people, you will have to peel off your skin if you don't die.Civil servants are not fools, they can always hear the determination and blatant threats in Lu Chengqi's words.

Some officials who only want to get a half-job for their "insiders" feel withdrawn.The Chinese tradition is generally "one person attains the Tao, and the chicken and dog ascend to heaven." After getting used to this model, it is actually this that the civil servants object to.If it weren't for the aristocratic families since the Han and Wei dynasties, how could they have existed for thousands of years?Even the imperial examination system cannot help these pious "gentlemen" find some official positions for the family, so that they have the door shade, Nali and so on.Looking at it from another angle, isn't this another kind of aristocratic family system?For a long time, children from poor families were not allowed to get ahead, and the nobles controlled the government, and the country would definitely perish.As early as in "Cao GUI Controversy", it was said: "Meat eaters are contemptible, and they cannot seek far."

Why are those in power "despicable"?That's because of their origins, it is impossible for them to really understand the people's conditions.People's life is not good, and they can't even eat food. If you don't rebel against you, who will you rebel against?

(End of this chapter)

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