back to ancient times to be emperor

Chapter 443 I went to the exam

Chapter 443 I went to the exam
"...If you want me to make up my mind, you are the Son of Heaven!" Zhou Zhiruo, who always felt that something was wrong, couldn't help but muttered, and lay down beside Lu Chengqi angrily, listening to Lu Chengqi's regular breathing, for a moment I can't sleep for a long time.

Renming Hall is divided into inner and outer halls, which has become a fixed pattern.Although the wise ancients did not understand why burning charcoal in a closed environment would cause death, it does not mean that they would not conclude.Clever craftsmen cleverly used the space and set up the inner and outer halls in a zigzag way. Firstly, it separated the cold wind and made the palace warm like spring; secondly, it was ventilated and ventilated. , but the sound insulation effect is particularly good, even in the outer hall, you may not be able to overhear what the people in the inner hall are saying.

In such a quiet environment, coupled with the incense from the censer to promote sleep, even if Zhou Zhiruo had something on her mind, she soon fell asleep in a daze.

When she opened her eyes again, Lu Chengqi beside her was gone.Zhou Zhiruo squinted her eyes, and faintly saw Lu Chengqi putting on the dragon robe under the service of the maid.Seeing this, Zhou Zhiruo naturally woke up: "What time is it?"

The maid who was serving beside the dragon and phoenix's bed said quickly, "It's already a quarter of an hour when you go back to your mother."

Zhou Zhiruo heard this, and said loudly, "Why did Your Majesty get up so early?"

After hearing this, Lu Chengqi let the court lady help him dress and put on his shoes, and said without turning his head: "Zitong got up too? I'm going to 'go to the exam' today. I'm inevitably a little nervous. Get up early."

Zhou Zhiruo could hear the pretended ease in Lu Chengqi's words, and she was quite worried. When she wanted to persuade her, Lu Chengqi went on to say: "If Zitong is sleepy, go to sleep for a while. It's not yet dawn." Go outside the hall.Zhou Zhiruo wanted to call him several times, but she was worried that she would miss Lu Chengqi's important matter, so she didn't call out.

Seeing Lu Chengqi striding out of the Hall of Renming, Zhou Zhiruo lost sleepiness and said, "Hurry up and help me change my clothes."

The maid next to her didn't dare to neglect, she quickly said: "Yes, empress."

After leaving the Hall of Renming, Lu Chengqi's expression became serious.Wearing a dragon robe with a wide hem today, it is not suitable for exercising, so Lu Chengqi did not start morning exercises like before, but walked slowly towards the imperial dining room.

Seeing Lu Chengqi's preoccupied appearance, Gao Hao, the personal eunuch, didn't dare to talk too much, and walked behind Lu Chengqi with all the maids and servants honestly.Just now Lu Chengqi said that he was going to take the exam, this metaphor is absolutely correct.Since he came to power and took charge of the government, he always thought that the overall situation of the court was under his control. Whether it was the six departments of the central government or the cabinet, most of them were replaced by "his own people".There is a cabinet in control inside, and there is a supervisory department and a hundred officials outside. This kind of strength can be said to be far superior to that of the previous dynasty.But why are there still so many obstacles to the implementation of the ten-rank official system this time?Just the remonstrance memorials in the past four days are all piled up in the Chuigong Hall.Whenever Gao Hao brought piles of memorials that the cabinet did not dare to vote for, Lu Chengqi didn't even have the desire to look through them, and often said four words indifferently: "Stay in China and not publish."

This made Lu Chengqi very suspicious, is it really necessary to use bloody means to force these "self-proclaimed" ministers to submit?It seems like a joke to Lu Chengqi that the law does not blame the public. Most of the work in these yamen is done by the subordinate staff. These so-called ministers are only kept for the sake of looking good.Lu Chengqi really wanted to demote them all at once, but this would definitely cause an uproar across the country, which was more turbulent than the ten-rank official system.

Because of this, Lu Chengqi restrained his impulse.However, these ministers were on Lu Chengqi's blacklist one after another.What puzzled Lu Chengqi was that not only those ministers with "records", but also Zuo Si Lang Zhong Yan Hua, Zhong Shu Sheren Liu Geng, Minister of Rites Feng Chengping, Minister of Criminal Justice Zhou Yanhua, cabinet ministers Jiang Ying, Zhu Xucai, Wei Xu, etc. Jing, Zheng Yan, Sun Leping, Cao Wenzhong, He Yunli, Shi Wenfei, Zhang Siming, Lu Zhenduan, Zhao Yuanyi, etc. all wrote letters, admonishing the disadvantages of the ten-rank official system.Only the chief assistant of the cabinet, Xu Chongguang, the governor, could not do anything, and he wanted to wait and see what happened.

Most of the civil servants were involved in this turmoil.Except for Li Jieshang, the minister of the Ministry of Industry, who was ordered to control the river on Henan Road, Wu Xianzhi, the minister of the official department, Qin Yikang, the minister of the military department, and Lin Zhenzhong, the minister of the household department, were not involved in the six ministers.The Ministry of War has never been involved in government affairs, which is expected.The official department is Lu Chengqi's own person, so naturally he will not tear down his own position.As for Hubu Shangshu Lin Zhenzhong, Xu Chongguang's favorite student, he naturally got Xu Chongguang's hint to wait and see what happened.

Looking at the entire court, the only person who can firmly believe in it is Wu Xianzhi, Minister of the Ministry of Officials!How could Lu Chengqi feel at ease?Although the scholar rebelled, it will not succeed in ten years.However, the power of the civil official group made Lu Chengqi very afraid.How much loss will Dashun suffer if such an official obeys the law?

And these ministers didn't know that they were already on the little emperor's blacklist, and they still wanted to force the little emperor to submit with the idea that the law should not blame the public.But Lu Chengqi is so easy to fool, he has to carry out whatever he is sure about.No matter how much the civil official group objected, the Ministry of Officials had already begun to act.Most of the subordinate officials in Chang'an City are registered, so it is not too difficult to reform.In just four days, the subordinate officials of Jingzhao Mansion have been registered one by one.Anyone who oppressed the people, invaded the people's land, and helped the squires to evade taxes were all brought out one by one.All these wicked officials were taken to Henan Mansion as coolies.

The one who complained the most was not Wu Xianzhi, Shangshu of the Ministry of Officials. Most of his work was given to his subordinates, oh no, it was shared by the ten-rank officials.The matter of registering the official register also went smoothly.After all, it is impossible for all subordinate officials in the world to be evil and dirty officials, but there are also good subordinate officials, isn't it?The official who suffered the most was Huang Weiyi, governor of Jingzhao Prefecture.Faced with the evidence jointly submitted by the Ministry of Officials and the Supervision Department, he had to punish these villainous officials and squires who robbed people's land and evaded taxes in accordance with the law.In the past four days alone, nearly a hundred cases have been handled.Rao Huang Weiyi, the governor of Jingzhao Prefecture, was "skilled in business" and was completely exhausted. How could he have time to write a memorial requesting the withdrawal of the New Deal?If you give Yushitai a copy of him, saying that the corpse is a vegetarian meal, he can't eat it and walk around!I don't know how many people are staring at the position of the Governor of Jingzhao Mansion, Huang Weiyi dare not be careless.

Fortunately, today is the regular court, Huang Weiyi finally escaped from the busy government affairs, as if he had escaped from hell, he left the mansion before he arrived, boarded a carriage and headed for the palace.

Lu Chengqi was well aware of all this through the dark report from the Supervisory Department.

But just like that, Lu Chengqi felt even more uneasy, and it was even more unpredictable what would happen in the court.When he was walking towards the imperial dining room with a heavy heart, Lu Chengqi suddenly asked, "Gao Hao, have the imperial troops transferred to guard Chang'an City?"

(End of this chapter)

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