back to ancient times to be emperor

Chapter 436 Want to cover up

Chapter 436 Want to cover up
"Those scholars want to make trouble?" Qin Ming was even more confused, "Then we can solve the case? This... what kind of reasoning is this!"

Su Shi smiled wryly, Qin Ming still didn't understand this, and could only say that the two were really not suitable to be partners. "If the behind-the-scenes instigation wants to cover up this matter, it must create a bigger matter. It is very likely that His Majesty wants to push the ten-rank official system, which is the idea of ​​this behind-the-scenes instigation. His Majesty was only misled, so he decided to implement it. New Deal..."

Qin Ming's eyes lit up: "That's right, it must be the reason, otherwise, why would His Majesty suddenly want to implement the New Deal? Thinking about it carefully, the ten-rank official system plus Qiu Wei is a big deal. In this way, the attention of the people in the world Putting it all on these two things, the behind-the-scenes instigation can be calmly stopped, and all the evidence will be wiped out... Hey, could it be that the first Beijing official who proposed it was the behind-the-scenes instigation?"

Su Shi smiled bitterly and said: "I went to the supervisors, and they said that it was Li Ran, the censor Zhongcheng, who impeached these wicked officials. Only by being led by the nose can one be impeached."

When Qin Ming heard this, he suddenly became depressed.Suddenly, he asked again: "Did the Supervision Department find anything?"

"Since the behind-the-scenes commander can think of this strategy, how can he leave a loophole? The officials in the court are careful and rigorous in their calculations, and it is impossible to leave an obvious loophole." Su Shi shook his head, "However, tomorrow's regular court will definitely Some people will advise His Majesty to revoke the New Deal. At that time, who is loyal and who is traitor may be able to see the general idea. If we want to solve the case as soon as possible, we will look at the court tomorrow. The good show has just begun..."

When Qin Ming heard that the case could be solved, he said excitedly: "What is that word called, and what do you want to show?"

Su Shi continued: "I want to cover it up."

"That's right, it's just trying to hide it! The behind-the-scenes plotters want to muddy the water, and we are those sparrows behind..."

"It's the oriole behind..."

"It doesn't matter if it's a sparrow or an oriole, we'll just be some kind of fisherman anyway." Qin Ming said excitedly, not caring about being corrected by Su Shi over and over again for his mistakes in using idioms.

Listening to Qin Ming's nondescript idioms, Su Shi smiled wryly and shook his head, meaning he understood, didn't he just wait and see what happened? "How can the person behind the scenes not know how to avoid suspicion? Since he provoked trouble, in order to cover up his crimes, he couldn't jump out at this time. The minister who will have the most trouble in the court tomorrow is definitely not the one behind the scenes. But , it may also be the accomplice behind the scenes, anyway, we have to judge one by one. Sigh, it would be great if I could show up in the regular court. Who knows, the behind the scene is so cunning, since I thought of this trick? I was caught off guard. ..."

Su Shi had to admire the mastery of the behind-the-scenes command. He learned that the little emperor wanted to investigate the case of human traffickers. He was afraid that his crimes would be exposed, so he encouraged the little emperor to implement the New Deal and solve the ten-rank official system.The little emperor was already impatient, and when he heard about such evil deeds, he naturally wanted to get rid of it once and for all.Even if the little emperor is not fooled and adopts a conservative approach and arrests those filthy officials for crimes, he can still take advantage of the situation and spread rumors to make people panic.The little emperor was so dazed by political affairs that he naturally put the case of the human traffickers behind him for the time being.With these gaps in the behind-the-scenes instructions, the evidence can be erased, and he can continue to be an official in the court safely.

And things are going in the best direction.Lu Chengqi really acted vigorously and resolutely promoted the New Deal.Now that it's all right, scholars all over the world will definitely remonstrate with anger, and when things get serious, Lu Chengqi naturally has no time to care about him.The behind-the-scenes instigator can have more time, first hide aside and watch the show, and then calmly erase the evidence, dismiss the traffickers, and collect money.In this way, he has fame and wealth. After he becomes an official, his descendants will not be able to use them up for hundreds of generations.How many people in the world can match such painstaking efforts and scheming?

Fortunately, Su Shi is not stupid, and he has figured out all the twists and turns.It's just that there are so many famous ministers in the court, which one do you suspect?
As soon as he talked about his thoughts, Qin Ming was immediately confused: "Forget it, you literati can think clearly about such profound questions. I, Qin Dalang, don't think about it, so as not to spoil my brain. Su Great talent, if you know who is behind the scenes, you can just tell me."

Su Shi smiled wryly: "Yes, yes... I just don't know, this behind-the-scenes instigation is so deeply hidden, will it come out tomorrow?"

Before he finished speaking, he heard the door creak, and Qin Ming walked out: "Great talent, don't think too much, it's time for dinner!"

Su Shi put away the newspaper, and said: "Okay, I'll come later." After that, he took the sword case containing Shang Fang's sword.There is no way, although this Shangfang sword has great power, it can be cut first and played later.But it is also Su Shi's weakness. Once he loses it, he will be demoted to exile besides being imprisoned.He can't afford to take such a risk.So no matter where you go, you have to take it with you.Either carry it by yourself, or carry it for Qin Ming.Anyway, they are on the same boat now, if Shang Fangjian is lost, they will all be unlucky.

As night fell, the city of Chang'an was still full of noise.

During dinner time, Chang'an City is the busiest.The cries of selling came one after another, and the aroma of various snacks wafted from the roadside stalls.Whether it's foot shops, various restaurants, brothels, and Goulan tile shops, they are crowded with people.

Liu Qi, who was in a bad mood, got off the carriage.Looking at the plaque of this restaurant, there are three words "Chunfenglou" in big script.

Liu Chun cautiously asked: "My lord, this is a brothel. If the master knows that you come to this place, the little one will be scolded to death..."

Liu Qi looked at him and wondered, "How do you know it's a brothel?"

Liu Chun was taken aback, and said: "Isn't this the Spring Breeze Building? I often hear people say that the elegant name of the bridal chamber wedding night is called Spring Breeze Once. Isn't this Spring Breeze Building a brothel?"

Liu Qi rolled his eyes at him and said, "It's really taken out of context. You are still called Liu Chun, so you are a woman? This Chunfeng Building is taken from the poem 'Spring Breeze Proud of Horseshoe Disease', which means the number one scholar in high school. This Chunfeng Building is for a scholar. The place where the children gather together is not as ugly as you say. Brothel, thanks to you for thinking of it!"

Liu Qi was determined to be an official, and after becoming an official, he would marry Han Feng'er, so naturally he couldn't enter the brothel, which ruined his reputation.If, together with the scholars, they remonstrated that the little emperor succeeded and retracted the New Deal, then there would be no Nali and Menyin. He was criticized for going in and out of the brothel, his conduct was bad, and he lost his official position for nothing. Who can he ask for reason?

"You wait here. If you're hungry, go buy something yourself." After Liu Qi left this sentence, he tidied up his specially worn clothes, and entered the "Spring Breeze Building" with his head held high.

(End of this chapter)

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