back to ancient times to be emperor

Chapter 425 Correction and Publication

Chapter 425 Correction and Publication
Before Zhang Yuanchong's eyes, there seemed to be a scene: In the bleak autumn wind, all the high-ranking officials and dignitaries who used to dominate the court were arrested and sent to prison in an instant, and the crimes hidden in their hearts were ruthlessly overturned by the supervisory department. It came out, and under the conclusive evidence, he could only bow his head and plead guilty.Then on the guillotine, with the hand of the supervisor and beheader, the death talisman fell down.

The executioner's broadsword raised and fell, spattering blood.The blood was gurgling, but it was not yet dry, and another group of officials brought it up.That scene was like Shura Hell, even the common people who hated them to the bone closed their eyes at this moment, unable to bear to look directly at it.

"Is it true that the Holy Majesty wants to kill more than 200 ministers, but they have not broken the law of the country?"

Zhang Yuanchong stood blankly in the study, thinking for a long time, only to realize that he couldn't do anything.He knew that Lu Chengqi was determined to carry out the new policy, but if the ministers of the court used the law of their ancestors to suppress him, the little emperor would definitely go to prison when he was furious.At that time, the storm is coming, Zhang Yuanchong intends to save people, but he is not an official, and secondly, he has no power, how can he save?
"By the way, I can use newspapers!"

Zhang Yuanchong finally remembered that he was the editor-in-chief of "Dashun Minbao", and it was his bounden duty to write articles and appeal to scholars all over the world to uphold the New Deal.If the resistance of the scholars is reduced, then the ministers of the DPRK and China will lose confidence if they want to fight against the New Deal.

He hurriedly opened the chair and sat down, picked up the brush and straightened the book.In just a moment, a short but powerful article is ready.Zhang Yuanchong looked at the words he had written, and suddenly found that his writing had deteriorated a lot: "If you go to the tribute exam now, you may not even be able to pass the palace exam?"

Shaking his head with a wry smile, he picked up the ink-stained rice paper and walked out of the study. "Editor Zhang, why did you come out? That young master has already left." Hearing this, everyone in the newspaper office put down their work and stared at Zhang Yuanchong.

"Why do you say so much, the son is here for tomorrow's newspaper. All the corrections, come to me, and publish this article on the headline; this article will be published under it, understand?" Zhang Yuanchong said in an unquestionable manner. He ordered in a tone of voice.

But these correctors are not easy to fool.After briefly scanning the article, he retorted: "Editor-in-chief, this article is too straightforward, and it is not as good as the one you wrote. How can it be on the headlines?"

Zhang Yuanchong said angrily: "You are the only one who talks too much!"

The upright editor was not convinced, and continued to argue: "Editor Zhang, although I have a low position, I have a sincere heart for the Dashun Minbao! Putting such an article on the headlines is not smashing the Dashun Minbao. A signboard!"

Zhang Yuanchong said angrily: "As the editor-in-chief, I don't have any objections. What are you talking about! Before you came, "Dashun Minbao" had such an article, and I didn't see anything wrong with the signboard. You go to work, Don't miss tomorrow's newspaper. If you can't finish it, then hold a candle tonight and finish it!"

"But this kind of article, I really can't stand it!" The upright editor still refused to compromise.

Zhang Yuanchong said angrily: "Okay, Manjushri, don't think I don't know what you're thinking. That's right, you can tell from the handwriting that this article was not written by me, even if it is signed by my name. But you know who that young master is. Is it? He is your food and clothing parent, and the owner of the Dashun Minbao!"

Manjusri has a straightforward personality, and before he could say "so what if he is the boss", he was dragged by his colleagues.Who in the world doesn't know that the owner of the Dashun Minbao is the property of the royal family?Whose property is the royal family?Naturally, today, Lu Chengqi owns everything.In this way, the identity of the elegant son-in-law was clearly revealed, but Wen Shucheng still didn't notice it.

When his colleagues gave him a hand and he wanted to contradict him again, another correctional officer whispered in his ear: "Do you want to slander the Holy Majesty?"

Hearing this, Manjusri was stunned.He is not a fool, but he becomes simple-minded after he froze.On the surface, the Dashun Minbao Office is Zhang Yuanchong's business, but the real owner is today's emperor. How could Manjusri not know?Thinking that he had actually slandered the current Holy Majesty just now, cold sweat began to ooze from his forehead.But he still thought that he was right, Lu Chengqi's articles were really not very good, without any literary talent.

"Could it be that today's level is this level?" Manjusri still had doubts in his mind, but he didn't dare to say more.

"Okay, now that you know everything, don't say it. Hurry up and print it, the boss values ​​this headline very much." Zhang Yuanchong said flatly.

Why does the current emperor attach so much importance to the headlines this time?Everyone in the newspaper knew that the purpose of the little emperor was to implement the New Deal smoothly!To be honest, they actually know the benefits of the ten-rank official system, but they just can't let go of their yearning for the imperial examination.All of them are qualified for the imperial examination. What if they can be ranked among the top three in the gold list next time they take the exam?No wonder they were so obstructive.

Just thinking about it carefully, it seems that the ten-rank official system is the gospel for scholars.Not only are there a lot of scholars, but they have also increased.It will be reopened next autumn, maybe they will become officials.In the past, there was a real lack of waiting. If the Jinshi ranked low, I don’t know how many years I would have to wait.Now you only need to pass the exam and report to the official department, and you can take office in the local area.Even if they fail the exam, those who have taken the tribute exam can also go to the Ministry of Officials to participate in some "interview", and if they pass, they can also become the ten-rank officials.Although it is not promoted like the tenth-rank official who has won the Jinshi, but according to the analysis of Zhang Yuanchong's article, if "familiar with government affairs, aware of the suffering of the people, and able to produce talents in the article", wouldn't it be more certain for the next year's scientific examination?Even if you don't win, you can be regarded as an official, and you can finally comfort your ancestors.Just imagine, this dynasty has been in existence for more than [-] years, there have been only more than [-] imperial examinations, only a few more than [-] people have been selected as Jinshi, and I don’t have a beautiful essay, how can I get into the eyes of the chief examiner?It's better to start with hard work, maybe it will turn around!
After figuring this out, these scholars are relieved. After lowering their goals, they seem to be motivated and strive to finish the work at hand. Good night reading by candlelight.In this way, there will be a time difference and one step ahead of the rest of the scholars in Dashun. This way, they will be more sure of passing the exam.I don't dare to think about the palace test, but I should be able to pass the tribute test, right?
In Dashun Minbao, everyone has their own thoughts, and the efficiency of work has increased dramatically.In less than half an hour, before the sun went down, the samples had been sorted out.Immediately, they dispatched fast horses, sent them all the way out of Chang'an City, rushed to the printing workshop in the suburbs, and started printing overnight...

(End of this chapter)

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