Chapter 418

"Your Majesty, don't call the imperial doctor..." Zhou Zhiruo stretched out her white hand and grabbed Lu Chengqi's dragon robe.

She is a "patient" now, how dare Lu Chengqi move?Hastily said softly: "Okay, I won't call you the imperial doctor, but Zi Tong, your injury..."

Zhou Zhiruo smiled and said, "It's much better now..."

Lu Chengqi didn't believe her words, and said half-believingly, "Really?"


Lu Chengqi was not so easy to deceive, he swung the lower part of his dragon robe, sat down on the edge of the bed, and gently held Zhou Zhiruo's calf involuntarily.After taking off his clothes, Lu Chengqi's heart skipped a beat with his gripping calves and silky smooth skin, and he managed to stop his thoughts.

When he took off his clothes to his knees, he saw a large area of ​​red.Lu Chengqi felt distressed, and said, "Don't call me an imperial doctor? They're all swollen!"

Zhou Zhiruo pleaded: "Your Majesty, my concubine... how do others see my concubine's body? Your Majesty should spare this concubine! Let the maid go to the Imperial Medical Academy and get some golden medicine from the imperial doctor... "

After hearing this, Lu Chengqi sighed slightly.These days, the concept of intimacy between men and women is really too strong, even doctors have to be very careful.As a last resort, Lu Chengqi summoned Gao Hao and asked him to go to the Hanlin Medical Official Hospital to get Jinchuang medicine. "You, you, what time is it, and you still care about this. I promised, and the imperial doctor is an old man, what are you afraid of?" Lu Chengqi blamed.

Zhou Zhiruo was wronged by Lu Chengqi's words, she broke free from Lu Chengqi's hand with her calf, turned over, and ignored Lu Chengqi.Lu Chengqi was a little panicked: "Zitong, what's wrong?"

Zhou Zhiruo said: "Your Majesty is a bad person, and my concubine ignores you..."

Lu Chengqi was stunned, he was used to Zhou Zhiruo's adult style of handling things, and suddenly acted like a baby, he was really at a loss.After thinking about it, there was nothing unexpected.According to the calculations of later generations, Zhou Zhiruo is only seventeen years old now, a standard little girl, and acting like a baby is normal.

Lu Chengqi smirked and said, "Really ignore me?"


"Then I will use family law..."

Hearing the word "Family Law", Zhou Zhiruo quickly turned around and begged for mercy, "Your Majesty, please forgive my concubine..."

Lu Chengqi laughed, aggressively took Zhou Zhiruo into his arms, and kissed her hair.After Zhou Zhiruo's petty temper was over, she also snuggled into his arms obediently, with the happy look of a little woman on her face.The two lingered for a long time before Gao Hao said loudly outside the hall: "Your Majesty, I have brought the Jinchuang medicine."

Hearing this, Lu Chengqi said to Zhou Zhiruo: "Since Zitong doesn't want others to see, I will give Zitong the medicine myself." Instructing Gao Hao to bring in the Jinchuang medicine, Lu Chengqi carefully pulled out the medicine plug, put the powder He fell on the knee of Zhou Zhiruoxiu's leg.Zhou Zhiruo only felt a coolness that penetrated to the bone marrow, and she knew that the medicine had taken effect.

After taking the medicine, Lu Chengqi said distressedly: "Until the injury is not healed, you are not allowed to leave the Hall of Renming, you understand?"

Zhou Zhiruo nodded obediently, and then showed a sly smile: "The concubine has no plans to leave the palace these two days."

"Oh, why did you become so obedient?" Lu Chengqi asked.

"Huangzhuang sent the account books, and the concubines have to check them one by one. I guess they won't be able to finish reading them in three to five days, so naturally they can't get away." Zhou Zhiruo snickered.

Lu Chengqi knew that Huangzhuang made money, and he made a lot of money.It's just that he never intervened in the affairs of Huangzhuang, and Zhou Zhiruo was in charge of it. As for how much money he made, he had no idea.With Zhou Zhiruo's talent in business, she must have made a lot of money!

The current Huangzhuang, in addition to the sea trade, also started a business of selling cattle, sheep and horses with the Liao Kingdom, as well as the silk factory on the Jiangnan side, the cotton spinning factory on the Youyun Sixteenth State, and the occupied Policy advantages, following the example of Royal Bank to establish Huitong Bank, seized market opportunities, and probably made a lot of money.

Strange to say, the Liao Kingdom explicitly forbids the sale of horses, which are strategic materials, just like Dashun prohibits the sale of grain, ironware, ore, and salt to foreign countries.However, the nobles of the Liao Kingdom disregarded the ban and sold horses openly.The Liao Kingdom has a vast grassland, and horse herding has a natural advantage. The quality of the horses is much higher than that of Dashun.In the market between the two countries, a top-quality Liao horse can be sold for more than a thousand.How could this prevent the Khitan people from flocking to it?In the end, even ordinary Khitans started selling horses.

Later, a large number of good horses poured in, and after competition was formed, the price of horses plummeted.Except for the peerless steed, there are very few horses that can be taller than a thousand.Ordinary horses cost only fifty guan.But for the Khitan people, it is a huge fortune.

Through a large number of good horses entering Dashun, and with the new horse policy, Dashun's military horses have made a qualitative leap.Through the publicity of "Dashun Minbao", the method of breeding horses developed by the Royal University was pushed to the whole country.The selection of horses by the horse herdsmen has also become more and more strict. Although the purchase price has not changed, it has also reduced the number of poor horses in the imperial army and frontier army.

Lu Chengqi knew all these things well.At the beginning, it was agreed to open a discussion field, and the two countries of Shunliao and Shunliao exchanged business and trade, which was largely based on this point.But the more important thing is to stabilize the Khitan people so that they will not go south every year to fight the grass valley.Dashun got a good opportunity to develop, and was able to prepare the army and prepare food, waiting for the opportunity to avenge his shame.

Seeing that Lu Chengqi was lost in thought, Zhou Zhiruo raised her delicate face and asked softly, "What is Your Majesty thinking?"

Lu Chengqi came back to his senses, and said with a smile: "I was thinking, Huangzhuang is in the hands of Zitong, I have found the right person. In the future, my expenses will all depend on Zitong's 'rewards'..." There is no need to let Zhou Zhiruo know about important military affairs .Lu Chengqi changed the subject because he wanted to make indirect remarks and learn about the recent situation in Huangzhuang.

Zhou Zhiruo covered her mouth and snickered when she heard the words: "How dare the concubine reward His Majesty? But Huangzhuang has indeed made a lot of money in the past year. The sea trade alone has earned 400 million yuan..."

"400 million guan?!" Lu Chengqi was taken aback. He is the most sensitive to the economy. 400 million guan is almost equivalent to the previous salt tax.Huangzhuang alone has an income of 400 million yuan, so how much income does the entire Dashun Maritime Trade have?Lu Chengqi is now looking forward to seeing the accounts of the Shipping Department, which shows that Dashun's maritime trade has taken a solid step forward!
"Actually, according to the actual trade volume, there are not so many. It's just that the silver is cheap and the copper is expensive in the Japanese country, so there is such a profit." Zhou Zhiruo said lightly.

Lu Chengqi did know that there is an Iwami silver mine in Japan, which is the easiest silver mine to mine now, and also the silver mine with the largest mining volume.Because of the scarcity of copper coins and the flood of silver in Japan, it led to the phenomenon that silver is cheap and copper is expensive.Trade with Japan can be described as a win-win situation.Dashun got more expensive silver, and Japan got more expensive copper coins.After Japanese silver flows into Dashun, it will be minted into silver coins and then flow into Japan.Strange to say, silver is worthless in Japan, but silver coins are very valuable in Japan, and their value is far higher than the value of the silver coins themselves.

There is no way, Japan's coinage is too rough, even the Japanese themselves do not recognize it, and in the end they can only use Dashun's copper coins.Now there are silver coins and gold coins that are more valuable than copper coins. Under the principle that rare things are more expensive, the silver and gold coins that flow into Japan have also appreciated in value. It is not impossible that their value is much higher than their own currency value.

(End of this chapter)

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