back to ancient times to be emperor

Chapter 383 Can You Still Eat?

Chapter 383 Can You Still Eat?

Hearing Zhu Daguang's words, Lu Chengqi was startled. He knew that Di Qing had learned from the Romance of General Yang.It's just that in the romance of General Yang, Di Qing is a villain.But Lu Chengqi searched for Di Qing through Du Niang, only to find out that he was an extremely inspirational general.He was born at the bottom, committed a crime in his hometown, joined the army by chance, and got tattooed on his face.Because of his handsome appearance, the enemy was not afraid of him in battle, so with disheveled hair and a copper mask, no one dared to stop him when he entered and exited the enemy army.

In this time and space, there is no Xixia regime, so Di Qing's military exploits are all brought from the border of Shunliao with real swords and guns.When he was in the frontier army in Youzhou, he had a close relationship with Fan Zhongyan, the governor of Youzhou. Fan Zhongyan taught him to read "Zuoshi Chunqiu" and said to him: "Generals don't know the history of ancient and modern times, but they only have the courage of ordinary men." Di Qing changed his ambitions from then on. , After reading the book, he finally mastered the art of war of the generals since the Qin and Han Dynasties, so he became more famous.Ji Gong was promoted to the deputy envoy of Xishanggemen, and later promoted to the governor of Qinzhou, the deputy chief of Jingyuan Road, the deputy envoy of Jinglue recruiting, the commander of Pengri Tianwu Sixiangdu, and the training envoy of Huizhou regiment. From the official to the Minister of the Ministry of war.Regardless of the fact that the official has been demoted, but with a general, he can be the center of the capital, even if he is not a privy envoy like in history, it is not something ordinary military officers can think of.

Why does Di Qing have such a high prestige in the army?That's because whenever he was in battle, he always charged forward, entering and exiting the enemy's formation, he was invincible, so he was called "General Nirvana".In the four years before and after the Youyun border, there were 25 battles before and after, and eight of them were in the middle.His military exploits were obtained with real swords and guns, blood and sweat, so he was appreciated by Emperor Yuanshou.This alone is an example for all soldiers.

In addition, Di Qing is meticulous and reticent, so he must first carefully consider the chances of success when planning a business, and then proceed with the selection of the right opportunity to win.When marching and fighting, he first organizes the team, specifies rewards and punishments, and shares hardships with the soldiers. Therefore, although the enemy suddenly attacks, no soldier dares not to charge forward, so he has repeatedly made military exploits in sending troops.He especially likes to push his military exploits to his assistant generals. Which subordinate would not support such a general?

Even in the Royal Military Academy, where Di Qing was extremely strict in his studies, none of these officers were dissatisfied.That's where Di Qing's merits lie. Even in his sixtieth year, with a "magic machine and a water dragon knife" in his hand, he can tidy up these officers in a submissive manner.

The official position in the army is false, and if you don't have real skills, the sergeants below will not accept you.And Di Qing didn't have this concern, his combat exploits were all obtained in exchange for real things, and his martial arts were superb, who would not accept it?

What Lu Chengqi was afraid of was that Di Qing's lifespan was coming to an end, and he vaguely remembered that the Di Qing in the official history should have passed away long ago.The specific reason, if Lu Chengqi remembers correctly, should be because he served as a privy envoy, he was suspected by the civil official group, and in the end even the emperor didn't trust him, so he died in depression.

Fortunately, in this time and space, Di Qing was also squeezed out by the civil society.But fortunately, Di Qing was just a minister of the Ministry of War, and he did not suffer more injustice because he was not an official to a privy envoy.After Lu Chengqi found out about Di Qing, he immediately appointed him as the vice-principal of the Royal Military Academy. Apart from liking Di Qing's military experience, he also wanted to protect this veteran.

But I didn't expect that when I came to the Royal Military Academy this time, I heard that Di Qing fell ill. How could Lu Chengqi not be surprised?Immediately said: "Why does everyone report this to me?"

Zhu Daguang was about to say that this was what Di Qing requested, and that it was a minor illness, so there was no need to make a fuss.But Lu Chengqi didn't give him time to speak at all, so he asked the personal eunuch to go to the imperial doctor.And he himself walked quickly to Di Qing's dormitory.

Zhu Daguang was afraid that Di Qing would blame him for talking too much, so he also followed.Lu Chengqi was full of worries and had no interest in talking to him.When he came to Di Qing's dormitory, looking at this lonely small courtyard, Lu Chengqi took a deep breath and said in his heart: "This number one handsome guy, don't die so easily!" How handsome was Di Qing back then?He was so handsome that he didn't dare to look at people with his true face on the battlefield. He was afraid that the enemy would see that Di Qing was too beautiful, and would laugh at the Shun army who had no one in the army, so he sent a butter boy to fight.But from Lu Chengqi's point of view, Di Qing, who is in his fifties, seems to be like that.

Feeling uneasy, as soon as he stepped into this small courtyard, Lu Chengqi smelled a faint smell of traditional Chinese medicine.Lu Chengqi was shocked again: "Could it be that Di Qing's time is approaching?"

In desperation, he took three steps at a time, pushed the door open and walked in, shouting: "Di Qing, it's hard for you to hide it from me!"

Di Qing's room is very simple, with a bed, a table by the window, a few stools, a screen, and a weapon rack, that's all.Lu Chengqi glanced at the room, then focused on Di Qing who was lying on the bed and trying to get up.

Lu Chengqi hurried over, helped Di Qing to lie down, and said: "Don't get up, old general, lie down for me."

With tears in his eyes, Di Qing choked up and said: "The old minister is useless, His Majesty is so tired that he came to visit this old man. I don't know which bastard is talking too much, but the old minister has already said that your Majesty is busy with state affairs, and there are many opportunities to manage. Don't get into it because of the old minister." People of the soil, wasted a lot of time..."

Then Zhu Daguang, who entered the door, listened and lowered his head, not daring to speak.But who is Di Qing, he has strategies in his heart, and his thoughts are outrageously meticulous.After Zhu Daguang's performance caught his eyes, he knew that the instigator was him.

Di Qing sighed, and said: "Your Majesty, this old minister is an old wound. After old age and blood decline, the old diseases will appear one after another. Every other year, the old minister will attack. The old minister is already used to it. Don't look at the old minister's appearance. , the daily appetite has not diminished. In ancient times, there was Lian Po who led the army in his seventies, and the old minister was only fifty-six at the age of fifty, how could he be willing to lose to Lian Po!"

Lu Chengqi couldn't help but smile, and said: "Di Qing is brave, I've known it for a long time. But old people don't use their muscles and bones as energy, this is the law. Di Qing needs to rest well at this time, don't get angry. The Royal Military Academy is on the right track, and there is no need for an old general Too much worry. If the old general is disobedient, I will dismiss you!"

What Di Qing was most afraid of was this trick. He had great ambitions, but unfortunately he was lucky when he was old, and his rank reached the second rank, which is comparable to the six ministers.If you retire at this time and don't have much merit, how can you do it?After hearing Lu Chengqi's words, Di Qing also lost his temper, and said honestly: "I obey the order!"

Di Qing could not afford to offend Lu Chengqi, but Zhu Daguang could be bullied. Di Qing changed his target and said with a downcast face: "Student Zhu, are you out of class? Why are you here?"

At this moment, the majesty of the vice-principal was fully displayed, and Zhu Daguang stepped forward and said, "The student has seen Mr., and he is ill. The student is worried, so he came to visit in the past."

Lu Chengqi didn't know what Di Qing was thinking.However, Di Qing's tone softened, and he said: "The old minister and His Majesty want to discuss confidential and important matters, so you step back first."

Zhu Daguang didn't dare to disobey, he backed out and closed the door behind him.The imperial guards guarding the door looked at each other sideways. Anyone who can be alone with the little emperor is an important official in the court. How can this man be capable?

But the facts have already happened, and these people are only jealous.

(End of this chapter)

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