Chapter 372

Lu Chengqi watched the busy farming scene outside the car window with relish.Regardless of the dynasty, the changes in the countryside are minimal.The scene of farmers busy burning wasteland and preparing to plant winter wheat is no different from that of later generations.These farmers know the weather and the seasons, and relying on the accumulation of experience, they gradually understand how to harvest twice a year.They also understand that if they grow winter wheat, it will definitely make their lives better.

These farmers accounted for the vast majority of Dashun's population.Although they were diligent, but they lacked knowledge, they gradually had less and less land in their hands, and were eventually annexed by the landlords and gentry.And these farmers eventually became tenants.In this regard, these landlords are not inhumane, and after annexing the land, they can still give the peasants a way of life.It's just that during the famine years, peasant uprisings caused by landlords pressing for rent will never be less.Either explode in silence, or die in silence.Under the instigation of caring people, the uneducated peasants were coerced into a "civilian uprising".These people often pack themselves with religious colors, and by fooling foolish men and women, they achieve the purpose of abetting and organizing hungry people.

The irony is that even if these farmers fight for survival, they can't get any benefits. Instead, they lose their lives in the chaos of war.However, unlike the peasant uprisings mentioned in the textbooks, which have great positive significance, the places where the "insurgents" go will inevitably burn, kill and loot, resulting in the loss of life.The magnificent peasant uprising movement made the ruling class in control of the dynasty adjust production relations in some aspects and to some extent to adapt to the constantly changing development of productive forces. This is the positive and progressive nature of the peasant uprising movement, which is worthy of recognition and praise ! However, there is an irreconcilable class struggle, and there is no sacrifice without bloodshed.The dead and injured people in the peasant uprising movement are jaw-dropping, tens of thousands at every turn. It can be said that there are mountains of bones and rivers of blood.

In fact, Chinese farmers are used to being good citizens of Anshun, loyal to the imperial court they live in, and farmers in the farming era have relatively low material requirements, and are more content with the status quo, guarding their own "one-acre-three-point land" and spending time with their wives and children. Living an ordinary life and enjoying family happiness, they are too lazy to rebel.Unless it is natural disasters, man-made disasters, social chaos, which touches their fundamental interests and makes their lives impossible, they will be forced to take risks and rebel.However, while the passionate peasant uprising is revolutionary, it also has a lot of blindness. Most peasant uprisings may blindly follow some uprising leaders to participate in the struggle just to fill their stomachs.They are easily bewitched and used by some middle and lower feudal landlords who want to retaliate but have no ambitions, and even become tools for individual distorted, bloodthirsty and money-hungry villains to retaliate and destroy society.But many peasant rebels couldn't understand how painful it is to be controlled by others time and time again.How sad?

In the farming era, agricultural production is the top priority.After the destruction of the war, not to mention the delay in farming time and the barrenness of the countryside, even after the war subsided, there were countless casualties among young and middle-aged men. Do not engage in heavy farming activities.

If you want to break out of this vicious circle, you must get rid of the backward production mode of only relying on land to produce.Because the risk of relying on the sky is too great, once there is a famine, history will repeat itself.It is necessary to establish grain reserves, and it is also feasible to reclaim wasteland and increase the area of ​​cultivated land.If farmers are encouraged to raise poultry and livestock, they will be more resistant to natural disasters.Food is the most important thing for the people, and food security can be elevated to the perspective of national security, which cannot be ignored at all.

And Dashun has an advantage, that is, the land in the south of the Yangtze River has not been deeply cultivated, and many places are still desolate.There is no way, in this time and space, the economy is still concentrated in the Central Plains, and Jiangnan is the "land of the southern barbarians", with a backward economy.

Just as Lu Chengqi was quietly thinking about how to govern, Tang Xun, who was sitting next to Lu Chengqi, gave Lu Chengqi a gentle push and said, "Your Majesty, the military supervision has arrived."

Only then did Lu Chengqi come to his senses, the carriage had stopped on the platform at some point.After the carriage came to a complete stop, the coachman yelled loudly: "The military inspection station has arrived, those who want to get off get off!"

Smiling, Lu Chengqi also stood up, turned around and asked Tang Xun, "How long has it been since we set off?"

Tang Xun replied: "Yue Mo used a cup of tea."

A cup of tea only takes a quarter of an hour, Lu Chengqi thought: "This speed is not slow!" In his opinion, without the horse's self-oscillation, the stagecoach should be slower, but unexpectedly it far exceeded expectations.It may also have something to do with the lack of passengers. Lu Chengqi has no intention of entangled in this issue. He is more concerned about what the newly cast artillery looks like.

I got out of the carriage from the back of the carriage, and a few passengers got on the carriage at the military inspection station.Seeing a carriage full of officers with knives, these ordinary people dressed as peasants were too frightened to speak.

After the public carriage left in the dust, Lu Chengqi also came to the gate of the newly-built Military Weapons Supervision.After flashing the token, the inspector guarding the door dared not neglect, and respectfully invited Lu Chengqi to enter the Military Weapons Supervision.And Su Song also rushed over after hearing the news, and seeing his tired face, he couldn't hide his excitement, and said to Lu Chengqi: "Your Majesty, come quickly with me, the cannon has been cast, just like what Your Majesty said To!"

After finishing speaking, he strode forward, took Lu Chengqi's hand and ran to the test range.Lu Chengqi was held back by Su Song and walked two steps away, he broke free from his hand with a wry smile, and said, "Su Qing, don't worry. I know you haven't eaten breakfast, eat first before talking about other things. This common saying goes Well, people are iron and rice is steel, if you don’t eat a meal, you’ll be hungry.”

Before the words fell, the people around him burst into laughter.Su Song knew that he had made a fool of himself, but Lu Chengqi felt very relieved by his appearance of risking his life for the cannon.Just seeing the tired look on Su Song's face, that haggard look made Lu Chengqi feel very distressed.If such a scientific madman breaks his own body, it will be his loss, the loss of Dashun, and the loss of the Han people!

Lu Chengqi said loudly: "All the craftsmen have worked hard for casting the cannon. I ordered the imperial dining room to boil some porridge. Let's eat before doing anything!"

Where have these blacksmiths and apprentices seen an emperor who cared so much about them? Weeping bitterly with gratitude, they knelt down and choked up, saying, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your grace!"

Lu Chengqi was confused by their laughing and crying, and said: "Don't be too polite, get flat quickly! It's just a pot of porridge, is it worth it?" Immediately asked the personal eunuch to take out the food box, bring the bowls and chopsticks, Serve porridge to all craftsmen.It's just two personal eunuchs who can only carry two big food boxes, which can't hold much porridge.There are at least [-] people in the military inspector, and each person can only drink half a bowl.Even so, the move has bought off all the artisans.It was foreseeable that as long as Lu Chengqi said a word, these craftsmen would definitely go through fire and water.There is no way, in this era, the rules and ethics are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and the supremacy of imperial power is something that ordinary people agree with.

(End of this chapter)

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