back to ancient times to be emperor

Chapter 303 Imperial College Debate

Chapter 303 Imperial College Debate ([-])
After a long time, Prince Fu Cai, who was the referee, said: "Your Majesty's words are not unreasonable. It's just that Confucianism has been orthodox since the Western Han Dynasty. If you change it rashly, you may damage the foundation of the country."

Hearing what Wang Zifu said, Li Ran agreed even more, and immediately said: "The essence of Confucianism lies in stabilizing the foundation of the country. If Your Majesty changes rashly, where will the world's Confucian scholars be placed? Your Majesty, please think again!"

Lu Chengqi also knew that if he did this, it would definitely cause great turmoil.In fact, what they said is also correct. The real usefulness of Confucianism lies in stabilizing the foundation of the country.What is Guoben?According to Lu Chengqi's understanding, that is the joint rule of the emperor and the scholar-bureaucrats.In fact, the Central Plains Dynasty has always divided its power more or less.Whether he wants to or not, he has to do it.If Chao Gang was arbitrary, he would not be able to escape the end of destruction.For example, in the Qin Dynasty, the emperor said that one should not be second, but the second generation died.

Therefore, in many cases, although the emperor's power is great, it must be used sparingly.Otherwise, it will make the sky angry and people complain, and it will not end well.Therefore, whether it is the examination system, the nine-rank system, or the current imperial examination system, it is nothing more than an opportunity for the people of the world to participate in political affairs.With political appeals, the main contradictions in this society have a balance point, or a buffer period.If the balance point is not well grasped, social chaos will emerge.

Li Ran and the others should be genuinely worried about the orthodox status of Confucianism when they said this.After all, only the emperor, or the supreme ruler, has the ability to overthrow everything and start over.When the will of the supreme ruler no longer wants Confucianism, then the decline of Confucianism has become an inevitable trend.

And the decline of Confucianism, the first to bear the brunt, are these vested interest groups.Since ancient times, there has been a saying that enrolling in an imperial examination is like a carp leaping over a dragon's gate.It's all because of being a son and an official, although it is short of a threshold for the palace examination.But if you can pass it, you will be an official; if you can't pass it, you will still be a scholar.If Lu Chengqi is determined to overthrow Confucianism, the most powerful opposition will be these vested interest groups.

Don't think that they don't care whether other scholars can pass the exam if they have achieved fame and official status.On the contrary, they knew that if they wanted to consolidate their orthodox position of co-ruling the world with the emperor, their days would not be long if they lost fresh blood.Whether it is public or private, they have sufficient reasons to oppose it.

Lu Chengqi is no longer that dazed young man. He has begun to understand that even a small change in a country will cause dissatisfaction among several parties.What's more, it is such an important thing to establish orthodox academics?Those scholars and officials in the court, even if they dare not scold them face to face, they may want to dig up the grave of the Lu family's ancestors behind their backs.Lu Chengqi would not do such things, nor would he dare to do them.Even if it's really going to be done, it can't be done by Lu Chengqi, let alone do it blatantly, but subtly and subtly, the appeal is made by the people, and Lu Chengqi pretends to refuse it.There is no way to push it back, and if you pretend to discuss it, I'm afraid it will be a toss. In three to five or eight years, this kind of thing can only stay in the court's discussion.

Lu Chengqi had an insight into their motives, and after he had thought it over, he put down the teacup he was holding, and said in a leisurely manner, "When did I say that I would replace the orthodox position of Confucianism? You don't have to be like this. I also know that Confucianism is the foundation of a country. The way of thinking is not easy to move. What I mean is that the vision of Confucianism should not be so narrow, and it must be all-encompassing in order to continue to progress. Looking at the dynasties and dynasties, it is quite puzzling to me why since the Han Dynasty, after more than a thousand years, Confucianism But it has never made progress? It is undeniable that the words of Confucius are the most reasonable in the world. But has Confucius discovered all the most reasonable in the world? I don’t think so. Homework is necessary. But if Confucius knows that I have not made any progress in more than a thousand years, if he is alive, he will definitely piss you off."

As soon as Lu Chengqi said this, all the supervisors present held back their smiles, wanting to laugh but not daring to laugh.In this world, the only one who dares to tease Confucius like this is the current emperor.But the prison students depend on Confucius' words to make a living, so how dare they cancel Confucius at will?
Lu Chengqi knew that his words were still teasing, but the words were not rough: "Confucius had to ask Lao Tzu for advice back then, let alone the sages who were earlier than Confucius. So, if Confucianism doesn't improve, I'm afraid I’m about to be overtaken by others. Don’t laugh, it’s true.”

Lu Chengqi saw that the supervisors below, together with Wang Anshi and Zhang Zai, were all smiling, together with the competitive spirit in his heart, he immediately said: "On Confucianism, I may not be as good as you. But when it comes to other countries, you know, But not as much as me.

In the extreme west of Dashun, it is known as the country of Rome.People had already been to Rome in the Han Dynasty, but at that time, the place Ban Gu sent Gan Ying to was called Daqin, and they called it Romania.Because Rome used to be a great empire and conquered a land even wider than my Dashun.As for the Great Qin, before Gan Ying went there, it had not been conquered by Rome, and it took a few years before it became part of the Roman territory.Later, before a Roman emperor died, he split the Roman Empire into Eastern Rome and Western Rome. Each of these two countries was about the size of Dashun. Even the Mediterranean Sea, which was bigger than the East China Sea, was actually within their borders. lake!

It's just that the emperors of the Western Roman Empire were relatively stupid, so they perished in less than a hundred years.The Eastern Roman Empire still exists.If you don't believe me, you can take a sea boat and start from Guangzhou. After more than half a year, you can reach the Eastern Roman Empire.Think about it, if we stand still, wouldn't we not even be able to compare to a barbarian? "

When Lu Chengqi said this, everyone present was shocked.In ancient times, there was the Yelang Kingdom, and Yelang's arrogant jokes have always been used by the Central Plains people to laugh at others.But what they didn't know was that the real Yelang was himself.

Lu Chengqi continued: "From the west of the Roman Empire is Greece, which was conquered by the Roman Empire. Ancient Greece had many philosophers, many sages, and a splendid civilization no less than ours. But under the blade of the Romans, the ancient Greece is still perishing. If we don't see the world soberly, we will be surpassed by them one day.

I still have research on these Western countries.It is true that the present West cannot compare with us.Because they have been conquering each other, ruling and being ruled; conquering and being conquered alternately.But once they are integrated, they will definitely be our formidable enemies.When thousands of years later, they become a complete country like us, at that time their wisdom and creativity are completely inferior to ours.And if we take it lightly, become blindly arrogant, and think that the Liao Kingdom is our ultimate enemy, then the failure of our Han people will be foreseeable.It's not that I'm alarmist, but a judgment based on facts.In Western countries, businessmen and craftsmen have the same status as scholars.So their people are keen on inventing and creating.Even if their starting point is lower than that of our Han people, who will be better in the future?Naturally, the longer time passes, the more powerful the Westerners will be than the Han Chinese.

Thousands of years later, the lands in the world have been trampled by them one by one. If they can't find emerging markets, they will use all kinds of vicious hands to knock on the door of my Central Plains.If they succeed, the Han people will have no status at all, and the Central Plains will become their hunting ground! "

(End of this chapter)

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