Chapter 278

Seeing Yushi Zhongcheng and the little emperor fighting, all the officials present looked at each other in blank dismay, not daring to make a sound.Since ancient times, it is not uncommon for people who dare to "dispute" face to face like this.With the passage of time, there are fewer and fewer such officials. Most of them will take into account their own face and the face of the emperor, and will adopt a tactful approach after all. This will not only ensure that their opinions can be accepted by the emperor to the greatest extent, but also It will make the emperor's face look better, and there is more room for tactful things.

But Li Ran was stunned, with a bullish temper, even if he was the king of heaven, he would never let go of the death he was convinced of, even if the other party was the emperor.This academic dispute turned out to be a matter between literati, and the emperor had nothing to do with it.You can believe in whichever school of thought you like, as long as it is not a rebellious cult or the like, the emperor will not even care about it.

The emperor gave you this freedom, but in the end you are no longer qualified to advocate theories. What kind of reasoning is this?Lu Chengqi had already been mentally prepared for the official court arguing, but what annoyed him was that this old man Li Ran made a fuss about this kind of thing. There was a burst of disappointment in my heart.Another word with a similar meaning is to be angry and indisputable. There are so many injustices in the world, but you don't see your officials bring it up, and you move your cheese a little, so you are so nervous.Until now, Lu Chengqi has finally seen through the nature of these so-called "not for fame, not for profit". He clearly said that he was not for fame, but in fact he loved fame to the bone; Finding fault with your colleagues is as if others cannot be officials if they cannot be saints.Having achieved political achievements, he also wants to be seen by the emperor so that he can get promoted and get rich.

This is what Lu Chengqi is angry about!

For a moment, the atmosphere in the Daqing Palace was strange, with an indescribably oppressive feeling.The little emperor's anger was already written on his face. Except for the heartless Li Ran, who was unconscious, the rest of the civil and military officials were all lowered by such arrogance. Looking at the chao wat in their hands, it seemed that there was something erotic on it. Just like the picture, I can't take my eyes off it.

In the Daqing Palace at this time, it was so quiet that one could hear a needle drop clearly.All civil and military officials were afraid that the little emperor would get angry with them, so they quickly pretended not to see it, and all lowered their heads.Everyone knows the story of the fire at the gate of the city, which affected the fish in the pond.Although the little emperor's method is not very clever, but he makes good use of his power to suppress each other, which is a conspiracy, who can stand it?Once the little emperor holds back his energy and shows you a few pairs of small shoes to wear, then you will have a good time.The only solution for now is to pretend that you can't see it!
Just when the monarch and his ministers were staring at each other, not giving in to each other, they suddenly heard a burst of drumming outside the hall.Lu Chengqi's lingering anger still persisted, he shouted loudly: "Who is beating the drum?"

Lu Chengqi's anger was so full that Xiao Huangmen ran out of the Daqing Hall in a hurry, looking for the source of the drum sound.

It's just that some veterans of the two dynasties, when they heard the sound of the drums, had intriguing expressions on their faces, as if they were waiting for a good show.

Lu Chengqi is best at observing details. Regarding the expressions of these officials, he, who is aloof from above, took them all into his eyes and thought to himself: "Is there something strange about it? Why do these old fritters have such strange expressions?" Thinking of it Here, I strengthened my defenses.

Being an emperor is like this, a lonely family, even the closest people, must be on guard, let alone these courtiers.Even if it is a confidant, it has to be kind and powerful, so that it dares to use it with confidence.The emperor was most afraid of three things, the first was rebellion, the second was not knowing what the officials under him were hiding from him, and the third was that all the scholars in the world were being used by him.Therefore, being an emperor is not as beautiful as it seems on the surface.The taste of this can only be experienced if one has truly achieved this position.

The drums were still beating unrelentingly, making Lu Chengqi frown.Half a quarter of an hour later, Xiao Huangmen rushed into the Daqing Hall, bowed ninety degrees and said: "Your Majesty, this is the Dengwen Drum of the common people outside the Xuande Building, and the loud sound of the drum disturbs Your Majesty."

Lu Chengqi was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly remembered the matter of Dengwen Drum Academy.During the reign of Taizu, following the example of the pre-Qin period, Dengwen Drum was set up, and the full-time government office "Dengwen Drum Court" was set up to manage Dengwen Drum and belong to Jianyuan. Those involved can go to beat the drum first, and officials from the headquarters will come to receive the visit, and then forward their complaints to the emperor.

The intention of Taizu's move is nothing more than to open up the way of speaking, and the drummers are not limited by their status.Taizu once said: "Anyone who talks about the gains and losses of the government, public and private interests, military secrets, begging for favors and rewards, injustices, strange prescriptions, changes in literature, correction of names, and those who make no exceptions are allowed to come. This court makes a statement."

Of course, the setting of Dengwen drums is not perfect.As the saying goes, there are policies above, and countermeasures below.Since ancient times, the difficulty of suing officials has never been lowered.The darkness of mutual protection between officials and officials has always been the main theme.Although the Dashun Dynasty did not have any permits such as guides, it was still very difficult for an ordinary person to travel thousands of miles to Chang'an City to beat the Dengwen Drum.

Although the Dashun dynasties of all dynasties paid attention to those who knocked on the drum, if there were too many lawsuits in a county, state, or road, no emperor would like it, and would directly put the official achievements of the county, state, and road read it again.Which official can stand the investigation?

After a long time, the local officials secretly restricted the travel of the people. If they had to pass through the Jingzhao Mansion, they would interrogate the three generations. If they found out that you were going to sue the imperial court.Come on, you'd better go home and stay, there are evil officials guarding you at twelve hours a day!
Another disadvantage of Dengwen drum is that it provides another way for officials to sue officials.By controlling the "good people" under the rule to beat the drums, to achieve the purpose of attacking political opponents, the risk is small, and the benefits are quite high.It was once popular in the entire court of Dashun, making everyone feel insecure.

In the first year of the Later Joan of Arc, Emperor Zhenzong issued an edict to denounce this unhealthy trend: "The people of all states want to keep officials in queuing, and they are mostly involved in favoritism, or they are not willing to do so. Since now, the common people are monks and Taoists, and they are not allowed to go to the court. If you dare to violate Yue, the one who is the leader is like a law."

It means that if the accusation is not true, according to the "Dashun Law", you will be sentenced to eighty sticks of corporal punishment.As soon as the strict order came out, the number of people playing Dengwen drum was greatly reduced.And Yuanshou years, but only a few dozen.

Since Lu Chengqi came to the throne, during the Hongxiang years, they have not been together.It is not until today that the precedent has been broken. Those who have wronged will beat the Dengwen drum and sue the imperial court.

After Lu Chengqi understood what was going on, his previous anger gradually dissipated, and he found it novel.In later generations, I have seen a lot of court dramas and martial arts dramas that block the way and sue imperial courts. I didn't expect that a real case would happen in front of me now. It is really interesting.Immediately said: "Where is the person who hit the Dengwen drum? Bring it into the Daqing Palace, and I will go through the trial myself!"

(End of this chapter)

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