back to ancient times to be emperor

Chapter 260 Night Chapter

Chapter 260
"Taiyuan Wang Family, Taiyuan Wang Family..."

Chanting this name gave Lu Chengqi another headache. "When will these aristocratic families stop for a while? History has changed too much. If it was the Northern Song Dynasty, there would be no aristocratic families!"

Lu Chengqi complained in his heart, but there was nothing he could do.Even in the Sui and Tang dynasties, which created the imperial examination system in official history, the aristocratic families in the early days had great energy.Dashun's ability to reduce the power of the aristocratic family to this point within a hundred years is nothing short of remarkable.

But some big aristocratic families are really centipedes, dead but not stiff.Even if it is about to be reduced to history, something still needs to happen, so as not to turn the world upside down, as if it can't prove that they were once a big family.

The reason why Lu Chengqi had a headache was because he was afraid after knowing a lot.According to a secret report from the Supervision Department, the Taiyuan Wang family's sons are all over Dashun.Although there are many branches, Taiyuan is still their ancestral home.Once Lu Chengqi was severely punished, something might happen.

No way, the clan system of this era is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.I'm afraid that if one of them can't handle it well, the rest of the Wang family's children will rise up and make trouble, and then the intention of calming down the matter will be defeated.

Especially, in this era, national law is not even comparable to family law.Family law here refers to the law of the clan, that is, the punishment for violating the family law.For example, men and women who elope will be immersed in pig cages, etc. Even in later generations, some remote villages still have this tradition of clan law enforcement.If the sentence was too heavy, Lu Chengqi was really afraid that the ambitious people would cause trouble, and the handling would be even more chaotic.

Furthermore, since ancient times, there has been a saying that the law does not blame the public, and the law does not blame the old.This is all because of the compromises made by the rulers of the past dynasties to strengthen their rule in order to fool the people.Once the people make trouble and cannot suppress it, they will change their attitude and calm down.The more you compromise, the less the laws made by the state will be taken seriously.There is a saying that if there are no cases, no cases will be made, and making cases will become routine.If it is not based on the law and strictly enforced, wouldn't the people be even more unscrupulous if they knew that the imperial court would not dare to provoke them?This unhealthy trend must be killed.

As for the law not to blame the old, it is easier to understand.The traditional concept in China is to respect the old and love the young.This extension to the criminal law means that the law does not punish the old, and the law does not punish the young.Wang Yuanshi, the Patriarch of the Wang family, has passed his sixtieth age, and even in later generations, he can be called an old man.What's more, in this era where the average life expectancy is very short, it is even more respected.Wang Yuanshi was able to calmly go to Beijing for trial, so he probably had such thoughts in his heart.

How to choose?Lu Chengqi's heart was full of contradictions.Sure enough, it is a matter of life, and nine out of ten people who are unsatisfactory.Even if you are an emperor, there are many things you can't help yourself.The more Lu Chengqi knew, the greater the invisible constraints he felt, the more cautious he acted, and the less he dared to act recklessly.Sometimes, Lu Chengqi really imagined that he would be as unscrupulous as he was when he was just reborn, even if he was as strong as Grand Master Yang, he had to defeat him first!Anyone who stands in his way will have no choice but to perish!
It's a pity that Lu Chengqi didn't dare to mess around.Those who don't know are fearless, talking about this kind of newborn calf.However, any emperor who has some experience and knows some secrets will not adopt such a fierce confrontation method. Doing so will not only weaken the light of his "Mingjun" aura, but also anger some irrational people.Scholars are not afraid, they can only scold a few words at most.However, it is a very troublesome thing for warriors, especially when warriors with very ambitious literati and prime ministers make trouble.

The art of the emperor, to put it bluntly, is just a trade-off.The so-called art of politics lies in compromise.Even if you are an emperor, such a compromise still exists.It is very unrealistic to want to fight against an era with personal power.If you want to change an era, you must first integrate into this era.If, like Wang Mang in the last years of the Western Han Dynasty, he disregarded the times and made something that transcended the dynasty, he would end up killing himself in the end.

Lu Chengqi was looking for a balance point, a rhetoric that could be accepted by the ancients, but he didn't have to give up too much.It's a pity that he is not a sage, how can it be so easy to find!Even the ancient sages declared that their theories were not invented and created by themselves, but passed down from earlier sages.

The secret report was thrown on the dragon case, but Lu Chengqi's eyes continued to extend outside the hall.Time passed by every minute and every second, and there was still no way.

At three o'clock in the unitary hour, when the servant came to call, Lu Chengqi finally came back to his senses.Looking at the secret report of the Supervision Department on the Long case with a wry smile, I thought to myself: "I would rather spend a whole day in the pile of memorials than face half of such a crap thing. It's too brain-intensive!"

Disturbed in his heart, he flicked his sleeves and got up, and said in a slightly louder voice: "Show the Hall of Renming!"

Hearing the anger hidden in Lu Chengqi's words, the servant did not dare to slack off.Cooperating with the maids, they lit lanterns in front to lead the way.In fact, it was not dark at this time, but the members of the royal family, who were used to extravagance, didn't care about these side details.In addition, Lu Chengqi didn't put his mind on this aspect, so he was all disturbed by the Wang family's affairs.

After staying through the palace walls, corridors, pavilions, gardens and small courtyards, I finally came to the Hall of Renming.However, Lu Chengqi's original partner, Zhou Zhiruo, hadn't returned to the palace yet, leaving Lu Chengqi alone facing the whole table of royal meals, with no appetite at all.

I don't know how long it took before Zhou Zhiruo slowly returned to the Hall of Renming.Looking at Lu Chengqi who was in a daze, for some reason, his heart was suddenly filled with guilt.As a queen, she should be the lord of the harem, with three obediences and four virtues, a husband and a child.But since managing Huangzhuang and the orphanage, Zhou Zhiruo has been at a loss.

Lightly moving lotus steps to walk behind Lu Chengqi, gently lying on Lu Chengqi's slightly thin back, said softly: "Your Majesty, I am tired of waiting for a long time..."

Lu Chengqi trembled slightly, held the catkin on his shoulder, and said with a smile, "I didn't notice when Zitong came back."

Zhou Zhiruo couldn't bear the warmth of Lu Chengqi's body and his faint manly smell. For some reason, two blushes suddenly appeared on her face, which were printed under the candlelight, making her look extraordinarily moving.

"What is your Majesty thinking? The courtiers and concubines don't even know when they come in. Could it be that your Majesty is thinking of some woman?"

Having been husband and wife with Lu Chengqi for so long, I also know his character very well.Zhou Zhiruo didn't think there was anything wrong with saying some funny things on weekdays.

Lu Chengqi smiled wryly and said: "I'm too busy with national affairs, so I don't have time to think about what I have and what I don't have. In my life, Zi Tong alone is enough..."

(End of this chapter)

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