back to ancient times to be emperor

Chapter 217 Layout Jurchen

Chapter 217 Layout Jurchen
I have to say that it is not something ordinary people can afford when others kneel down to you.Even if he became the emperor, his soul would still be that mediocre clerk in later generations. Lu Chengqi still found it a little hard to accept that others would kneel down to him.The Mongols are the only ones who are so talented. It is stipulated that no matter who sees the emperor, they must kneel down, which broke the back of the Chinese people in one fell swoop.

Xu Jingchun was overjoyed when he heard the words, and Lu Chengqi let him stand up, which was actually tantamount to pardoning his crimes. He was overjoyed in his heart, and said: "Your Majesty is magnanimous, and I am very grateful..."

Human nature in this world is like this, if you give him a slap every day, and if you don’t slap him once in a while, he will be grateful; but if you reward him with something every day and don’t reward him for a day, he will feel resentful instead.

There is nothing better than this.If you want others to respect you, in addition to ability, you also need to be able to get angry, and it is the kind that others cannot refute; getting angry also requires skill. If an emperor is too easy to get close to, then it will be the end of the emperor.In this case, none of the ministers below will fear you, but will think you are easy to bully.But if you are too harsh, the ministers below will also think that you are not the master of sages.The degree of it must be mastered.Everything, when taken to an extreme, will turn from a good thing to a bad thing.

After a long silence, Lu Chengqi turned around slowly and said, "Xu Qing, I'm asking you, how many spies have you deployed on the side of Jurchen?"

The distinction between raw and mature Jurchens is actually the distinction between Jurchens who belong to the Liao Kingdom or not.Sheng Nvzhen is more powerful, and often invades the Liao Kingdom.In the jungle, the Khitans are no match.And the mature women are really not vegetarians, they violently rebelled from time to time, Yelu Hongji was very troubled by this.Lu Chengqi only knew the difference after hearing the secret report from the Supervision Department.How could he know that the relationship between the Jurchens and the Khitans is so delicate, who has never seriously studied the official history?
In fact, this is easy to understand, as if someone you know well suddenly becomes a rich man, apart from envy, there is jealousy and hatred, and there is no reason to hate.The same is true for the Jurchens and the Khitans. The Jurchens are poor and the Khitans are "rich", at least in the eyes of the Jurchens.They occupy the most fertile grassland, own countless cattle, sheep and horses, and millions of slave households.In the eyes of the Jurchens who have never "seen the world", this is already a great wealth.

From this perspective, it is not difficult to understand why the nomads, including the Khitans and the Jurchens, wanted to invade the Central Plains.Compared with the harsh grasslands and mountains where the living environment is harsh, the Central Plains is simply a paradise!

However, this heaven is also a place where corruption is born.Regardless of whether the Han people, the Jurchens, or the Mongols, after taking over the Central Plains, they will soon stop making progress, forget the dangers, rust their knives and guns, and rot their soldiers, and eventually they will be wiped out.

This has nothing to do with culture, but an environment that is too comfortable, which makes people involuntarily start to relax.The first few generations of emperors at the beginning of the dynasty were not bad, at least they knew some skills of leading troops and fighting, so they would not be corrupted so quickly.Once a hundred years have passed, people's minds are settled, and the entire dynasty begins to be immersed in the limitations of the heavenly kingdom, gradually decaying, and becoming vulnerable.

Which kind of emperor is the most comfortable?Lu Chengqi didn't dare to discuss it, because he knew that the glory in front of others was the result of the hard work of others.Since taking power, he has always felt exhausted whenever he dealt with state affairs.If it weren't for the cabinet system of prime ministers, I'm afraid he would have fallen ill a long time ago with his current frail body. In the history of this time and space, there is another short-lived ghost emperor.The master of ZTE is the most difficult thing to do.The system that has been accumulated for a hundred years has begun to show drawbacks, and many problems are entrenched.How much courage does it take to completely reverse history?
Doesn't Lu Chengqi want to be an emperor who stretches out his hands for clothes, opens his mouth for food, travels around the mountains and rivers every day, and ignores the government?Think, dream.But after sitting in this position, I realized that many things are beyond my control.

Xu Jingchun didn't know what the little emperor meant by asking this. Could it be that he was testing whether he had done his best?After thinking about it, he immediately said: "Back to Your Majesty, on the side of Changbai Mountain, I have sent several spies, all disguised as businessmen, to exchange trade with the Jurchen. I also want to send more people, but the Jurchen will not You are eager to learn, sending so many people is already capped..."

Lu Chengqi nodded, and then revealed the plan in his heart: "I heard that the birth of a daughter really harassed the Khitan from time to time, and it has become a confidant of the Khitan. There is a saying that the enemy of the enemy is an ally. A powerful Khitan, I don't want to See……"

Xu Jingchun breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, it turned out that the little emperor was going to assign him a task.Knowing this, how dare you neglect?Immediately, he began to concentrate and listen carefully, to see how the little emperor assigned him tasks.Be a courtier, understand the meaning of the emperor, and spare no effort to do things, in order to win the favor of the emperor.If the emperor said it once, you are still in the fog, and you need the emperor to say it a second time, or even a third time to understand what the emperor means, so what is the use of you as a courtier?

"... On the side of the Jurchen, do your best to support them, and even spread your hatred of the Khitan people, so that those simple-minded Jurchens will get used to it. Subconsciously believe that the biggest enemy is the Khitan. In business, don't care about making money. After supporting them, one has to judge whether the Jurchen is an opponent of the Khitans. If not, then support the Jurchen; Xu Qing, do you understand what I mean?"

After Lu Chengqi finished speaking, he stared closely at Xu Jingchun's eyes. From his eyes, Lu Chengqi could see that apart from shock, there was also confusion and bewilderment.

In fact, Xu Jingchun's thoughts are very simple. What does the life and death of those Khitan people and Jurchens have to do with him?Whatever the little emperor asked him to do, he did it.Shocked because he didn't expect the little emperor's task to be so simple, puzzled because he didn't understand why he did this, confused because he was thinking about how to do things.

Hearing Lu Chengqi's question, Xu Jingchun quickly expressed his opinion: "Return to Your Majesty, this matter is easy to handle!"

"Xu Qing, you have to pay attention. This matter must be kept a little concealed, so that no one can easily detect it. In addition, the ministers in the court must try their best to hide it. Hmph, these so-called Confucian scholars who are obsessed with ancient times, What's the use of talking about etiquette and enlightenment? Those are a group of barbarians who also reason with you, talk about rules, and talk about etiquette? It's a joke, they only know the saber in their hands! Those are hungry wolves on the grassland When you come, you must fight back with a knife and gun, otherwise you will bite off a piece of meat. It is thanks to them that they can think of morality with these people! Only after defeating them can you be moral and enlightened! Xu Qing, you have to remember No, people who are not of my race must have a different heart. Whether they are Khitans or Jurchens, they are all wolfish ambitions, so we have to guard against them! I only hope that in my lifetime, I can see the grasslands, all under my Dashun rule!"

(End of this chapter)

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