Chapter 212
Li Jie suddenly said: "Your Majesty, can I revise it now?"

Lu Chengqi was stunned for a moment, but he still recognized Li Jie's work attitude.Nodding his head, he said: "I'm waiting, you can draw." Li Jie is a generation of master painters, and these small engineering drawings are naturally at his fingertips.There is no need for a measuring ruler, a line between the heart and the eyes can be drawn with a brush.This miraculous painting skill opened Lu Chengqi's eyes.You know, he can't even write very well with a brush, so he still has some skills.It is still very difficult to do what Li Jie did.

After a cup of tea, Li Jie finished the painting.After showing it to Lu Chengqi again, Lu Chengqi nodded appreciatively, and suddenly asked: "Li Qing, this style of painting seems to be different from before?"

Li Jie is an honest person, and directly admitted: "Returning to Your Majesty, it was painted by the officials of the Ministry of Industry before, and I sent it to Your Majesty after I approved it."

Lu Chengqi also understood the thinking of these high-ranking officials. If he did everything by himself, wouldn't he become like Zhuge Liang, "dedicated to himself"?Without saying anything, I carefully looked at Li Jie's drawings again.

It has to be said that the master is a master, and the drawings are full of charm, which not only meet Lu Chengqi's requirements, but also are beautiful and practical.After affirming the plan, Li Jie suddenly asked: "Your Majesty, is this warehouse a normal warehouse?"

Lu Chengqi was taken aback, and said, "Changpingcang? That's right, it's a good name, let's name it after this!"

What Lu Chengqi didn't know was that as early as the Warring States period, Li Kui of Wei State practiced flat purchases, and the concept was exactly the same as Lu Chengqi's warehouse.After the Han Dynasty, Changping warehouses were not often disposed of.In the first four years of Emperor Wu of the Jin Dynasty, he set up Changping to close the warehouse, bought in good years, and bought in frugal years.In the previous dynasty, the Changping warehouse was once again abandoned. Now, out of national security considerations, this concept was proposed again and named Changping warehouse again.Anyway, history is always surprisingly similar!
With Lu Chengqi's affirmation, Li Jie seemed to open up the chatter box, telling this period of history.Lu Chengqi secretly felt ashamed of his shallow knowledge of history. As a young man who has lived in the era of information explosion for more than 20 years, he even has a half-knowledge of history, and many of them have been misled by people.If he hadn't woken up in time, he didn't know how much trouble would have happened.

After learning the lesson, Lu Chengqi no longer dared to be arbitrary.Unless it was something he decided to do, otherwise, if he was told by the cabinet that it was impossible to do so, Lu Chengqi would still listen to his opinions seriously.It was only at this time that Xu Chongguang felt the significance of being the chief assistant.

In fact, it has also been proved that for a good policy, those in power can see its benefits.Although Chang Pingcang is the "creative idea" that Lu Chengqi came up with, but the wise ancients have already come up with such an idea.The meaning of Changping positions is actually the same as what Lu Chengqi thought.The ministers in the cabinet are all well-read poets and books, and they are the most familiar with this historical fact.Only Lu Chengqi was kept in the dark, thinking that he had proposed a "great initiative" that was unprecedented and unprecedented.This is nothing but a high self-esteem and taking the ancients as fools.In fact, the wisdom of the ancients was not at all inferior to that of later generations, or even surpassed.It's just that they don't stand high enough, their vision is limited, and their policies tend to make their structure not big enough.

And Lu Chengqi's advantage is that he knows the process of technological development, which allows these smart Chinese people to avoid some detours, and also avoid detours in the general direction of politics.

As for the national grain and oil reserves that Lu Chengqi is familiar with, in fact, the same is also a precedent from the Changping warehouse.For any dynasty that wants long-term stability, food reserves are essential.The most important role of grain reserves is to adjust the balance of grain supply and demand between regions, stabilize grain market prices, and respond to major natural disasters.The significance of strategy is no less than that of stationing troops on the frontier.

Moreover, based on the experience from later generations, the Changping warehouse established by Lu Chengqi is, after all, different from the Changping warehouse recorded in history.Because Lu Chengqi knew that even the best system, without supervision, could not control people's greed just by relying on the so-called moral constraints.Don't you see, which big corrupt official is not well-read, intelligent and alert?If not, they would not dare to reach out.Those who are simple-minded and extremely greedy have long been eliminated. In the officialdom, none of them are simple.

He Shen, the biggest corrupt official in official history, is actually a very smart person. How could an unintelligent person serve the emperor so well that he knew he was a corrupt official, but never punished him?

Changping warehouses have always been a breeding ground for corruption.At the beginning of Dashun's dynasty, Taizu also thought about this problem.But in view of the unpredictability of people's hearts, if future generations are unworthy and unable to suppress corrupt officials, then Dashun will be over.For this reason, the good idea of ​​Changping warehouse was finally shelved.

Lu Chengqi's idea is actually very simple. If we want to subdue these officials who want to reach out, we must establish effective supervision.Supervision is not just for fun, there must be regular inspections, and unannounced inspections are even more essential.

In addition to inspection, it is also to ensure the quality of food and other livelihood necessities, and not to shoddy.The quantity and quality on the account must be consistent with the factual storage, and there must be a special account book.Salt, grain, oil and other items should be stored in special warehouses and should not be stacked together.

More importantly, this regular warehouse must pay attention to fire prevention, waterproof and moisture-proof.Ancient firefighting equipment could only rely on water. If a fire broke out, no matter how much grain there was in the Changping warehouse, it would not be enough to burn it.

Naturally, Lu Chengqi's edict would not be so detailed.However, the specific approach and how to implement it have been communicated to the various state capitals through the cabinet.The role of the cabinet was revealed at this time.Lu Chengqi's imperial decree is just a general direction, and the cabinet's supplement is a specific explanation of Lu Chengqi's promulgated policies.

Not to mention, the will of the ancient emperors is sometimes really inexplicable, and a few words of the gods can drive people crazy, and they can't help but think in a wrong way.With the cabinet's supplement, it will be much better, at least with an explanation, officials don't have to worry about conforming to their wishes, just follow suit.

Lu Chengqi originally thought that Li Jie, who had finished explaining his work, would leave, but he didn't expect that this upright child seemed to have something to say.Lu Chengqi felt amused by his hesitant appearance, and asked, "Why, does Li Qing have anything else to tell me?"

After Li Jie went through a violent inner struggle, he finally made up his mind, gritted his teeth and said, "That's right, Your Majesty, I do have something important to tell His Majesty!"

Lu Chengqi smiled and said, "Speak, I'm listening."

I saw Li Jie carefully took out a few pieces of rice paper from the sleeves of his official uniform, did not pass through the hands of the servant, but held it with both hands, and presented it to Lu Chengqi.

Seeing his appearance like walking on thin ice, Lu Chengqi also put away his smile and became serious.

(End of this chapter)

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