Chapter 159
Walking on the flat official road, it is hard for Lu Chengqi to imagine how the official roads of other state capitals have been corrupted in the secret report of the supervisory department.He has also seen rural dirt roads in later generations. It is nothing more than that when it rains, the road surface is potholed, and it is difficult to walk, let alone drive.I'm afraid that the official way in this different time and space, no matter how bad it is, it can't be far behind, right?
It was also at this time that Lu Chengqi had time to think about the gains and losses of his administration in the past half a year.Perhaps it was his natural sense of crisis that made him eager to get rid of the bad governance.Looking back now, the effect may be there, but it is not as big as he imagined.Due to historical inertia, some stubborn forces are extremely large, and Lu Chengqi's strength is still too small. It is still a little too late to leverage the interests of these people head-on.Take the promotion system and the imperial examination system as an example, even if he interfered repeatedly and tried his best to use his talents according to his ability, some hidden rules and regulations always made his efforts go to waste.As for the candidates, they also habitually think that the Jinshi department is better, and the other subjects are not as good as the Jinshi department.These concepts, these rules that cannot be put on the table, Lu Chengqi has not yet had a big way to solve them.Where there is light, there must be shadows, the only thing Lu Chengqi can do is to make the shadows less.

Through thinking, Lu Chengqi understood the biggest mistake he made these days, that is, acting recklessly and giving too many personal seals.It is good to be sealed by Yukou personally, and it can win the hearts of a few people.But this kind of practice, disregarding the laws and regulations, disregarding the promotion rules, for a long time, it is not the blessing of the country or the blessing of the ministers.It is a good story to open the door of convenience if one person likes it, but in the eyes of someone with a heart, that is the weakness of the emperor.If the top has something good, the bottom must vote for it, and the emperor is the most taboo.No matter how talented a person is, we can only give him a small stage at the beginning. If he can't bear the loneliness, then this person will not have much future in the future.

The so-called "I reflect on myself three times a day", as an emperor, I have to reflect on myself from time to time.A mistake in governance may affect the interests of millions of people, or the loss of tens of millions of people.Only Lu Chengqi, who was ignorant of political affairs before, has such a newborn calf's spirit of not being afraid of tigers, and dares to challenge the stubborn forces.Looking back now, I am very fortunate that nothing too big happened.

Thinking carefully about how to employ people in the future, how to give full play to the enthusiasm of his subordinates, how to make these ministers who spend so much time and effort less selfish to do things for Dashun...Everything is very difficult, and they are related to each other, Lu Chengqi I would rather go to the Royal University to study experiments than think about these things.But there is no way, the country belongs to the emperor's family, as the emperor, he doesn't care, who will really care about the flowers and the country?

It can be said that what Zhou Zhiruo said last night had a nuclear and weapon-level influence on Lu Chengqi, and even had a profound impact on his political level and future policy.

Frowning and thinking, only a moment later, the Royal University appeared in front of him.Only when he came here did Lu Chengqi feel at ease.In politics, things are like seeing flowers in a fog, far less real than real scientific and technological knowledge.

Stepping into the wide Royal University once again, what caught the eye was the iron road.Lu Chengqi was quite puzzled. It has been a long time, why is it still in the experimental stage?
He strolled forward and saw Tang Xun who was taking notes seriously.Meticulous, did not see Lu Chengqi's arrival at all.Lu Chengqi said, "Tang Qing, how's the way?"

Except for the emperor, no one dared to call Tang Xun like that.Students are generally called Mr. Tang, colleagues will only be called Tang Shilang, and relatives will call him Tang Dalang, he is the eldest in the family.

Tang Xun reluctantly moved his eyes away from the rice paper, raised his head, saw Lu Chengqi, got up quickly and saluted, "Join Your Majesty!"

Lu Chengqi waved his hands, frowned and asked, "Is there something wrong again?"

Tang Xun said with a smile: "Go back to Your Majesty, there is no problem! This speed is beyond imagination, but when going downhill, the speed is too fast and a little dangerous."

Lu Chengqi was taken aback for a moment, he hadn't thought about this problem, so he put his hands behind his back and asked, "Is there a solution?"

Tang Xun said: "Master Shen and Master Su are discussing a deceleration device, and it may come out soon."

"Braking system?" Lu Chengqi's eyes lit up. The wisdom of the ancients should not be underestimated. He didn't even think about this aspect, but the ancients who have passed the experiment have already summed up the shortcomings and improved them.

"Some students are even more whimsical, saying that when going downhill, put the horses on the cart together, and the speed will be faster. This way will not derail, and this method is also feasible. But it is still quite difficult to achieve." Tang Xun said regretfully.

At this time, Lu Chengqi was completely conquered by the brains of the ancients. Even if he could come up with such a method, he didn't know what to say to them.Lu Chengqi was very fortunate that he liberated the minds of these students, allowing them not to be bound by any precedents and ancestral systems, and to boldly use their imaginations to achieve this effect.

Tang Xun sighed: "Some students even suggested that if the rails were placed under the road, even in Chang'an City, horse-drawn carriages could pass."

Hearing this, Lu Chengqi was completely shocked. The wisdom of the ancient Chinese was beyond his expectation.The city carriage was proposed by the French in the 800th century.Unexpectedly, the Chinese who had the prerequisites came up with this idea more than [-] years earlier than them.

"Some students said that if two horses were used to pull the cart together, it would be able to carry larger carriages and more goods." Tang Xun also admired these students, and thought of a way that they couldn't think of.

After a long time, Lu Chengqi recovered from the shock and said: "Very good, these students should be rewarded! Tang Qing, I value this Chi Dao very much, and you must develop its performance well. You have the right way, keep improving, The development of Chidao is by no means limited to this, I hope you will not stop the pace of development and continue to move forward!"

Tang Xun said: "What Your Majesty said, I must keep it in my heart. It's just that my heart is about artillery. I'm afraid I can't take care of it. It's better for Your Majesty to choose someone else..."

Lu Chengqi knew what he meant, thought for a while, and said: "Alright, as long as Tang Qing thinks that some students are qualified for this kind of research and development, then hand over the work to them. Regarding the artillery, we really need to speed up It has been developed. Although the Khitans signed a three-year non-aggression treaty with us, who knows what the situation will be like after three years? Be prepared for danger in times of peace, and you will be in danger if you forget the battle!"

Tang Xun took it for granted. In fact, Lu Chengqi only saw his talent for artifacts, but he forgot that the ancients were often all-rounders. Tang Xun's overall view is also very good.I only heard him say: "Your Majesty's words are very true. Apart from the Liao Kingdom, I believe that the Jurchens in the Changbai Mountain area are even more dangerous enemies. Now they also have some land, which borders with my Dashun. If it wasn't for the Liao Kingdom to restrain them in large numbers I'm afraid the troops have already gone south by now. I heard that the Jurchen's bravery is still higher than that of the Khitan people, so we have to guard against it!"

Lu Chengqi's eyes widened, he stared blankly at Tang Xun, and thought, "Could it be that he also traveled through time, otherwise how would he know that the Jurchens will rise?"

Thinking of this, he tried to speak out: "Mobile phone, computer, refrigerator..."

Tang Xun didn't expect that Lu Chengqi suddenly popped out a few words he didn't understand, and said in amazement: "What is this hand chicken? Is it a chicken that you eat with your hands..."

Embarrassed for a while, Lu Chengqi confirmed that Tang Xun was not a time traveler, but was indeed relying on his own knowledge to analyze the general trend of the world.He looked at the weather and said, "It's almost noon, and I'm really hungry. I've never eaten in the Royal University, and I really want to have a meal with the students. What do you think Tang Qing?"

(End of this chapter)

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