Chapter 152

Lu Chengqi was also shocked by Li Ran's boldness, but he didn't speak. He carefully sized up the thin old man in front of him, waiting for his next words.

Huang Xishi was also shocked. As a recognized good man, he couldn't figure out why he would be impeached.A few days ago, it impeached some officials who enforced the law too strictly, alluding to the Supervision Department; some days ago, it sued many newspapers, alluding to the fact that the role of their Yushitai was greatly reduced.These are all learned from famous teachers, and Lu Chengqi took them very seriously, but he just didn't accept them.After more than half a year of training, Lu Chengqi has gradually understood that he can't make up his mind at once, he has to be ambiguous, otherwise it will not only discourage the enthusiasm of his subordinates, but also make himself a dictator in the opinion of these officials.Although he is indeed a dictator, as a feudal emperor, which one is not dictatorial?Those who are not dictatorial will end up with the end of the country and the dynasty.

Li Ran ignored the uproar of civil and military officials, and still said to himself: "Yesterday, Huang Xishi, Minister of the Ministry of Industry, played to beg for bones, and said in the play, 'Your Majesty knows that I am stupid and it is not suitable for the time, so it is difficult to follow the newcomers; I am old and do not make trouble. , or returning to the hometown for retirement'. Isn't the words "new entry" and "making troubles" fooling the court and arrogance?"

Only then did Huang Xishi understand why he was impeached. His original intention of begging for bones was that he thought he was old and had been an official all his life.It's better to go back to your hometown to spend your old age in peace.That sentence means, Your Majesty, you know that the veterans are no longer adapted to the times, and it is difficult to keep up with some newcomers and some new things.You should know that veterans don't know how to make new gadgets, and they are only suitable for returning to their hometowns for the elderly.

However, Li Ran grasped the words "Xinjin" and "Shengshi" and distorted their meanings, turning "Shengshi" into an idiom to attack Lu Chengqi's new law; He is fooling the court and arrogant.

Literati at this time, due to the objective environment, are always used to be very subtle in the choice of words and sentences, and readers also develop a habit of instinctively seeking the meaning between the lines.Li Ran saw Huang Xishi's "Beg Bones and Thank You for the Table", and immediately dug out two words from it, which became his important weapon when attacking Huang Xi.

And what is his ultimate goal?Lu Chengqi couldn't figure it out, he definitely wasn't going for Huang Xishi, an old official who was about to go to the earth, wouldn't do them any harm at all.So what is their purpose and where are they targeting?Or is it just for the sake of fame, wanting to step on Huang Xishi's position?
At this time, the supervisory censor He Lizeng, Huangfu Dan, and Prince Fu of the Guozijian Jijiu came to kill him, citing scriptures to detail Huang Xishi's political mistakes over the years, even counting the old things one by one, which can be said to have done enough homework.

In the end, these people sang together and came to the conclusion: "As for those who harbor evil intentions, look up to them, blaspheme and abuse, and have no integrity of returning to the court, it is not the time." They claimed that they must be beheaded because they were rude to the court.

Lu Chengqi became vigilant at this time. These people were too sudden when they got into trouble, as if before he seized power, he launched a thunderbolt without any news.Even Lu Chengqi, who is in charge of the Supervision Department, did not receive a secret report about such a scene in advance.It can be seen that the Chinese have a natural way of engaging in intelligence and anti-peeping.

Huang Xi was in a state of distress at this moment. The rule of the Dashun Dynasty was that when he was impeached, the impeached person was not allowed to speak, and only other people could speak for him.Sure enough, other ministers who couldn't see it came out one after another. In terms of righteousness, the court was divided into three factions for a while, one against the yellow, one to protect the yellow, and one to be neutral.

The anti-yellow faction and the anti-yellow faction had a great fight, attacking each other, making Lu Chengqi frown.The Dashun court has been at odds for a long time, not to mention a huge officialdom, even a small county government will be divided into several factions, as expected, where there are people, there will be rivers and lakes, where there are rivers and lakes, there will be disputes, and there will be disputes Fighting openly and secretly, and fighting openly and secretly, there will be a battle of wits and courage, and jealousy.With the help of noble people, there will naturally be villains who will make things difficult for me. The ancients are sincere and do not deceive me!

Li Ran even said: "Huang Xishi had no academics at the beginning, and he gained a lot of fame. He hoped that he would rehabilitate himself and refuse to follow his orders. When he was the minister of the Ministry of Industry, his corpse was a vegetarian meal, and he was arrogant and bullied. He did not do his best to build water conservancy. He did not make any achievements in persuading farmers and mulberry. He built gardens indiscriminately and consumed national power. To this day I can't bear it any longer. The minister is in charge of enforcing the law, and his job is in the picket. How can he not tolerate crimes? His Majesty Fu Wang broke his heart and specially enforced the constitution. Once it is clear, customs change themselves."

As soon as these words came out, his heart could be punished.It was like putting Huang Xishi to death, and the rest of the imperial envoy officials were impeached by death, proving that they were not out for fame, money and so on.

At this time, the court hall was in chaos, and it became a battlefield without swords, lights and swords, and words were used as weapons to punish one's heart with every sentence.Lu Chengqi was impatient, and resolutely shouted: "Enough!"

The chaotic court stopped the scolding, Lu Chengqi saw that no one was talking, and said lightly: "I am tired, we will discuss this matter later, and retreat!" After speaking, he immediately got up, and turned to the back Church is gone.

Xiao Huangmen hurriedly sang a promise: "The emperor gets up and leaves the court!" After all the officials paid their respects, they disturbed the morning court one after another, and then they dispersed.

Lu Chengqi, who returned to the Chuigong Hall, sat on the dragon chair, carefully thinking about the sudden impeachment.There are many doubts here. Huang Xishi's performance was sent directly to him. Who told Yushitai about the performance?Furthermore, Huang Xishi has always been a well-known good man in the court and never made evil with others. Why did Li Ran suddenly impeach him?Yushitai staged a collective attack this time, and even the former Yushi Zhongcheng Prince Fu joined in. What kind of medicine is sold in the gourd?

Lu Chengqi suddenly discovered that he knew nothing about these officials.He thought to himself: "Is it really necessary to make the Supervision Department as disgusting as Jin Yiwei did in the Ming Dynasty? Otherwise, these officials are too powerful, what should I do if I can't control them?"

At this time, a servant came to report: "Xu Jingchun, Director of the Supervision Department, asked to see me."

After Lu Chengqi got the chaotic thoughts out of his head, he said lightly: "Xuan!"

Not long after, Xu Jingchun, dressed in brocade robes, came to Lu Chengqi. After bowing down and asking about Lu Chengqi's daily life, he waited quietly, waiting for Lu Chengqi to give orders.

Lu Chengqi stared at the impeachment memorial in front of him, feeling powerless for no reason.It is too difficult to be an emperor, Lu Chengqi now feels that it is difficult to move an inch.The new law he promoted was actually carried out, but the officials under him were obedient and obedient, leaving Lu Chengqi helpless.

After thinking for a long time, Lu Chengqi threw the memorial in front of Xu Jingchun to Xu Jingchun, got up and took two steps, and said indifferently: "Check, the reason behind this matter, within two days, I need an answer, understand?"

(End of this chapter)

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