Chapter 130
After Cui Jie'an offered a plan, he was greatly appreciated by Yeluliang, and he happily walked back to the Tongwen Hall. Before he could enter the door, he was told that Lu Chengqi would send a servant to announce that he would enter the palace tomorrow.He was surprised and delighted, and thought: "This is really double happiness. It seems that the little emperor of Dashun is also afraid of me, Gaoli and Daliao teaming up! Hmph, if I knew this before, why did I do it in the first place?"

The activities in his heart are naturally unknown to others.After entering Tongwen Hall, I saw the servant who had been waiting for a long time.Waiting for people is the most annoying thing, even the well-trained servants are getting impatient at this moment.After seeing Cui Jie'an, he quickly finished reading Lu Chengqi's oral instructions, and didn't even teach the routine etiquette. He ignored the color of the Koryo envoys, and took the rest of the little father-in-law out of the door and walked away.

Cui Jie'an has come to Dashun many times, and he knows Dashun's etiquette very well, so there is no need to do anything more.Seeing such a hot-tempered little servant, he smiled coldly in his heart and said: "Even a father-in-law is so impatient, it seems that Dashun will not last long. It is said in the "Tao Te Ching" that governing a big country is like cooking a small fish. This little emperor Such impatience has already committed a big taboo. As long as you grasp this point, you can hit the little emperor's deathbed."

The conclusion that Cui Jie'an came to through appearances is actually very different from the real situation.Lu Chengqi's anxiety was for Dashun to get rid of his serious illness quickly and to radiate new vitality.If Lu Chengqi had been really impatient, he would have been unable to bear it long ago, and would have built roads across the country and dug the Grand Canal within a year.

When it's time to be fast, cut the mess with a sharp knife;One sheet and one relaxation show the way of governing the country.This is what Lu Chengqi has experienced the most since he took office.

Just like this negotiation, we have to work slowly with these Khitans and Koreans.It is best to be ambiguous and not let others know your bottom line.

And take advantage of this time to step up the training of the army, enhance combat effectiveness, and make two-handed preparations.At the same time, economic development cannot be relaxed. We must continue to promote the development of commerce, accelerate the disintegration of the stubborn small-scale peasant economy, and liberate productive forces.

After the servant reported to Lu Chengqi, Lu Chengqi was reading a book.He gradually fell in love with the Confucian thought of governing the country.Needless to say, Confucianism's strategy of governing the country is indeed unique, but it is a pity that it is not suitable for a large country, but only suitable for the governance of a small country with few people.Lu Chengqi was deeply aware of this, but continued to study.After all, in this era, Confucianism is still used in name, which is the foundation of the country and cannot be shaken.Lu Chengqi is familiar with the Confucian classics in order to find out from the Confucian classics the comprehensive strategy of governing the country with Confucianism as the surface, Legalism as the interior, Mohism as blood, and military strategists as weapons.It is impossible for Confucianism alone to comprehensively coordinate every aspect of such a large country.Otherwise, there would not be so many new schools of Confucianism. They are all primitive Confucian classics and lack the idea of ​​governing a big country. That’s why people who studied Confucian classics in the past dynasties racked their brains to create new Confucian schools.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and night slowly began to fall.It is approaching midsummer, the days are getting longer and the nights are getting shorter.Every night comes late, and on Chang'an City Avenue, there is a carriage, tapping the bluestone streets, heading north of the city.

Xu Mansion in the north of the city is where the carriage is going.A middle-aged man wearing brocade robes and regular clothes came out of the car, walked to Xu's mansion, and knocked on the door knocker.Not long after, a housekeeper came out and welcomed him in.And the driver of the carriage will wait for the master to come out on this street.

In Xu's mansion, in a room full of books, Xu Chongguang, the chief minister of the cabinet, was talking to this man.

Looking at it positively, this man is the Minister of the Household Department, Lin Zhenzhong.I just heard him say: "Teacher, you called the students, but what do you want to teach?"

Xu Chongguang drank the tea that Lin Zhenzhong handed over, took a sip, put the lid on the cup, and then said: "There is nothing else, it's just that the old man has been a little confused about what His Majesty has done in recent days."

Hearing the words, Lin Zhenzhong looked outside vigilantly, made a silent gesture, stood up and poked his head out of the room, and after confirming that there was no one outside, he closed the door of the study tightly, and said softly: "Teacher, you can Are you afraid that there are supervisors outside? I heard that the supervisor is pervasive. If the supervisor hears such criticisms of the emperor, I am afraid..."

Xu Chongguang smiled and said: "In the town, you also know the old man. The old man has been upright all his life, what is there to be shameful? If the supervisors report on the old man based on these few words, then this little emperor is not worthy of the old man's help." gone."

Lin Zhenzhong sighed: "I am most afraid that three people will become tigers. Teacher, you and I have become important officials of the imperial court. We must be more careful when dealing with each other in the future. Since ancient times, cronies and township parties, which one has a good end! Presumably His Majesty does not want to Seeing this situation, you must alienate your ministers."

Xu Chongguang is also a person who is old and mature. Regarding Lin Zhenzhong's words, how can he not understand the stakes?It's just that he doesn't bother to pretend, even when he meets his own students, he has to cover up.What's more, Lu Chengqi has issued an imperial decree not to use speech as a crime.Now that the imperial decree has been issued, how can the emperor's golden words be made out of nothing, and his crimes fabricated out of thin air?
This is also because Xu Chongguang didn't know about the "unnecessary" charges in the Southern Song Dynasty. If he knew, he might restrain himself a little, at least not so obvious.

Xu Chongguang didn't want to say these meaningless words anymore, and said straight to the point: "In the town, tell me, what kind of stimulation has the little emperor been receiving this time? Since the downfall of Grand Master Yang, he seems to have changed into another person. There is no city mansion, now it looks like there is no city mansion on the surface, but inside it is unpredictable. Others say that the old man is the first assistant, but in fact it is hard inside, who knows?"

Lin Zhenzhong was secretly surprised, he didn't expect Xu Chongguang to come to him, and he was actually complaining to him.He didn't know the relationship between the cabinet and the emperor, so he didn't dare to say more, but just listened quietly to Xu Chongguang's narration.

"If the old man was the prime minister in the past, with what he has learned for many years, he would never lose his historical reputation. But the little emperor said that he would withdraw the three provinces, so he withdrew, established this cabinet, and helped the old man to the position of the chief minister of the cabinet. The old man I also understand his intention for this move, but to use the old man's prestige to suppress some officials who do not accept the cabinet system, and seal the mouth of Yu Shitai. The old man thought before that the chief minister of the cabinet must be just like the prime minister, no matter how bad it is It is also the same as the privy envoy, but unexpectedly, all the power inside is controlled by the little emperor alone. What kind of scholar-bureaucrats and the emperor rule the world together? This is simply the little emperor's words! The chief assistant of the cabinet is really useless. It's good to be an idle official like a master, a master, a master, a master, a master, a master and a master!"

(End of this chapter)

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