The Queen of Medicine

Chapter 753 Blood Array

Chapter 753 Blood Array

Mu Huachen dodged immediately.

However, she could feel the evil power in Su Ziche's body now, squinting his eyes and looking in the direction of the sacrificial ceremony, there should be something under the blood array.

It was also the blood formation that controlled Feng Wushuang and Su Ziche.

She must find a way to interrupt the sacrifice, otherwise she might be controlled too.

But where is Wang Zhen now?
The Key King... Where is it?
While being wary of Su Ziche's attack, she looked around, trying to find the key king.

Finally, in the middle of the sacrificial ceremony, the Key King was found. It seemed to be even smaller. They extracted the power of the Key King!
Thinking that Wang Zhen in the key space would become weak because he was about to be taken away, his body gradually became bone-chillingly cold.

Her eyes froze, and when Bi Su Ziche attacked her again, she grabbed the sword and knocked Su Ziche unconscious with the hilt.

However, that heavy blow didn't seem to have any effect on Su Ziche, he just staggered two steps, stood up without a soul, paused for a moment, and attacked again.

The spell continued, with the sword in her hand, Su Ziche was unarmed.

Mu Huachen couldn't bear to hurt Su Ziche, but if he didn't hurt Su Ziche, he wouldn't stop.

Gritting his teeth, he swung his sword and pierced Su Ziche's shoulder directly.

Su Ziche didn't feel any pain, and he didn't even know the pain. He directly grasped the exposed blade of the sword and folded it hard, and the sword broke.

Lifting his foot, he kicked Mu Huachen heavily. Mu Huachen didn't get out of the way, and was kicked back more than ten meters.

There was a fishy sweetness in his throat, he paused slightly, his chest felt tight, the next moment, a mouthful of blood spewed out, and when he felt the smell of Zhiyang's blood, the spell suddenly stopped.

Those who were chanting the spell looked at Mu Huachen in unison, with a greedy light in their eyes.

Standing up slowly, they walked in her direction.

Mu Huachen paused, then looked at Su Ziche subconsciously, and found that he was regaining consciousness. It seemed that all the unusual things were related to this sacrificial ceremony.

If this sacrificial ceremony is interrupted, will the strange diseases on Dad and Modengfeng be fine?

"Who are you working for?" Mu Huachen asked.

These people don't seem to be conscious, they are like puppets, doing certain things without souls, but they can clearly know what they want.

Now what they want is her blood.

Her blood of the sun!

Mu Huachen didn't expect everyone to understand her words, and his eyes fell on one place. As long as this person can understand, then she can continue to communicate.

Sure enough, the man opened his mouth: "We are doing things for ourselves."

The man had white hair and a white beard. He was very old. He was living on crutches. His body was hunched, and an old voice came out: "Not only for ourselves, but also for the common people in the world!"

"Who are you?" Mu Huachen asked again.

Who is this old man?

"This is where the underworld and the demon world meet. I am the interim patriarch of the tribe. We... are waiting for the return of our king. Unlock the sacred object!"

The underworld and the demon world...

Could it be that they are waiting for the return of Luo Xin'er, the demon son of the underworld?
Thinking of that little girl, Mu Huachen was a little worried. He glanced at Su Ziche who was gradually regaining consciousness, paused for a moment, and then looked at Wang Zhen who had stood up in the blood formation...

(End of this chapter)

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