The Queen of Medicine

Chapter 740 The map... is done!

Chapter 740 The map... is done!
Wandering outside for so long and suffering so much, the one who wants to protect her in the end will always be her father.

The feeling of guilt came to his heart, and Qiyu was complicated, and he didn't know how to express his guilt and love for him.

Mu Huachen pursed his lips, exited the room, left space for the two of them, and stood in the yard lost in thought.

Now the High Priest of the Six Realms, only those from the God Realm and the Fairy Realm are left, and there is also a beautiful human fox, and all of Wuran's avatars are complete.

But she only has two rings here, which belong to Ah Qi and Lao San.

Wang Zhen unlocked the seal with his spiritual sense, found that Mu Huachen was thinking, and knew what she was thinking, so he said, "Master, maybe some things will be solved by opening the brocade box."

Yes, just open the brocade box.

However, she needs unstained blood.

And now she has no contact with Wu Ran at all.

Mu Huachen paused for a moment, turned his head to look at the room, and listened to the conversation between Qiyu and the exclusive Patriarch in the room, so he didn't disturb them.

He raised his feet and headed towards Morden Peak's room.

Mordenfeng's body was fine, and the wounds on his body were gradually healed under her elixir, but Mordenfeng was still awake.

Mu Zhenshan also spends less time awake than sleeping.

But the bodies of the two did not have any abnormalities.

She pursed her lips, rubbed the last map first, covered Morden Peak with a quilt, took the eight maps she had collected, went back to the yard, and started stitching them together.

The eight maps looked very similar, but they were different. Mu Huachen looked at them and pieced them together bit by bit, but he couldn't put them together.

It feels like these eight pieces are like eight unrelated parts.

Wang Zhen also looked at it strangely, but couldn't find any clues.

Dizhi returned to the demon world, and Wuhan went out again, leaving her alone.

"Master, don't worry, we still have time." Wang Zhen comforted.

Mu Huachen knew that there was still time, but she wanted to resolve these matters as soon as possible.

He glanced down at the eight fragments again, then sank his eyes, and did not continue to piece them together.

After putting away the map, she entered the room, and entered the key space with her spiritual consciousness. First, she went to look at the nursery. Refining pills.

Now there are many advanced and wounded people around me, and the pills in their hands are almost gone, so I can only refine some spares first.

Time passed bit by bit, she was immersed in the world of refining medicine, pills were formed one by one, and dozens of pills had been successfully refined.

Suddenly, Mu Huachen opened his eyes, took out the eight maps again, thought for a moment, and decisively put the fragments of the map into the alchemy furnace. They were moving irregularly, as if they were looking for each other. As the heat increased, the maps quickly spliced ​​into a huge map.

Wang Zhen couldn't believe it, and stared wide-eyed at Mu Huachen coming out of the Yixiang Pavilion, holding a large map in his hand, and said in surprise, "Master, have you succeeded?"

Mu Huachen nodded.

Peach Blossom eyes reflected what was drawn on the map, inspecting the marked geographical location, his eyes were a little heavy.

Because of that position, she knew it.

The place where one of her three magic weapons is hidden is...

(End of this chapter)

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